被原公司老板打压,手下的当红艺人被表姐抢走,身为金牌经纪人的池酒小表示,嗯,是时候表演真正的技术了。精挑细选出了一个艺人,第一次登门,砸房东的啤酒罐砸到了她的脑门:第二次上综艺,和嘉宾动手误伤了她的胳膊……“为什么选我?”时间一长,某人也忍不住困惑她当初的选择。“因为你长得好看。”池酒小淡定回道。“可是我有过丑闻,从来没演过戏,唱歌音调不准,rap节奏不准,跳舞四肢不调……”某人嘴角抽搐,将她之前说的话翻了出来。“没事,长得好看就行。”池酒小接着淡定。某人怒了,这敢情自己除了好看没别的优点了?堂堂七尺男儿怎可只徒有一副绣花皮囊!“别动,”池酒小掐着他的下巴,抬眸,看他一眼。“哦,”某人移了目光,刚起的怒气变成了小鹿乱跳,耳根微红。“嗯,这样就好画多了。”池酒小从化妆盒里抽出眉笔,对准了某人的眉毛,认真道。【三无怪力少女经纪人vs傲娇忠犬系艺人男朋友,甜宠依旧,欢迎入坑~】MAMBA RASANG(满巴扎仓·英文版)
Mamba is the Tibetan word for doctor of medicine, while Rasang means'college'or'research institute'.At the fall of the Yuan Dynasty and the rise of the Ming, the Yuan capital Xanadu was sacked. A famous pharmacopoeia was rescued from the flames of Xanadu, and it passed through many hands before coming at last to www.nuoha.com many years the pharmacopoeia was hidden to the monastery for www.nuoha.com the abbot of Mamba Rasang knew exactly who held the pharmacopoeia and where, information passed to his successor by each However, Lobsang Khenpo, the predecessor of the current abbot, had died suddenly of illness aged fifty three. It was said he had not been able to tell his successor where the pharmacopeia was kept. And so was born the great mystery of Mamba Rasang ...