VICEto screw VICEthe buffoon in the old morality plays VIEto challenge; a term at cards To play as for a wager VIEWLESSinvisible VILLAINa lowborn man VINEWEDmouldy VIOL-DE-GAMBOYSa bass viol VIRGINALLINGplaying as on the virginals, a kind of a spinet VIRTUEthe essential excellence valour VIRTUOUSexcellent Endowed with virtues VIZAMENTadvisement VOLUBLEfickle VOLUNTARYvolunteer VOTARISTvotary, one who has taken a vow VULGARthe common people VULGARcommon VULGARLYpublicly WAFTto wave, beckon To turn WAFTAGEpassage WAFTUREwaving, beckoning WAGEto reward as with wages WAILFULlamentable WAISTthe middle of a ship WANNION'with a vengeance.'
WAPPENEDwithered, overworn WARDguard Prison WARDENa large pear used for baking WARDERtruncheon WARNto summon WASSAILa drinking bout Festivity WATa familiar word for a hare WATCHa watch light WATCHto tame by keeping constantly awake WATER-GALLa secondary rainbow WATER-RUGa kind of dog WATER-WORKpainting in distemper WAXto grow WAXENperhaps, to hiccough WEALTHweal, advantage WEARfashion WEATHER-FENDto defend from the weather WEB AND PINthe cataract in the eye WEEsmall, tiny WEEto think WEEDgarment WEETto wit, know WEIGH OUTto outweigh WELKINthe sky WELKINsky-blue WELL-LIKINGin good condition WELL SAIDint. well done!
WENDto go WESANDthe wind-pipe WHELKa weal WHELKEDmarked with whelks or protuberances WHENan exclamation of impatience WHEN ASwhen WHEREwhereas WHEREa place WHIFFLERan officer who clears the way in processions WHILE-EREa little while ago WHILESuntil WHIP-STOCKhandle of a whip WHISThushed, silent WHITEthe centre of an archery butt WHITELYpale-faced. A doubtful word WHITING-TIMEbleaching time WHITSTERbleacher WHITTLEa clasp knife WHOO-BUBhubbub WHOOPto cry out with astonishment WICKEDnoisome, baneful WIDOWto give a jointure to WIDOWHOODwidow's jointure WIGHTperson WILDweald WILDERNESSwildness WIMPLEDveiled, hooded WINDOW-BARSlattice-work across a woman's stomacher WINDRINGwinding WINTER-GROUNDto protect (a plant) from frost WISin the compound 'I wis,' certainly WISHto commend WISTLYwistfully WITknowledge, wisdom WITHOUTbeyond WITSfive, the five senses WITTOLa contented cuckold WITTYintelligent WOMAN-TIREDhen-pecked WONDEREDmarvellously gifted WOODmad WOODCOCKa ******ton WOODMANa forester, huntsman A cant term for a wencher WOOLWARDshirtless WORDto flatter or put off with words To repeat the words of a song WORLD'To go to the world' is to get married So 'a woman of the world' is a married woman WORMa serpent WORSERworse WORSHIPto honour WORTHwealth, fortune WORTScabbages WOTto know WOUNDtwisted about WREAKvengeance WREAKto avenge WREAKFULrevengeful, avenging WRESTan instrument used for tuning a harp WRITgospel, truth WRITHLEDshrivelled WROTHcalamity, misfortune WRUNGtwisted, strained WRYto swerve XANTHIPPESocrate's scolding wife YAREready, being understood YARELYreadily YAWout of control Y-CLADclad Y-CLEPEDcalled, named YEARNto grieve, vex YELLOWNESSjealousy YELLOWSa disease of horses YEOMANa sheriff's officer YIELDto reward To report YONDand yonder YOUNKERtyro ZANYa clown, gull