
第98章 CHAPTER 20(4)

No perceptible emotion could be discovered in the Mohicans during this critical moment, their rigid features expressing neither hope nor alarm; but the scout again turned his head, and, laughing in his own silent manner, he said to Heyward:

"The knaves love to hear the sounds of their pieces; but the eye is not to be found among the Mingoes that can calculate a true range in a dancing canoe! You see the dumb devils have taken off a man to charge, and by the smallest measurement that can be allowed, we move three feet to their two!"Duncan, who was not altogether as easy under this nice estimate of distances as his companions, was glad to find, however, that owing to their superior dexterity, and the diversion among their enemies, they were very sensibly obtaining the advantage. The Hurons soon fired again, and a bullet struck the blade of Hawkeye's paddle without injury.

"That will do," said the scout, examining the slight indentation with a curious eye; "it would not have cut the skin of an infant, much less of men, who, like us, have been blown upon by the heavens in their anger. Now, major, if you will try to use this piece of flattened wood, I'll let 'killdeer' take a part in the conversation."Heyward seized the paddle, and applied himself to the work with an eagerness that supplied the place of skill, while Hawkeye was engaged in inspecting the priming of his rifle.

The latter then took a swift aim and fired. The Huron in the bows of the leading canoe had risen with a similar object, and he now fell backward, suffering his gun to escape from his hands into the water. In an instant, however, he recovered his feet, though his gestures were wild and bewildered. At the same moment his companions suspended their efforts, and the chasing canoes clustered together, and became stationary. Chingachgook and Uncas profited by the interval to regain their wind, though Duncan continued to work with the most persevering industry. The father and son now cast calm but inquiring glances at each other, to learn if either had sustained any injury by the fire; for both well knew that no cry or exclamation would, in such a moment of necessity have been permitted to betray the accident. A few large drops of blood were trickling down the shoulder of the Sagamore, who, when he perceived that the eyes of Uncas dwelt too long on the sight, raised some water in the hollow of his hand, and washing off the stain, was content to manifest, in this ****** manner, the slightness of the injury.

"Softly, softly, major," said the scout, who by this time had reloaded his rifle; "we are a little too far already for a rifle to put forth its beauties, and you see yonder imps are holding a council. Let them come up within striking distance--my eye may well be trusted in such a matter--and I will trail the varlets the length of the Horican, guaranteeing that not a shot of theirs shall, at the worst, more than break the skin, while 'killdeer' shall touch the life twice in three times.""We forget our errand," returned the diligent Duncan. "For God's sake let us profit by this advantage, and increase our distance from the enemy.""Give me my children," said Munro, hoarsely; "trifle no longer with a father's agony, but restore me my babes."Long and habitual deference to the mandates of his superiors had taught the scout the virtue of obedience. Throwing a last and lingering glance at the distant canoes, he laid aside his rifle, and, relieving the wearied Duncan, resumed the paddle, which he wielded with sinews that never tired.

His efforts were seconded by those of the Mohicans and a very few minutes served to place such a sheet of water between them and their enemies, that Heyward once more breathed freely.

The lake now began to expand, and their route lay along a wide reach, that was lined, as before, by high and ragged mountains. But the islands were few, and easily avoided.

  • 姣姣娇凝


  • 真武称尊


  • 玄极神主


  • 魔君大人太双标


    三界驰名双标魔君大人&妖界第一偷鸡摸狗恶霸上神。 适配度简直高达99.99% 经过万万年风雨飘摇的五A级景区奈何桥,就这么塌……塌……塌了。自此往生那条路十分拥挤……而魔君重明经常遥望的黄昏风景区因交通拥挤变成了人…人…人…从…从…众 修缮后,没过许久又又又塌了…青曷一脸同情的,望着底下跪着的侍从道:“别修了,等哪天你们家主子不去那上面蹦哒了,你们再修不迟。”下面,跪着的一行人偷偷摸了把汗,心想,“这上神可真是活菩萨呀”“哦,难道不是你喜欢上去溜达吗?”,重明语气低沉反问道。“那…那这桥的事儿确是你干的吧?”,青曷心虚的摸了摸鼻子。此言一出众人皆是一怔…那人仗着自己位高权重,只轻飘飘一句:“这次,确是事故。” “可还有异议!”“不敢有,不敢有”“嗯”“没有,完全没有。”幽冥施工大队内心哭唧唧:我太难了
  • 快穿主神:神秘boss极致撩


  • 三神合一


  • 残梦锁清秋


  • 我有一个崩坏降临系统


  • 淋雨一直走之龙谷秘境


  • 娱乐圈之皇后是个小戏精

