Of the three stories that comprise this volume, one, "The Wizard," a tale of victorious faith, first appeared some years ago as a Christmas Annual. Another, "Elissa," is an attempt, difficult enough owing to the scantiness of the material left to us by time, to recreate the life of the ancient Ph?nician Zimbabwe, whose ruins still stand in Rhodesia, and, with the addition of the necessary love story, to suggest circumstances such as might have brought about or accompanied its fall at the hands of the surrounding savage tribes. The third, "Black Heart and White Heart," is a story of the courtship, trials and final union of a pair of Zulu lovers in the time of King Cetywayo.
世间唯我独法,人前显圣。一名超凡者重生在日本东京的故事。一切为了活下去!心存善念,行事果断,为达目的,不择手段。非同人长,非宅向。 又名《我在岛国装神弄鬼》《没看过火影也没关系》《这书和火影有关吗?》