A-a-ah! Dat was fon! P'raps you t'ink dat not good, hem? You t'ink Jacques one beeg fool, Ah suppose?""I dunno," said Serena, declining to commit herself, but pressing on gently, as women do, to the point she had in view when she began the talk."Dunno's you're any more foolish than a man that keeps on doin' what he don't like.But what made you come away from the boys in the woods and travel down this way?"A shade passed over the face of Jacques.He turned away from the lamp and bent over the violin on his knees, fingering the strings nervously.Then he spoke, in a changed, shaken voice.
"Ah'l tole you somet'ing, Ma'amselle Serene.You ma frien'.Don'
you h'ask me dat reason of it no more.Dat's somet'ing vair' bad, bad, bad.Ah can't nevair tole dat--nevair."There was something in the way he said it that gave a check to her gentle curiosity and turned it into pity.A man with a secret in his life? It was a new element in her experience; like a chapter in a book.She was lady enough at heart to respect his silence.She kept away from the forbidden ground.But the knowledge that it was there gave a new interest to Jacques and his music.She embroidered some strange romances around that secret while she sat in the kitchen sewing.
Other people at Bytown were less forbearing.They tried their best to find out something about Fiddlin' Jack's past, but he was not communicative.He talked about Canada.All Canadians do.But about himself? No.
If the questions became too pressing, he would try to play himself away from his inquisitors with new tunes.If that did not succeed, he would take the violin under his arm and slip quickly out of the room.And if you had followed him at such a time, you would have heard him drawing strange, melancholy music from the instrument, sitting alone in the barn, or in the darkness of his own room in the garret.
Once, and only once, he seemed to come near betraying himself.This was how it happened.
There was a party at Moody's one night, and Bull Corey had come down from the Upper Lake and filled himself up with whiskey.
Bull was an ugly-tempered fellow.The more he drank, up to a certain point, the steadier he got on his legs, and the more necessary it seemed for him to fight somebody.The tide of his pugnacity that night took a straight set toward Fiddlin' Jack.
Bull began with musical criticisms.The fiddling did not suit him at all.It was too quick, or else it was too slow.He failed to perceive how any one could tolerate such music even in the infernal regions, and he expressed himself in plain words to that effect.In fact, he damned the performance without even the faintest praise.
But the majority of the audience gave him no support.On the contrary, they told him to shut up.And Jack fiddled along cheerfully.
Then Bull returned to the attack, after having fortified himself in the bar-room.And now he took national grounds.The French were, in his opinion, a most despicable race.They were not a patch on the noble American race.They talked too much, and their language was ridiculous.They had a condemned, fool habit of taking off their hats when they spoke to a lady.They ate frogs.