
第52章 BOOK VI(3)

These are the three first ordinances about the guardians of the law;as the work of legislation progresses,each law in turn will assign to them their further duties.And now we may proceed in order to speak of the election of other officers;for generals have to be elected,and these again must have their ministers,commanders,and colonels of horse,and commanders of brigades of foot,who would be more rightly called by their popular name of brigadiers.The guardians of the law shall propose as generals men who are natives of the city,and a selection from the candidates proposed shall be made by those who are or have been of the age for military service.And if one who is not proposed is thought by somebody to be better than one who is,let him name whom he prefers in the place of whom,and make oath that he is better,and propose him;and whichever of them is approved by vote shall be admitted to the final selection;and the three who have the greatest number of votes shall be appointed generals,and superintendents of military affairs,after previously undergoing a scrutiny,like the guardians of the law.And let the generals thus elected propose twelve brigadiers,one for each tribe;and there shall be a right of counterproposal as in the case of the generals,and the voting and decision shall take place in the same way.Until the prytanes and council are elected,the guardians of the law shall convene the assembly in some holy spot which is suitable to the purpose,placing the hoplites by themselves,and the cavalry by themselves,and in a third division all the rest of the army.All are to vote for the generals [and for the colonels of horse],but the brigadiers are to be voted for only by those who carry shields [i.e.the hoplites].Let the body of cavalry choose phylarchs for the generals;but captains of light troops,or archers,or any other division of the army,shall be appointed by the generals for themselves.There only remains the appointment of officers of cavalry:

these shall be proposed by the same persons who proposed the generals,and the election and the counter-proposal of other candidates shall be arranged in the same way as in the case of the generals,and let the cavalry vote and the infantry look on at the election;the two who have the greatest number of votes shall be the leaders of all the horse.Disputes about the voting may be raised once or twice;but if the dispute be raised a third time,the officers who preside at the several elections shall decide.

The council shall consist of 30x 12members-360will be a convenient number for sub-division.If we divide the whole number into four parts of ninety each,we get ninety counsellors for each class.

First,all the citizens shall select candidates from the first class;they shall be compelled to vote,and,if they do not,shall be duly fined.When the candidates have been selected,some one shall mark them down;this shall be the business of the first day.And on the following day,candidates shall be selected from the second class in the same manner and under the same conditions as on the previous day;and on the third day a selection shall be made from the third class,at which every one may,if he likes,vote,and the three first classes shall be compelled to vote;but the fourth and lowest class shall be under no compulsion,and any member of this class who does not vote shall not be punished.On the fourth day candidates shall be selected from the fourth and smallest class;they shall be selected by all,but he who is of the fourth class shall suffer no penalty,nor he who is of the third,if he be not willing to vote;but he who is of the first or second class,if he does not vote shall be punished;-he who is of the second class shall pay a fine of triple the amount which was exacted at first,and he who is of the first class quadruple.On the fifth day the rulers shall bring out the names noted down,for all the citizens to see,and every man shall choose out of them,under pain,if he do not,of suffering the first penalty;and when they have chosen out of each of the classes,they shall choose one-half of them by lot,who shall undergo a scrutiny:-These are to form the council for the year.

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    【留学归来的医生×网络小说作家】 初恋那些事情,青春的你和我,引起强烈共鸣,甜中微虐! “……是你!”梁寻一身白大褂,双手插兜,神色肃穆而冰冷,,声音像泡在寒冷的冰窖里一样,“你挺能耐啊,几年不见脸皮越来越厚了,看这种病不会找个女医生吗?”童安栾被说的小脸一红,缩在椅子上,梗着脖子,“……和你有什么关系,我愿意。”梁寻一皱眉,“行,我也是医生,我来。”童安栾打死也没想到自己只是来看个妇科病而已,竟然会遇到几年前暗恋的对象,也就是她的同桌——梁寻。她和梁寻曾经一起度过了高中最好的三年,友情参杂着爱情,谁都说不清。可高考前夕一场阴错阳差,自比两人再也没有见过。五年后再见,当初的毛头小子学霸已经摇身一变成了炙手可热的名医,而她只是一个小有名气的网络小说作家。再度重复,会擦出什么样的火花呢?你好,梁先生。再见,梁先生。ps:本文重高中时期开始到入社会,前期是回忆哦~温馨文。
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