
第19章 BOOK II(8)


Ath.Then now,as would appear,we are ****** the discovery that our newly-appointed choristers,whom we hereby invite and,although they are their own masters,compel to sing,must be educated to such an extent as to be able to follow the steps of the rhythm and the notes of the song,that they may know the harmonies and rhythms,and be able to select what are suitable for men of their age and character to sing;and may sing them,and have innocent pleasure from their own performance,and also lead younger men to welcome with dutiful delight good dispositions.Having such training,they will attain a more accurate knowledge than falls to the lot of the common people,or even of the poets themselves.For the poet need not know the third point,viz.,whether the imitation is good or not,though he can hardly help knowing the laws of melody and rhythm.But the aged chorus must know all the three,that they may choose the best,and that which is nearest to the best;for otherwise they will never be able to charm the souls of young men in the way of virtue.And now the original design of the argument which was intended to bring eloquent aid to the Chorus of Dionysus,has been accomplished to the best of our ability,and let us see whether we were right:-I should imagine that a drinking assembly is likely to become more and more tumultuous as the drinking goes on:this,as we were saying at first,will certainly be the case.


Ath.Every man has a more than natural elevation;his heart is glad within him,and he will say anything and will be restrained by nobody at such a time;he fancies that he is able to rule over himself and all mankind.

Cle.Quite true.

Ath.Were we not saying that on such occasions the souls of the drinkers become like iron heated in the fire,and grow softer and younger,and are easily moulded by him who knows how to educate and fashion them,just as when they were young,and that this fashioner of them is the same who prescribed for them in the days of their youth,viz.,the good legislator;and that he ought to enact laws of the banquet,which,when a man is confident,bold,and impudent,and unwilling to wait his turn and have his share of silence and speech,and drinking and music,will change his character into the opposite-such laws as will infuse into him a just and noble fear,which will take up arms at the approach of insolence,being that divine fear which we have called reverence and shame?


Ath.And the guardians of these laws and fellow-workers with them are the calm and sober generals of the drinkers;and without their help there is greater difficulty in fighting against drink than in fighting against enemies when the commander of an army is not himself calm;and he who is unwilling to obey them and the commanders of Dionysiac feasts who are more than sixty years of age,shall suffer a disgrace as great as he who disobeys military leaders,or even greater.


Ath.If,then,drinking and amusement were regulated in this way,would not the companions of our revels be improved?they would part better friends than they were,and not,as now enemies.Their whole intercourse would be regulated by law and observant of it,and the sober would be the leaders of the drunken.

Cle.I think so too,if drinking were regulated as you propose.

Ath.Let us not then simply censure the gift of Dionysus as bad and unfit to be received into the State.For wine has many excellences,and one pre-eminent one,about which there is a difficulty in speaking to the many,from a fear of their misconceiving and misunderstanding what is said.

Cle.To what do you refer?

Ath.There is a tradition or story,which has somehow crept about the world,that Dionysus was robbed of his wits by his stepmother Here,and that out of revenge he inspires Bacchic furies and dancing madnesses in others;for which reason he gave men wine.Such traditions concerning the Gods I leave to those who think that they may be safely uttered;I only know that no animal at birth is mature or perfect in intelligence;and in the intermediate period,in which he has not yet acquired his own proper sense,he rages and roars without rhyme or reason;and when he has once got on his legs he jumps about without rhyme or reason;and this,as you will remember,has been already said by us to be the origin of music and gymnastic.

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