

MY father is the ruler of all the Princes of the Earth!' &c. And this was what all the preacher's fellow-sinners might come to, if they would embrace this blessed book - which I must say it did some violence to my own feelings of reverence, to see held out at arm's length at frequent intervals and soundingly slapped, like a slow lot at a sale. Now, could I help asking myself the question, whether the mechanic before me, who must detect the preacher as being wrong about the visible manner of himself and the like of himself, and about such a noisy lip-server as that pauper, might not, most unhappily for the usefulness of the occasion, doubt that preacher's being right about things not visible to human senses?

Again. Is it necessary or advisable to address such an audience continually as 'fellow-sinners'? Is it not enough to be fellow- creatures, born yesterday, suffering and striving to-day, dying to- morrow? By our common humanity, my brothers and sisters, by our common capacities for pain and pleasure, by our common laughter and our common tears, by our common aspiration to reach something better than ourselves, by our common tendency to believe in something good, and to invest whatever we love or whatever we lose with some qualities that are superior to our own failings and weaknesses as we know them in our own poor hearts - by these, Hear me! - Surely, it is enough to be fellow-creatures. Surely, it includes the other designation, and some touching meanings over and above.

Again. There was a personage introduced into the discourse (not an absolute novelty, to the best of my remembrance of my reading), who had been personally known to the preacher, and had been quite a Crichton in all the ways of philosophy, but had been an infidel.

Many a time had the preacher talked with him on that subject, and many a time had he failed to convince that intelligent man. But he fell ill, and died, and before he died he recorded his conversion - in words which the preacher had taken down, my fellow-sinners, and would read to you from this piece of paper. I must confess that to me, as one of an uninstructed audience, they did not appear particularly edifying. I thought their tone extremely selfish, and I thought they had a spiritual vanity in them which was of the before-mentioned refractory pauper's family.

All slangs and twangs are objectionable everywhere, but the slang and twang of the conventicle - as bad in its way as that of the House of Commons, and nothing worse can be said of it - should be studiously avoided under such circumstances as I describe. The avoidance was not complete on this occasion. Nor was it quite agreeable to see the preacher addressing his pet 'points' to his backers on the stage, as if appealing to those disciples to show him up, and testify to the multitude that each of those points was a clincher.

But, in respect of the large Christianity of his general tone; of his renunciation of all priestly authority; of his earnest and reiterated assurance to the people that the commonest among them could work out their own salvation if they would, by simply, lovingly, and dutifully following Our Saviour, and that they needed the mediation of no erring man; in these particulars, this gentleman deserved all praise. Nothing could be better than the spirit, or the plain emphatic words of his discourse in these respects. And it was a most significant and encouraging circumstance that whenever he struck that chord, or whenever he described anything which Christ himself had done, the array of faces before him was very much more earnest, and very much more expressive of emotion, than at any other time.

  • 老婆今天也很奇怪


  • 傅爷你家夫人是大佬


    新书《你亦是我的朝朝暮暮》 —————————————————————— 传闻帝都太子爷的老婆是一个不学无术的小萝莉,人人等着这个太子妃出丑。妥妥的学渣?各路学霸:“来来来,君九笙在帝大当教授,就问你脸疼不?”没才没艺?各路粉丝:“我们的太太(大神)没才?没艺?脸疼不?”没身份没背景,配不上帝都太子爷?各路大佬:“是帝都太子爷配不上我们九笙!”某天这位太子爷发话了:“我家笙儿娇弱……都别欺负她。”众人:……傅爷你去看看眼科吧,怕是你眼睛不太好……〖马甲超多〗〖专注扒马〗〖情节爽快〗〖毫无逻辑〗本书男女主不是在掉马,就是在去往掉马的路上…… (本书整体修改中,希望给你们带来更好的文章,暂停更新)书粉群:1087239400 就这个了,不改了,书粉群就是这个,三本书的书粉群都是这个
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