GOOD MRS GWYLLIM, Heaven, for wise porpuses, hath ordained that I should change my name and citation in life, so that I am not to be considered any more as manager of my brother's family; but as I cannot surrender up my stewardship till I have settled with you and Williams, I desire you will get your accunts ready for inspection, as we are coming home without further delay. -- My spouse, the captain, being subject to rummaticks, I beg you will take great care to have the blew chamber, up two pair of stairs, well warmed for his reception. -- Let the sashes be secured, the crevices stopt, the carpets laid, and the beds well tousled. -- Mrs Loyd, late Jenkins, being married to a relation of the family, cannot remain in the capacity of a sarvant; therefore, I wish you would cast about for some creditable body to be with me in her room -- If she can spin, and is mistress of plain-work, so much the better -- but she must not expect extravagant wages -- having a family of my own, I must be more occumenical than ever. No more at present, but rests Your loving friend, TAB. LISMAHAGO NOV. 20.
意外的穿越让她来到了他的世界。“听说了吗,毅萧带回来了个女人。”“听说了,听说了,现在老族长也该放心了。”“你以前没人要?”展颜趴在毅萧怀里听着外面的八卦。“不是没人要,是在你之前没要过别人。”毅萧沉声说到。“那你是什么时候喜欢我的鸭。”展颜好奇的看着毅萧。“第一眼的时候。”对外他是无所不能,冷血狠厉的族长继承人,对内他是妻管严晚期的奶狗。(母系社会,超甜1V1) 本文为五万多字的短篇小说,存稿已完结,放心食用。