
第11章 处理紧急事件


What is your hurry?什么事让您这么着急呢?

I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset.我很抱歉这样突然地找您,但我真的很心烦。

What on earth has happened to trouble you so?到底发生了什么事让您如此发愁?

I'm afraid I have bad news for you.恐怕我有坏消息要告诉您。

The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided.你们交货的羊毛衫和我们提供的样品不一致。

You agreed that we could make a little change in design if necessary.可你们曾经答应过,如有必要,图案可以稍作改动。

What do you want us to do?您看怎么办好?

Our clients are very critical on quality.我们的客户对商品的质量是很挑剔的。

Our clients want a replacement. 我们的客户要求换货。

It's a bit too hard.这有点太难了吧。

It's only the background color that's not identical.这仅仅是图案的底色不同而已。

If you agree to give us an allowance of 6%of the invoice value, I'll try to talk our clients into accepting the goods.如果你们同意按发票额让价6%,我会尽力说服客户接受货物的。

It sounds like a reasonable solution.这个解决办法还比较合理。

OK,just do like that.好吧,就这么办吧。

You are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing?你的意思是你把计算机打开后什么也看不见?


I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor.我想你的问题比较大,不只是显示器的问题。

Whatever it is, I need this computer to work.不管是什么问题,我要求把这台计算机修好。

Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at? If not, our repairman can come to you.你有没有办法把它带过来,让我们看一看?要不然,我们的维修人员可以去你那里。

I would prefer if he comes here.我倒愿意他去我们那里。

Our first bill came yesterday, and we have some questions.我们昨天收到的第一张账单,有一些问题。

It does appear that way.是的,看起来好像是这样的。

I sure hope you can answer them for me.我真的希望你能回答我的问题。

Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.请让我查查看,明天再给你答复。


I'd like to speak to the manager, please.我想找经理反映一下情况。

What's your hurry?是什么事让你这么着急?

See here, on the bill, we were billed for the same service call twice.你看,账单上写明了同一个维修服务,你们算了两次费用。


The computer is on, but nothing shows on the screen.计算机已经打开,但是显示器上什么都没有。

It can be anything inside the computer.可能是计算机里面的什么地方出毛病了。

How are things going with you and with the service?你一切都还好吧,还有我们卖给你们的那批产品呢?

We will be expecting your call. 我等你的电话。

A:Good morning,sir.Can I help you?

B:I'd like to speak to the manager,please.

A:Our manager has been out.What can I do for you?

B:Yesterday I bought a computer from your company,but it doesn't work today.

A:So you are saying you turn on the computer and see nothing?

B:Yes.The computer is on,but nothing shows on the screen.

A:From the sound of it,I would say that you have a larger problem than just the monitor.It can be anything inside the computer.

B:Well,whatever it is,I need this computer to work.

A:Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at?If not,our repairman can come to you.

B:I would prefer if he comes here.

A:No problem.












A:Hello.This is Li Ying,the secretary for the manager.Could I speak to Mr Parker,the director of Marketing Department?


A:Mr Parker,the manager asked me to let you know that the meeting planned for this morning has been put off till this afternoon.

B:Do you mean that the meeting has been put off to this afternoon?

A:Yes,it is emergent.Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.

B:All right.I'll inform them immediately.

A:Many thanks.Good bye.

B:Good bye.









woolen sweater羊毛衫

deliver v.交付,传达

sample n.样品

shade n.阴影部分,暗色

critical a.苛求的

replacement n.替换

similar a.相似的

identical a.完全相同的

allowance n.折扣

invoice n.发票

stain v.弄脏

assume v.认为;假设,假定

receipt n.收据

shop assistant营业员,店员

monitor n.显示屏

client n.委托人,顾客

reasonable a.合理的

emergent a.紧急的


One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked, “What's the meaning of the word 'Drunk', dad?” “Well, my son,” his father replied, “look, there are standing two policemen. If I regard the two policemen as four then I am drunk.” “But, dad,” the boy said, “ there's only ONE policeman!”


一天,父亲与小儿子一起回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:“爸爸,'醉'字是什么意思?” “唔,孩子,”父亲回答说,“你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。” “可是,爸爸, ”孩子说,“那儿只有一个警察呀!”


