

At the next election, the Republicans carried only eighty-eight seats in the House out of 332--the most crushing defeat they had yet sustained.By their new lease of power in the House, however, the Democratic party could not accomplish any legislation, as the Republicans still controlled the Senate.The Democratic leaders, therefore, adopted the policy of passing a series of bills attacking the tariff at what were supposed to be particularly vulnerable points.These measures, the Republicans derided as "pop-gun bills," and in the Senate they turned them over to the committee on finance for burial.Both parties were rent by the silver issue, but it was noticeable that in the House which was closest to the people the opposition to the silver movement was stronger and more effective than in the Senate.

Notwithstanding the popular revolt against the Republican policy which was disclosed by the fall elections of 1890, President Harrison's annual message of December 9, 1891, was marked by extreme complacency.Great things, he assured the people, were being accomplished under his administration.The results of the McKinley Bill "have disappointed the evil prophecies of its opponents and in large measure realized the hopeful predictions of its friends." Rarely had the country been so prosperous.The foreign commerce of the United States had reached the largest total in the history of the country.The prophecies made by the antisilver men regarding disasters to result from the Silver Bullion Purchase Act, had not been realized.The President remarked "that the increased volume of currency thus supplied for the use of the people was needed and that beneficial results upon trade and prices have followed this legislation I think must be clear to every one." He held that the free coinage of silver would be disastrous, as it would contract the currency by the withdrawal of gold, whereas "the business of the world requires the use of both metals." While "the producers of silver are entitled to just consideration," it should be remembered that "bimetallism is the desired end, and the true friends of silver will be careful not to overrun the goal." In conclusion, the President expressed his great joy over "many evidences of the increased unification of the people and of the revived national spirit.The vista that now opens to us is wider and more glorious than before.Gratification and amazement struggle for supremacy as we contemplate the population, wealth, and moral strength of our country."Though the course of events has yet to be fully explained, President Harrison's dull pomposity may have been the underlying reason of the aversion which Blaine now began to manifest.

Although on Harrison's side and against Blaine, Senator Cullom remarks in his memoirs that Harrison had "a very cold, distant temperament," and that "he was probably the most unsatisfactory President we ever had in the White House to those who must necessarily come into personal contact with him." Cullom is of the opinion that "jealousy was probably at the bottom of their disaffection," but it appears to be certain that at this time Blaine had renounced all ambition to be President and energetically discouraged any movement in favor of his candidacy.

On February 6, 1892, he wrote to the chairman of the Republican National Committee that he was not a candidate and that his name would not go before the convention.President Harrison went ahead with his arrangements for renomination, with no sign of opposition from Blaine.Then suddenly, on the eve of the convention, something happened--exactly what has yet to be discovered--which caused Blaine to resign the office of Secretary of State.It soon became known that Blaine's name would be presented, although he had not announced himself as a candidate.

Blaine's health was then broken, and it was impossible that he could have imagined that his action would defeat Harrison.It could not have been meant for more than a protest.Harrison was renominated on the first ballot with Blaine a poor second in the poll.

In the Democratic convention, Cleveland, too, was renominated on the first ballot, in the face of a bitter and outspoken opposition.The solid vote of his own State, New York, was polled against him under the unit rule, and went in favor of David B.

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