

If we would sometimes bestow a little consideration upon ourselves, and employ the time we spend in prying into other men's actions, and discovering things without us, in examining our own abilities we should soon perceive of how infirm and decaying material this fabric of ours is composed. Is it not a singular testimony of imperfection that we cannot establish our satisfaction in any one thing, and that even our own fancy and desire should deprive us of the power to choose what is most proper and useful for us? A very good proof of this is the great dispute that has ever been amongst the philosophers, of finding out man's sovereign good, that continues yet, and will eternally continue, without solution or accord:

"Dum abest quod avemus, id exsuperare videtur Caetera; post aliud, quum contigit illud, avemus, Et sitis aequa tenet."

["While that which we desire is wanting, it seems to surpass all the rest; then, when we have got it, we want something else; 'tis ever the same thirst"--Lucretius, iii. 1095.

Whatever it is that falls into our knowledge and possession, we find that it satisfies not, and we still pant after things to come and unknown, inasmuch as those present do not suffice for us; not that, in my judgment, they have not in them wherewith to do it, but because we seize them with an unruly and immoderate haste:

"Nam quum vidit hic, ad victum qux flagitat usus, Et per quae possent vitam consistere tutam, Omnia jam ferme mortalibus esse parata;

Divitiis homines, et honore, et laude potentes Aflluere, atque bona natorum excellere fama;

Nec minus esse domi cuiquam tamen anxia corda, Atque animi ingratis vitam vexare querelis Causam, quae infestis cogit saevire querelis, Intellegit ibi; vitium vas efficere ipsum, Omniaque, illius vitio, corrumpier intus, Qux collata foris et commoda quomque venirent."

["For when he saw that almost all things necessarily required for subsistence, and which may render life comfortable, are already prepared to their hand, that men may abundantly attain wealth, honour, praise, may rejoice in the reputation of their children, yet that, notwithstanding, every one has none the less in his heart and home anxieties and a mind enslaved by wearing complaints, he saw that the vessel itself was in fault, and that all good things which were brought into it from without were spoilt by its own imperfections."--Lucretius, vi. 9.]

Our appetite is irresolute and fickle; it can neither keep nor enjoy anything with a good grace: and man concluding it to be the fault of the things he is possessed of, fills himself with and feeds upon the idea of things he neither knows nor understands, to which he devotes his hopes and his desires, paying them all reverence and honour, according to the saying of Caesar:

"Communi fit vitio naturae, ut invisis, latitantibus atque incognitis rebus magis confidamas, vehementiusque exterreamur."

["'Tis the common vice of nature, that we at once repose most confidence, and receive the greatest apprehensions, from things unseen, concealed, and unknown."--De Bello Civil, xi. 4.]

  • 最后的精灵


  • 大商贝玖


  • 神降二次元


    【新书《动漫之无限次元》已发,求推荐,求收藏,求点击!谢谢大家的支持!】 一缕至高神格偶然与王浩融合,重生于另一个二次元世界。霞之丘诗羽是毒舌腹黑的同桌,和椎名真白同居在一起,毒岛冴子、小鸟游六花、μ's组合……一个个出现在王浩的生活中。这里没有前世红遍了整个ACG的大部分优秀作品,被一些充满套路,毫无感动的作品遍布,整个ACG界的发展才刚刚起步。就在王浩重生平行世界,准备打造一个二次元帝国时,又出现了百鬼夜行,各方妖魔鬼怪悄然来袭…… (本书为二次元轻松日常类型小说,带着一点神话和玄幻色彩,就算是养肥的书友,也请每天投票支持一下,让幼苗能健康成长,谢谢喵☆~)
  • 将军缺老婆吗


    【冰山腹黑专一男】X【作天作地宠夫女】一朝醒来,段美成了大齐王朝丞相府叶楚蒙的三女儿两日前买的一块地的看门大爷新娶老婆带来的一个病秧子。这人生从起点就废了,没有奶茶,没有蛋糕,没有小龙坎,还是自行了断吧。 看着锈成废铁的匕首,段美觉得自己胳膊没断,这屁刀该断了。 算了,鼓起勇气笑着活下去。 段美先是学了一身治病救人的本领,成功打入皇宫内部,准备来个步步高升,结果闯了二皇子的浴室,又打翻了五皇子的宝贝,还戳破了三皇子的惊天大秘密,一不小心还和皇帝去世的宠妃撞了脸。 段美抹抹眼泪,起身拍拍身上的土,自己加油打气。 “奥利给,活着就有希望!” “你说啥!” “我说奥利给。” “你是来拉屎的吗?” “一给我里giaogiao!” “卧槽,亲人?” “卧槽,你也是穿过来的?” “网连上了!” 段美和五皇子抱头痛哭,“亲人啊,亲人!” 可就算是亲人也挡不住有人要杀她。 段美哭嚎着奔跑“不升职了,不升职了,我就想活着成不成?” “成!” 一个美男子从天而降,来了一个英雄救美。 段美立刻抱紧他的大腿,“请问将军缺老婆吗?” “好像缺一个。” “选我选我,我超甜!”
  • 尸迹


  • 剑荡七荒


  • 梦期


  • 逆天三小姐:倾城狂妃


  • 猎魔江湖


  • 小小光芒

