"I never saw her to the best of my knowledge. I think it must be hers by the frock. But where can she be?""God knows," said Mrs. Leigh; "I dare not think she's dead. I'm sure she isn't.""No; she's not dead. Every now and then a little packet is thrust in under our door, with, may be, two half-crowns in it; once it was half-a-sovereign. Altogether I've got seven-and-thirty shillings wrapped up for Nanny. I never touch it, but I've often thought the poor mother feels near to God when she brings this money. Father wanted to set the policeman to watch, but I said No; for I was afraid if she was watched she might not come, and it seemed such a holy thing to he checking her in, I could not find in my heart to do it.""Oh, if we could but find her! I'd take her in my arms, and we'd just lie down and die together.""Nay, don't speak so!" said Susan, gently; "for all that's come and gone, she may turn right at last. Mary Magdalen did, you know.""Eh! but I were nearer right about thee than Will. He thought you would never look on him again if you knew about Lizzie. But thou'rt not a Pharisee.""I'm sorry he thought I could be so hard," said Susan in a low voice, and colouring up. Then Mrs. Leigh was alarmed, and, in her motherly anxiety, she began to fear lest she had injured Will in Susan's estimation.
背景很久以前,神族有个乖巧的小姑娘,她喜欢把她认为美好的东西都放进她的沧珠里,花朵、飞鸟、大陆……很久以前,诸神黄昏,乖巧的小姑娘最后孤身一人。苍茫四方黑暗逼近,一滴泪落入沧珠。从此再无神族羽光,只剩混沌。 后来呢? 那位创世神陨落了吗?……不。在沧珠迎来它的主人后,故事才徐徐展开“恋爱?……残忍。要我死也就一把刀的功夫,何必如此折磨。”特别有自知之明的楚茨给自己贴上善变、无情、社恐、咸鱼……的标签,以及替代了中二病的文艺病 . 先来个小剧场(穿书) 官配主角徒弟卖惨:师尊,不要离开我好不好 乱入反派徒弟撒娇:师父,和我一起走好不好楚茨(师尊):亦沾衣这什么体质,总共四个徒弟两个都要欺师灭祖哇。 . . .阅尽千帆,终将涅槃前期主角性格过于真实,心理一点点病娇,想法颓废后期会有大改变。我们被生活磨平棱角,她被命运逼现锋芒。 女主不出意外将孑然一身(男主必死)先甜一小会再虐 本文可能会写多个不同的世界,且主角可能时男时女 穿书、修真、科幻……应有尽有 简介无能且字数不允许再逼逼,自己看啦正文比简介精彩