

"What you and the mate there are going to do to me, sir.""Look at him, Hump," Wolf Larsen said to me, "look at this bit of animated dust, this aggregation of matter that moves and breathes and defies me and thoroughly believes itself to be compounded of something good; that is impressed with certain human fictions such as righteousness and honesty, and that will live up to them in spite of all personal discomforts and menaces.What do you think of him, Hump? What do you think of him?""I think that he is a better man than you are," I answered, impelled, somehow, with a desire to draw upon myself a portion of the wrath I felt was about to break upon his head."His human fictions, as you choose to call them, make for nobility and manhood.You have no fictions, no dreams, no ideals.You are a pauper."He nodded his head with a savage pleasantness."Quite true, Hump, quite true.I have no fictions that make for nobility and manhood.A living dog is better than a dead lion, say I with the preacher.My only doctrine is the doctrine of expediency, and it makes for surviving.This bit of the ferment we call `Johnson,' when he is no longer a bit of the ferment, only dust and ashes, will have no more nobility than any dust and ashes, while I shall still be alive and roaring.""Do you know what I am going to do?" he questioned.

I shook my head.

"Well, I am going to exercise my prerogative of roaring and show you how fares nobility.Watch me."Three yards away from Johnson he was, and sitting down.Nine feet! And yet he left the chair in full leap, without first gaining a standing position.

He left the chair, just as he sat in it, squarely, springing from the sitting posture like a wild animal, a tiger, and like a tiger covered the intervening space.It was an avalanche of fury that Johnson strove vainly to fend off.

He threw one arm down to protect the stomach, the other arm up to protect the head; but Wolf Larsen's fist drove midway between, on the chest, with a crushing, resounding impact.Johnson's breath, suddenly expelled, shot from his mouth and as suddenly checked, with the forced, audible expiration of a man wielding an axe.He almost fell backward, and swayed from side to side in an effort to recover his balance.

I cannot give the further particulars of the horrible scene that followed.

It was too revolting.It turns me sick even now when think of it.Johnson fought bravely enough, but he was no match for Wolf Larsen, much less for Wolf Larsen and the mate.It was frightful.I had not imagined a human being could endure so much and still live and struggle on.And struggle on Johnson did.Of course there was no hope for him, not the slightest, and he knew it as well as I, but by the manhood that was in him he could not cease from fighting for that manhood.

It was too much for me to witness.I felt that I should lose my mind, and I ran up the companion stairs to open the doors and escape on deck.

But Wolf Larsen, leaving his victim for the moment, and with one of his tremendous springs, gained my side and flung me into the far corner of the cabin.

"The phenomena of life, Hump," he girded at me."Stay and watch it.

You may gather data on the immortality of the soul.Besides, you know, we can't hurt Johnson's soul.It's only the fleeting form we may demolish."It seemed centuries -- possibly it was no more than ten minutes that the beating continued.Wolf Larsen and Johansen were all about the poor fellow.They struck him with their fists, kicked him with their heavy shoes, knocked him down, and dragged him to his feet to knock him down again.

His eyes were blinded so that he could not see, and the blood running from ears and nose and mouth turned the cabin into a shambles.And when he could no longer rise they still continued to beat and kick him where he lay.

"Easy, Johansen; easy as she goes," Wolf Larsen finally said.

But the beast in the mate was up and rampant, and Wolf Larsen was compelled to brush him away with a backhanded sweep of the arm, gentle enough, apparently, but which hurled Johansen back like a cork, driving his head against the wall with a crash.He fell to the floor, half stunned for the moment, breathing heavily and blinking his eyes in a stupid sort of way.

"Jerk open the doors, Hump," I was commanded.

I obeyed, and the two brutes picked up the senseless man like a sack of rubbish and hove him clear up the companion stairs, through the narrow doorway, and out on deck.The blood from his nose gushed in a scarlet stream over the feet of the helmsman, who was none other than Louis, his boat-mate.

But Louis took and gave a spoke and gazed imperturbably into the binnacle.

Not so was the conduct of George Leach, the erstwhile cabin- boy.Fore and aft there was nothing that could have surprised us more than his consequent behavior.He it was that came up on the poop without orders and dragged Johnson forward, where he set about dressing his wounds as well as he could and ****** him comfortable.Johnson, as Johnson, was unrecognizable; and not only that, for his features, as human features at all, were unrecognizable, so discolored and swollen had they become in the few minutes which had elapsed between the beginning of the beating and the dragging forward of the body.

But of Leach's behavior -- By the time I had finished cleansing the cabin he had taken care of Johnson.I had come up on deck for a breath of fresh air and to try to get some repose for my overwrought nerves.Wolf Larsen was smoking a cigar and examining the patent log which the Ghost usually towed astern but which had been hauled in for some purpose.Suddenly Leach's voice came to my ears.It was tense and hoarse with an overmastering rage.I turned and saw him standing just beneath the break of the poop on the port side of the galley.His face was convulsed and white, his eyes were flashing, his clenched fists raised overhead.

"May God damn your soul to hell, Wolf Larsen, only hell's too good for you, you coward, you murderer, you pig!" was his opening salutation.

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    三千世界,缘法万千。玖卿为了收集力量,腰间挂着个酒葫芦,带上心爱的小镜子,踏上了漫漫征途。穿越,重生,世间变化无常,每个人的人生都是一段旅程,玖卿表示她真的是长了见识。拿着一把小匕首,隐藏在面具下的脸笑得天真,“我会很温柔的。”毕竟她也不是什么魔鬼~“诶,你别跑啊~”看着跑远的玖卿,某个被遗忘的吉祥物迎风流泪:“你又把我落下了?_?”1v1,非成长型快穿。不加幸运点的吉祥物男主VS倒霉没良心的皮断腿女主。 沙雕作者,在线写作。
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  • 晋叶


    三国归晋五十载,纷乱再起。 八王之乱,一场野心家与阴谋家的最后狂欢,掀开了华夏史书上最为黑暗的一页。 晋室衰颓,诸胡肆虐破中原;衣冠南渡,江左内斗仍不休。 一场不成功的穿越,早已跑偏了的历史,且看被六把剑改写过的九州大地,在民族存亡的危急关头,将上演怎样的风起云涌,北驱胡虏,复土中华……(PS:本文正确打开方式,可参考《琅琊榜》,除朝代名和地名是真实的外,所有人物和情节均属虚构,切勿太过考究^_^)
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