

As the two mortals re-entered the prison of flesh, from which their spirit had momentarily been delivered by some priceless sleep, they felt like those who wake after a night of brilliant dreams, the memory of which still lingers in their soul, though their body retains no consciousness of them, and human language is unable to give utterance to them.

The deep darkness of the sphere that was now about them was that of the sun of the visible worlds.

"Let us descend to those lower regions," said Wilfrid.

"Let us do what he told us to do," answered Minna."We have seen the worlds on their march to God; we know the Path.Our diadem of stars is There."Floating downward through the abysses, they re-entered the dust of the lesser worlds, and saw the Earth, like a subterranean cavern, suddenly illuminated to their eyes by the light which their souls brought with them, and which still environed them in a cloud of the paling harmonies of heaven.The sight was that which of old struck the inner eyes of Seers and Prophets.Ministers of all religions, Preachers of all pretended truths, Kings consecrated by Force and Terror, Warriors and Mighty men apportioning the Peoples among them, the Learned and the Rich standing above the suffering, noisy crowd, and noisily grinding them beneath their feet,--all were there, accompanied by their wives and servants; all were robed in stuffs of gold and silver and azure studded with pearls and gems torn from the bowels of Earth, stolen from the depths of Ocean, for which Humanity had toiled throughout the centuries, sweating and blaspheming.But these treasures, these splendors, constructed of blood, seemed worn-out rags to the eyes of the two Exiles."What do you there, in motionless ranks?" cried Wilfrid.They answered not."What do you there, motionless?" They answered not.Wilfrid waved his hands over them, crying in a loud voice, "What do you there, in motionless ranks?" All, with unanimous action, opened their garments and gave to sight their withered bodies, eaten with worms, putrefied, crumbling to dust, rotten with horrible diseases.

"You lead the nations to Death," Wilfrid said to them."You have depraved the earth, perverted the Word, prostituted justice.After devouring the grass of the fields you have killed the lambs of the fold.Do you think yourself justified because of your sores? I will warn my brethren who have ears to hear the Voice, and they will come and drink of the spring of Living Waters which you have hidden.""Let us save our strength for Prayer," said Minna."Wilfrid, thy mission is not that of the Prophets or the Avenger or the Messenger;we are still on the confines of the lowest sphere; let us endeavor to rise through space on the wings of Prayer.""Thou shalt be all my love!"

"Thou shalt be all my strength!"

"We have seen the Mysteries; we are, each to the other, the only being here below to whom Joy and Sadness are comprehensible; let us pray, therefore: we know the Path, let us walk in it.""Give me thy hand," said the Young Girl, "if we walk together, the way will be to me less hard and long.""With thee, with thee alone," replied the Man, "can I cross the awful solitude without complaint.""Together we will go to Heaven," she said.

The clouds gathered and formed a darksome dais.Suddenly the pair found themselves kneeling beside a body which old David was guarding from curious eyes, resolved to bury it himself.

Beyond those walls the first summer of the nineteenth century shone forth in all its glory.The two lovers believed they heard a Voice in the sun-rays.They breathed a celestial essence from the new-born flowers.Holding each other by the hand, they said, "That illimitable ocean which shines below us is but an image of what we saw above.""Where are you going?" asked Monsieur Becker.

"To God," they answered."Come with us, father."End

  • Chronicles of the Canongate

    Chronicles of the Canongate

  • 丧大记


  • 噶玛阑志略


  • 言语


  • 天然居士怀净土诗


  • 天行


  • 双重面


  • 北冥神功异界纵横


  • 我是一个小蘑菇


  • 万界无敌了怎么办


  • 废柴四小姐:逆天炼丹师


    第一世她杀死了最爱的人,从此在世间留恋了九千年,只为找寻他的踪迹。现世的她是被组织培养的杀手,手上不知沾满了多少鲜血,却不料被自己最尊敬的老师害死重生辉夜大陆。 世人皆传她重伤昏迷多年,错过了觉醒时期,成了不能修炼废材。 不好意思,她所拥有的灵气是魔法阵和斗气功法都可以修炼的。 没有魔法斗气成为炼药师几乎是不可能的事情? 她告诉你万物皆有可能…… 听说驯兽师这个职业非一般人能驾驭得了…… 她看了身后的为了争宠都要打起来的神兽。 听说她要嫁给那个丑陋不堪心狠手辣的魔主大人。 某魔主大人轻轻的飘了一眼过去。 众人:怕了怕了,您就是天上地下唯吾独尊绝无仅有的神颜,和女王大人绝配!
  • 天行


  • 一品废材:凰女惊天下


  • 人皇笔录


  • 流星落地

