

But the demon of play had taken full possession of both Rouleau and the lieutenant and they were not to be denied. Rouleau took from his pocket a roll of bills and counted them.

"Fifty dollars," he cried. "Bon! I play him, me!"The others deposited a like sum before them, and the game proceeded.

The deal was De Lacy's. After a few moment's consideration, Mr.

Sims and LeNoir each drew three cards. In a tone of triumph which he could not altogether suppress, Rouleau exclaimed "Dees are good enough for me." The lieutenant drew one card, and the betting began.

Twice Rouleau, when it came to his turn, bet the limit, the others contenting themselves by "raising" one dollar. On the third round LeNoir, remarking, "Das leetle too queek for me," dropped out.

Once more Rouleau raised the bet to the limit, when Mr. Sims refused, and left the game to him and the lieutenant. There was no mistaking the eager triumph in the Frenchman's pale face. He began to bet more cautiously, his only fear being that his opponent would "call" too soon. Dollar by dollar the bet was raised till at last Rouleau joyously gathered his last chips, raised the bet once more by the limit, exclaiming, as he did so, "Alas! dere ees no more!"He had played his season's wages that night, but now he would recover all.

De Lacy, whose coolness was undisturbed, though his face showed signs of his many brandy-and-sodas, covered the bet.

"Hola!" exclaimed Rouleau in triumph. "Eet ees to me!" He threw down his cards and reached for the pile.

"Excuse me," said the lieutenant, quietly looking at Rouleau's cards. "Ah, a straight flush, queen high." Coolly he laid his cards on the table. "Thought you might have had the ace," he said, languidly, leaning back in his chair. He, too, held a straight flush, but with the king.

Rouleau gazed thunderstruck.

"Mort Dieu!" he exclaimed, excitedly. "The deal was from you.""Mine," said De Lacy, quietly, looking up at the excited Frenchman.

"Ah," cried Rouleau, beside himself. "It is--what you call? One cheat! cheat!"The lieutenant sat up straight in his chair.

"Do you mean that I cheated you?" he said, with slow emphasis.

"Beware what you say."

"Oui!" cried the Frenchman; "sacr-r-re--so I mean!"Before the words had well left his lips, and before any one could interfere De Lacy shot out his arm, lifted the Frenchman clear off his feet, and hurled him to the floor.

"Stop! you coward!" Ranald stood before the lieutenant with eyes blazing and breath coming quick.

"Coward?" said De Lacy, slowly.

"You hit a man unprepared."

"You are prepared, I suppose," replied De Lacy, deliberately.

"Yes! Yes!" cried Ranald, eagerly, the glad light of battle coming into his eyes.

"Good," said De Lacy, slowly putting back his chair, and proceeding to remove his coat.

"Glengarry!" cried LeNoir, raising the battle cry he had cause to remember so well; and flinging off his coat upon the floor, he patted Ranald on the back, yelling, "Go in, bully boy!""Shut the door, LeNoir," said Ranald, quickly, "and keep it shut.""De Lacy," cried Harry, "this must not go on! Ranald, think what you are doing!""You didn't notice his remark, apparently, St. Clair," said the lieutenant, calmly.

"Never mind," cried Harry, "he was excited, and anyway the thing must end here.""There is only one way. Does he retract?" said De Lacy, quietly.

"Ranald," Harry cried, beseechingly, "you know he is no coward; you did not mean that."By this time Ranald had himself in hand.

"No," he said, regretfully, forcing himself to speak the truth. "Iknow he is no coward; I have seen him where no coward would be, but," he added, "he struck a man unguarded, and that was a coward's blow.""Macdonald," said De Lacy deliberately, "you are right. True, he called me a cheat, but I should have given him time. Still," he added, rolling up his sleeves, "I hope you will not deprive yourself or me of the privilege of settling this little business.""I will be glad," said Ranald, his eyes once more lighting up.

"Very glad indeed, if you wish."

"Nonsense," cried Harry, passionately, "I tell you I will not have it. He has given you ample apology, De Lacy; and you, Ranald, Ithought a Macdonald never fought except for sufficient cause!"Harry remembered the fighting rule of the Macdonald gang.

  • 秦国夫人


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  • 炁武之巅


  • 天行


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    风云变幻,八年前的恩怨何去何从,人体实验和类人的出现搞得人心惶惶,所有人在这场博弈中皆是棋子,灏爷和柒姐强强联手,拨开丛丛迷雾,沉寂多年的事情,慢慢浮出水面,结局令人震惊! 林幼柒,外婆病重,她为了陪着外婆跟着亲生母亲去江南的艾利斯顿贵族学校读书。母亲:“就凭你的成绩也去不了艾利斯顿贵族学校,在江南八中随便学个技术,然后出去找份工作,我让你继父给你找户还算不错的人家嫁了,就这样凑合上一辈子得了。”柒姐:“艾利斯顿贵族学校?那样的破地方,你们也就只有你们稀罕了。”母亲说:“你这孩子怎么和长辈说话呢?这么多年的书都读到狗身上了?你和你那个窝囊废老爸一样,整天不学无术,除了打架,逃课,你还能干嘛?”——*——*—— 众人:“灏爷谈恋爱了?还是一个未成年的小朋友?” 灏爷:“嗯,她年纪小,什么都不懂,脾气还挺差的,如果她不小心得罪了大家,还请大家多谅解一下。”直到一天,灏爷调查自己的小媳妇时,不小心扒下了柒姐的其中一个小马甲……人们都陷入迷之沉默。 众人:“?”这就是那个所谓什么都不懂的小嫂子? 灏爷:“……”我说我什么都不知道你们信吗? 众人:“。”我信你个鬼哦。