

The season of 1921 was so epoch-****** in the game of tennis, combining as it did the greatest number of Davis Cup matches that have ever been held in one year, the invasion of France and England by an American team, the first appearance in America of Mlle.Suzanne Lenglen and her unfortunate collapse, and finally the rise to prominence of Japan as a leading factor in the tennis world that I have incorporated a record of the season's outstanding features and some sidelights and personality sketches on the new stars in the new addition of this book.

The importance of women's tennis has grown so tremendously in the past few years that I have also added a review of the game and its progress in America.Not only has Mlle.Lenglen placed her mark indelibly on the pages of tennis history but 1921 served to raise Mrs.Molla Bjurstedt Mallory to the position in the world that she rightly deserves, that of the greatest match winner of all women.The past season brought the return to American courts of Mrs.May Sutton Bundy and Miss Mary Browne, in itself an event of sufficient importance to set the year apart as one of highest value.

The outstanding performances of the two juniors, Vincent Richards and Arnold Jones, must be regarded as worthy of permanent recognition and among the outstanding features of a noteworthy year.Thus it is with a sense of recording history- ****** facts that I turn to the events of 1921.WILLIAM T.TILDEN 2D GERMANTOWN, PHILADELPHIAI trust this initial effort of mine in the world of letters will find a place among both novices and experts in the tennis world.I am striving to interest the student of the game by a somewhat prolonged discussion of match play, which I trust will shed a new light on the game.

May I turn to the novice at my opening and speak of certain matters which are second nature to the skilled player?

The best tennis equipment is not too good for the beginner who seeks really to succeed.It is a saving in the end, as good quality material so far outlasts poor.

Always dress in tennis clothes when engaging in tennis.White is the established colour.Soft shirt, white flannel trousers, heavy white socks, and rubber-soled shoes form the accepted dress for tennis.Do not appear on the courts in dark clothes, as they are apt to be heavy and hinder your speed of movement, and also they are a violation of the unwritten ethics of the game.

The question of choosing a racquet is a much more serious matter.I do not advocate forcing a certain racquet upon any player.All the standard makes are excellent.It is in weight, balance, and size of handle that the real value of a racquet frame depends, while good stringing is, essential to obtain the best results.

The average player should use a racquet that weighs between 13 1/2 and 14 1/2 ounces inclusive.I think that the best results may be obtained by a balance that is almost even or slightly heavy on the head.Decide your handle from the individual choice.Pick the one that fits comfortably in the hand.Do not use too small a handle or too light a racquet, as it is apt to turn in the hand.I recommend a handle of 5 1/4 to 5 3/8 inches at the grip.Do not use a racquet you do not like merely because your best friend advises it.It may suit him perfectly, but would not do for you at all.Do not start children playing tennis with an under-sized racquet.It weakens the wrist and does not aid the child in learning strokes.Start a child, boy or girl, with a full-sized racquet of at least 13 ounces.

After you have acquired your racquet, make a firm resolve to use goodtennis balls, as a regular bounce is a great aid to advancement, while a "dead" ball is no practice at all.

If you really desire to succeed at the game and advance rapidly, I strongly urge you to see all the good tennis you can.Study the play of the leading players and strive to copy their strokes.Read all the tennis instruction books you can find.They are a great assistance.I shall be accused of "press- agitating" my own book by this statement, but such was my belief long before I ever thought of writing a book of my own.

More tennis can be learned off the court, in the study of theory, and in watching the best players in action, than can ever be learned in actual play.I do not mean miss opportunities to play.Far from it.Play whenever possible, but strive when playing to put in practice the theories you have read or the strokes you have watched.

Never be discouraged at slow progress.The trick over some stroke you have worked over for weeks unsuccessfully will suddenly come to you when least expected.Tennis players are the product of hard work.Very few are born geniuses at the game.

Tennis is a game that pays you dividends all your life.A tennis racquet is a letter of introduction in any town.The brotherhood of the game is universal, for none but a good sportsman can succeed in the game for any lengthy period.Tennis provides relaxation, excitement, exercise, and pure enjoyment to the man who is tied hard and fast to his business until late afternoon.Age is not a drawback.Vincent Richards held the National Doubles Championship of America at fifteen, while William A.Larned won the singles at past forty.Men of sixty are seen daily on the clubs' courts of England and America enjoying their game as keenly as any boy.It is to this game, in great measure, that they owe the physical fitness which enables them to play at their advanced age.

The tennis players of the world wrote a magnificent page in the history of the World War.No branch of sport sent more men to the colours from every country in the world than tennis, and these men returned with glory or paid the supreme sacrifice on the field of honour.

I transgressed from my opening to show you that tennis is a game worth playing and playing well.It deserves your best, and only by learningit correctly can you give that best.

If in my book I help you on your way to fame, I feel amply repaid for all the time spent in analysing the strokes and tactics I set before you in these pages.

  • 安凉夏天


  • 若得复来


  • 紫罗兰盛开的时光


  • 很庆幸遇见的是你


  • 盛世宠婚靖少爷的甜妻


  • 记忆体萌娘


  • 荒唐至极


  • 我活在世界的最边缘


  • 斗魂异世


  • 天行

