

"Now look here, neighbor, you know as well as I do that in these times you couldn't give away the place. What's the use of such foolishness? The thing to do is to keep the farm and get a good living out of it. You've got down in the dumps and can't see what's sensible and to your own advantage."Holcroft was thinking deeply, and he turned his eyes wistfully to the upland slopes of his farm. Mr. Weeks had talked plausibly, and if all had been as he represented, the plan would not have been a bad one. But the widower did not yearn for the widow. He did not know much about her, but had very unfavorable impressions. Mrs. Holcroft had not been given to speaking ill of anyone, but she had always shaken her head with a peculiar significance when Mrs.

Mumpson's name was mentioned.

The widow had felt it her duty to call and counsel against the sin of seclusion and being too much absorbed in the affairs of this world.

"You should take an interest in everyone," this self-appointed evangelist had declared, and in one sense she lived up to her creed. She permitted no scrap of information about people to escape her, and was not only versed in all the gossip of Oakville, but also of several other localities in which she visited.

But Holcroft had little else to deter him from employing her services beyond an unfavorable impression. She could not be so bad as Bridget Malony, and he was almost willing to employ her again for the privilege of remaining on his paternal acres. As to marrying the widow--a slight shudder passed through his frame at the thought.

Slowly he began, as if almost thinking aloud, "I suppose you are right, Lemuel Weeks, in what you say about selling the place. The Lord knows I don't want to leave it. I was born and brought up here, and that counts with some people. If your wife's cousin is willing to come and help me make a living, for such wages as I can pay, the arrangement might be made. But I want to look on it as a business arrangement. I have quiet ways of my own, and things belonging to the past to think about, and I've got a right to think about 'em.

I aint one of the marrying kind, and I don't want people to be a-considering such notions when I don't. I'd be kind and all that to her and her little girl, but I should want to be left to myself as far as I could be.""Oh, certainly," said Mr. Weeks, mentally chuckling over the slight prospect of such immunity, "but you must remember that Mrs. Mumpson isn't like common help--""That's where the trouble will come in," ejaculated the perplexed farmer, "but there's been trouble enough with the other sort.""I should say so," Mr. Weeks remarked emphatically. "It would be a pity if you couldn't get along with such a respectable, conscientious woman as Mrs.

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    心之痛……我知道此生已经陷入无奈的轮回,纵使只有一分力气,也愿为吾之所爱撑起一片天。四极倒塌,九州崩裂,与一族为敌,又如何!只要你们平安,我便心安……凌飞意外穿越二次元,为了挚爱,而变强。开启了不一样的旅程……暂定世界:西行纪、从零开始之异世界生活、某科学的超电磁炮、噬神者、斩赤红之瞳、ri:创世主、你的名字、罪恶王冠、妖精的尾巴、约会大作战、型月、刀神剑域、暗杀教室、精灵使的剑舞、狐妖小红娘、尸兄、英雄时代、东京食尸鬼、纳米核心、镇魂街、漫威、DC、一拳超人、进击的巨人、甲铁城的卡巴内瑞、迪迦奥特曼、洪荒…… 群号:678824057
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