`But lawyer Wakem's son's got a hump-back,' said Mrs Pullet who felt as if the whole business had a funereal aspect, `it's more nat'ral to send him to a clergyman.'
`Yes,' said Mr Glegg, interpreting Mrs Pullet's observation with erroneous plausibility, `you must consider that, neighbour Tulliver; Wakem's son isn't likely to follow any business.Wakem 'ull make a gentleman of him, poor fellow.'
`Mr Glegg,' said Mrs G., in a tone which implied that her indignation would fizz and ooze a little, though she was determined to keep it corked up, `you'd far better hold your tongue.Mr Tulliver doesn't want to know your opinion nor mine neither.There's folks in the world as know better than everybody else.'
`Why, I should think that's you, if we're to trust your own tale, said Mr Tulliver, beginning to boil up again.
`O, I say nothing,' said Mrs Glegg, sarcastically.`My advice has never been asked, and I don't give it.'
`It'll be the first time, then,' said Mr Tulliver.`It's the only thing you're over-ready at giving.'
`I've been over-ready at lending, then, if haven't been over-ready at giving,' said Mrs Glegg.`There's folks I've lent money to, as perhaps I shall repent o' lending money to kin.'
`Come, come, come,' said Mr Glegg soothingly.But Mr Tulliver was not to be hindered of his retort.
`You've got a bond for it, I reckon,' he said.`And you've had your five per cent, kin or no kin.'
`Sister,' said Mrs Tulliver pleadingly, `drink your wine, and let me give you some almonds and raisins.'
`Bessy, I'm sorry for you,' said Mrs Glegg, very much with the feeling of a cur that seizes the opportunity of diverting his bark towards the man who carries no stick.`It's poor work talking o' almonds and raisins.'
`Lors, sister Glegg, don't be so quarrelsome,' said Mrs Pullet, beginning to cry a little.`You may be struck with a fit, getting so red in the face after dinner, and we are but just out o' mourning, all of us - and all wi' gowns craped alike and just put by - it's very bad among sisters.'
`I should think it is bad,' said Mrs Glegg.`Things are come to a fine pass when one sister invites the other to her house o' purpose to quarrel with her and abuse her.'
`Softly, softly, Jane - be reasonable - be reasonable,' said Mr Glegg.
But while he was speaking, Mr Tulliver, who had by no means said enough to satisfy his anger, burst out again.
`Who wants to quarrel with you?' he said.`It's you as can't let people alone, but must be gnawing at 'em for ever.I should never want to quarrel with any woman, if she kept her place.'
`My place, indeed!' said Mrs Glegg, getting rather more shrill.`There's your betters, Mr Tulliver, as are dead and in their grave, treated me with a different sort o' respect to what you do - though I've got a husband as'll sit by and see me abused by them as 'ud never ha' had the chance if there hadn't been them in our family as married worse than they might ha' done.'
`If you talk o' that,' said Mr Tulliver, `my family's as good as yours - and better, for it hasn't got a damned illtempered woman in it.'