

The striking of a clock downstairs in the hall warned me of the flight of time. I carefully put back all the objects in the dressing-case (beginning with the photograph) exactly as I had found them, and returned to the bedroom. As I looked at my husband, still sleeping peacefully, the question forced itself into my mind, What had made that genial, gentle mother of his so sternly bent on parting us? so harshly and pitilessly resolute in asserting her disapproval of our marriage?

Could I put my question openly to Eustace when he awoke? No; Iwas afraid to venture that length. It had been tacitly understood between us that we were not to speak of his mother--and, besides, he might be angry if he knew that I had opened the private compartment of his dressing-case.

After breakfast that morning we had news at last of the yacht.

The vessel was safely moored in the inner harbor, and the sailing-master was waiting to receive my husband's orders on board.

Eustace hesitated at asking me to accompany him to the yacht. It would be necessary for him to examine the inventory of the vessel, and to decide questions, not very interesting to a woman, relating to charts and barometers, provisions and water. He asked me if I would wait for his return. The day was enticingly beautiful, and the tide was on the ebb. I pleaded for a walk on the sands; and the landlady at our lodgings, who happened to be in the room at the time, volunteered to accompany me and take care of me. It was agreed that we should walk as far as we felt inclined in the direction of Broadstairs, and that Eustace should follow and meet us on the sands, after having completed his arrangements on board the yacht.

In half an hour more the landlady and I were out on the beach.

The scene on that fine autumn morning was nothing less than enchanting. The brisk breeze, the brilliant sky, the flashing blue sea, the sun-bright cliffs and the tawny sands at their feet, the gliding procession of ships on the great marine highway of the English Channel--it was all so exhilarating, it was all so delightful, that I really believe if I had been by myself I could have danced for joy like a child. The one drawback to my happiness was the landlady's untiring tongue. She was a forward, good-natured, empty-headed woman, who persisted in talking, whether I listened or not, and who had a habit of perpetually addressing me as "Mrs. Woodville," which I thought a little overfamiliar as an assertion of equality from a person in her position to a person in mine.

We had been out, I should think, more than half an hour, when we overtook a lady walking before us on the beach.

Just as we were about to pass the stranger she took her handkerchief from her pocket, and accidentally drew out with it a letter, which fell unnoticed by her, on the sand. I was nearest to the letter, and I picked it up and offered it to the lady.

The instant she turned to thank me, I stood rooted to the spot.

There was the original of the photographic portrait in the dressing-case! there was my husband's mother, standing face to face with me! I recognized the quaint little gray curls, the gentle, genial expression, the mole at the corner of the mouth.

No mistake was possible. His mother herself!

The old lady, naturally enough, mistook my confusion for shyness.

With perfect tact and kindness she entered into conversation with me. In another minute I was walking side by side with the woman who had sternly repudiated me as a member of her family; feeling, I own, terribly discomposed, and not knowing in the least whether I ought or ought not to assume the responsibility, in my husband's absence, of telling her who I was.

In another minute my familiar landlady, walking on the other side of my mother-in-law, decided the question for me. I happened to say that I supposed we must by that time be near the end of our walk--the little watering-place called Broadstairs. "Oh no, Mrs.

Woodville! cried the irrepressible woman, calling me by my name, as usual; "nothing like so near as you think!"I looked with a beating heart at the old lady.

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    一不小心猝死,为了回到死亡之前拯救自己,寻觅和时空精灵携手穿梭三千世界,净化反派,驱逐外来者。 于是,她每日都要顺毛各种反派大佬,寻觅表示她要罢工,这种日子过不了了! 不是做大佬的白月光,就是做大佬的小弟,偶尔还要扮演一个一步三喘的贵家小姐,时不时的身体还有点缺陷,可为什么那些在书里听起来牛逼哄哄的反派们画风逐渐跑偏了? 说好搞事业的?你们整天不务正业是怎么肥事! 只是这怎么看怎么觉得这些大佬都像一个人的影子呢? 然后某一天所有人的身影都重合在一起,她才发现这个跟着自己跑了这么久的男人。 “觅儿,我终于找到你了。” “上神套路可真深啊。”她看着面前的男人,浅浅一笑。 男人将她揽入怀中道:“寻你千年,方得所愿。” 他护她千年,守她十世轮回,尝遍万苦,如今她便再也不会让他独自一人经历人世万千了。前世今生,寻觅良久,如今握紧你的手我便再也不会松开。三千世界惟愿得你一人心。 ①本文1v1互宠,双洁,放心入坑~ ②本人可盐可甜,虚心接受所有意见。 ③还没想到......
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