

When I have told how many follies Dr. Johnson knew of others, I must not omit to mention with how much fidelity he would always have kept them concealed, could they of whom he knew the absurdities have been contented, in the common phrase, to keep their own counsel. But returning home one day from dining at the chaplain's table, he told me that Dr. Goldsmith had given a very comical and unnecessarily exact recital there of his own feelings when his play was hissed: telling the company how he went, indeed, to the Literary Club at night, and chatted gaily among his friends, as if nothing had happened amiss; that to impress them still more forcibly with an idea of his magnanimity, he even sung his favourite song about an old woman tossed in a blanket seventeen times as high as the moon; "but all this while I was suffering horrid tortures," said he, "and verily believe that if I had put a bit in my mouth it would have strangled me on the spot, I was so excessively ill. But I made more noise than usual to cover all that, and so they never perceived my not eating, nor I believe at all imaged to themselves the anguish of my heart; but when all were gone except Johnson here, I burst out a-crying, and even swore by --- that I would never write again." "All which, Doctor," says Mr. Johnson, amazed at his odd frankness, "I thought had been a secret between you and me; and I am sure I would not have said anything about it for the world. Now see,"repeated he, when he told the story, "what a figure a man makes who thus unaccountably chooses to be the frigid narrator of his own disgrace. I lvolto sciolto, ed i pensieri stretti, was a proverb made on purpose for such mortals, to keep people, if possible, from being thus the heralds of their own shame; for what compassion can they gain by such silly narratives? No man should be expected to sympathise with the sorrows of vanity. If, then, you are mortified by any ill-usage, whether real or supposed, keep at least the account of such mortifications to yourself, and forbear to proclaim how meanly you are thought on by others, unless you desire to be meanly thought of by all."The little history of another friend's superfluous ingenuity will contribute to introduce a similar remark. He had a daughter of about fourteen years old, as I remember, fat and clumsy; and though the father adored, and desired others to adore her, yet being aware, perhaps, that she was not what the French call paitrie des graces, and thinking, I suppose, that the old maxim of beginning to laugh at yourself first when you have anything ridiculous about you was a good one, he comically enough called his girl TRUNDLE when he spoke of her; and many who bore neither of them any ill-will felt disposed to laugh at the happiness of the appellation.

"See, now," says Dr. Johnson, "what haste people are in to be hooted.

Nobody ever thought of this fellow nor of his daughter, could he but have been quiet himself, and forborne to call the eyes of the world on his dowdy and her deformity. But it teaches one to see at least that if nobody else will nickname one's children, the parents will e'en do it themselves."All this held true in matters to Mr. Johnson of more serious consequence.

When Sir Joshua Reynolds had painted his portrait looking into the slit of his pen, and holding it almost close to his eye, as was his general custom, he felt displeased, and told me "he would not be known by posterity for his DEFECTS only, let Sir Joshua do his worst." I said in reply that Reynolds had no such difficulties about himself, and that he might observe the picture which hung up in the room where we were talking represented Sir Joshua holding his ear in his hand to catch the sound. "He may paint himself as deaf if he chooses," replied Johnson, "but I will not be BLINKING SAM."It is chiefly for the sake of evincing the regularity and steadiness of Mr.

Johnson's mind that I have given these trifling memoirs, to show that his soul was not different from that of another person, but, as it was, greater; and to give those who did not know him a just idea of his acquiescence in what we call vulgar prejudices, and of his extreme distance from those notions which the world has agreed, I know not very well why, to call romantic. It is indeed observable in his preface to Shakespeare, that while other critics expatiate on the creative powers and vivid imagination of that matchless poet, Dr. Johnson commends him for giving so just a representation of human manners, "that from his scenes a hermit might estimate the value of society, and a confessor predict the progress of the passions." I have not the book with me here, but am pretty sure that such is his expression.

  • 容止


  • 高僧摘要


  • 勤有堂随录


  • 道德经顺朱


  • 齐东野语


  • 冷血公主的完美复仇计划


  • 他的小甜兔


  • 奥特意志的传承者们


  • 天行


  • 天行


  • 阿尔巴尼亚一家


  • 锋芒出鞘


  • 高冷总裁,放肆爱


  • 天行


  • 重生后boss又黑化了


    [1v1双洁微虐,男主占有欲惊人][一句话简介:一心寻死结果穿书了。] PS:本书又名《通篇都在瞎扯淡》《黑化男主原来是小绵羊》《我进了言情的坑却走了悬疑的路》《男主说他要黑化却变成了嘤嘤怪》 当代少女慕栀因被赌鬼的父亲卖给赌场老板抵债后彻底放弃活下去的想法,一心寻死的跑到崖边跳崖坠海之后意外穿书,不仅获得高冷系统君一枚,还成了被大boss深爱着的女主~ 十次重生九次死,最后一次必开挂!!! 穿书九次的慕栀不是自杀或者被迫自杀就是被反派各种搞死,终于在第十次重生后收获系统君赠送的开挂小技能,虽然技能时好时坏,但是让她的剧情路变得美好了一点是真的,为此慕栀感动得哗哗大哭(并不),在与大boss斗智斗勇的过程中,慕栀终于——败在大boss的手里,从此跟大boss过上了幸福美满的生活~(并不)