
第101章 BOOK IX(10)

If a man do not commit a murder with his own hand,but contrives the death of another,and is the author of the deed in intention and design,and he continues to dwell in the city,having his soul not pure of the guilt of murder,let him be tried in the same way,except in what relates to the sureties;and also,if he be found guilty,his body after execution may have burial in his native land,but in all other respects his case shall be as the former;and whether a stranger shall kill a citizen,or a citizen a stranger,or a slave a slave,there shall be no difference as touching murder by one's own hand or by contrivance,except in the matter of sureties;and these,as has been said,shall be required of the actual murderer only,and he who brings the accusation shall bind them over at the time.If a slave be convicted of slaying a freeman voluntarily,either by his own hand or by contrivance,let the public executioner take him in the direction of the sepulchre,to a place whence he can see the tomb of the dead man,and inflict upon him as many stripes as the person who caught him orders,and if he survive,let him put him to death.And if any one kills a slave who has done no wrong,because he is afraid that he may inform of some base and evil deeds of his own,or for any similar reason,in such a case let him pay the penalty of murder,as he would have done if he had slain a citizen.There are things about which it is terrible and unpleasant to legislate,but impossible not to legislate.If,for example,there should be murders of kinsmen,either perpetrated by the hands of kinsmen,or by their contrivance,voluntary and purely malicious,which most often happen in ill-regulated and ill-educated states,and may perhaps occur even in a country where a man would not expect to find them,we must repeat once more the tale which we narrated a little while ago,in the hope that he who hears us will be the more disposed to abstain voluntarily on these grounds from murders which are utterly abominable.For the myth,or saying,or whatever we ought to call it,has been plainly set forth by priests of old;they have pronounced that the justice which guards and avenges the blood of kindred,follows the law of retaliation,and ordains that he who has done any murderous act should of necessity suffer that which he has done.He who has slain a father shall himself be slain at some time or other by his children-if a mother,he shall of necessity take a woman's nature,and lose his life at the hands of his offspring in after ages;for where the blood of a family has been polluted there is no other purification,nor can the pollution be washed out until the homicidal soul which the deed has given life for life,and has propitiated and laid to sleep the wrath of the whole family.These are the retributions of Heaven,and by such punishments men should be deterred.But if they are not deterred,and any one should be incited by some fatality to deprive his father or mother,or brethren,or children,of life voluntarily and of purpose,for him the earthly lawgiver legislates as follows:-There shall be the same proclamations about outlawry,and there shall be the same sureties which have been enacted in the former cases.But in his case,if he be convicted,the servants of the judges and the magistrates shall slay him at an appointed place without the city where three ways meet,and there expose his body naked,and each of the magistrates on behalf of the whole city shall take a stone and cast it upon the head of the dead man,and so deliver the city from pollution;after that,they shall bear him to the borders of the land,and cast him forth unburied,according to law.And what shall he suffer who slays him who of all men,as they say,is his own best friend?I mean the suicide,who deprives himself by violence of his appointed share of life,not because the law of the state requires him,nor yet under the compulsion of some painful and inevitable misfortune which has come upon him,nor because he has had to suffer from irremediable and intolerable shame,but who from sloth or want of manliness imposes upon himself an unjust penalty.For him,what ceremonies there are to be of purification and burial God knows,and about these the next of kin should enquire of the interpreters and of the laws thereto relating,and do according to their injunctions.They who meet their death in this way shall be buried alone,and none shall be laid by their side;they shall be buried ingloriously in the borders of the twelve portions the land,in such places as are uncultivated and nameless,and no column or inscription shall mark the place of their interment.And if a beast of burden or other animal cause the death of any one,except in the case of anything of that kind happening to a competitor in the public contests,the kinsmen of the deceased shall prosecute the slayer for murder,and the wardens of the country,such,and so many as the kinsmen appoint,shall try the cause,and let the beast when condemned be slain by them,and let them cast it beyond the borders.

And if any lifeless thing deprive a man of life,except in the case of a thunderbolt or other fatal dart sent from the Gods-whether a man is killed by lifeless objects,falling upon him,or by his falling upon them,the nearest of kin shall appoint the nearest neighbour to be a judge,and thereby acquit himself and the whole family of guilt.And he shall cast forth the guilty thing beyond the border,as has been said about the animals.

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