I've heard that you have lodged a claim against us.听说你们已经向我们提出了索赔。

We are now lodging a claim with you.我们现在向贵方提出索赔。

The surveyor's report indicates that the problem was caused by inadequate wrapping which allowed the packages to work open during the unloading or loading process.检验报告指出,问题是由于不适当的包装材料造成的,它使装卸过程容易破包。

If so, we agree to settle your claims.如果是这样的话,我们同意理赔。

But what are we to do with that part of goods damaged?对那部分残损货物我们该如何处理?

I'll give you a definite answer after I consult with the manufacturers.等我与厂商磋商后再给你一个明确的答复。

Have you received the surveyor's report?你收到了检验报告吗?

We are faced with the problem that part of the consignment is unacceptable.我们面临的问题是委托的那部分货物无法接受。

It appears that the damage was caused sometime during the transhipment.看来残损是在转船期间造成的。

They are simply useless.它们简直没有用了。

We should require a survey report, with that we may know the extent of the damage.我们将要求出具检验报告,以便我们能了解损坏的程度。

You can see yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unsaleable.你们可以亲眼看到残损情况以及货物无法销售的原因。

Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion?你们知道残损部分的百分比吗?

Not exactly. The goods are now under inspection.并不确切知道,货物正在检查。

Shall we return them to you, or hold them at your disposal? 是退还给你们呢,还是留着听候你们处理?

I'll give you a definite answer after I consult with the manufacturers.等我与厂商磋商后再给你一个明确的答复。

Only after receiving the detailed report, can we work out the way to handle the problem.只有接到详细报告以后我们才能找出对这一问题的处理办法。

I'm sure we can settle the problem amicably through negotiations without resorting to arbitration.我相信,我们可以通过磋商友好解决这个问题,而不是诉诸仲裁机构。

As you know, the claim concerning insurance or transportation should be referred to the insurance company or the shipping company.而你知道,有关保险或运输的索赔应向保险公司或船运公司提出。

Yes, I know.是的,我知道。


Claims occur frequently in international trade.国际贸易中经常发生索赔现象。

We are now lodging a claim with you.我们现在向贵方提出索赔。

I've heard that you have lodged a claim against us.听说你们已经向我们提出了索赔。

We lodged a claim with you on fertilizer yesterday.昨天我们就化肥问题向贵方提出索赔。

We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight.关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。

The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim.中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。

We are not in a position to entertain your claim.我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。


We've given your claim our careful consideration.我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。

We have received the letters giving full details of this claim.我们已经收到了内容详尽的索赔信件。

Sometimes the shipping company or insurance company is found to be responsible for the claim.有时候,船公司或保险公司应负责赔偿。

I was asked to come to your company on my way home in order to settle the claim.我顺路来你们公司是为了处理索赔问题的。

We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。

Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods.有关不合格材料的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。

I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E.我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。

We have already made a careful investigation of the case.我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。

But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。

We may consider withdrawing the claim.我们可以考虑撤回索赔要求。

I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。

A:Good afternoon.Mr.Green.I'm told that you've been waiting here for me for quite some time.Sorry to keep you waiting.A talk with an importer from Europe prevented me from coining here.

B:It doesn't matter.Miss Weng.I know you are always very busy.

A:Is there anything urgent?

B:Well,things are like these.I've just received a telex from my home office,that the goods shipped in March by S.S.Victoria under Order No.1043 have arrived at Alexandria.But,to our great surprise,they are not in proper condition.

A:Yes,really?What's the trouble then?

B:Quite a number of cartons were badly damaged.Many of the Men's Shirts were water-stained and the majority of the others were severely soiled.

A:Where are the goods now?

B:The goods have been unloaded into the carrier's house.As they are in such a damaged condition,we doubt we will be able to take delivery.

A:Do you know the percentage of the damaged portion?

B:Not exactly.The goods are now under inspection.

A:That's good.We should require a survey report,with that we may know the extent of the damage.

B:My people say that they would send you some shirts drawn at random from the shipment so that you can see yourselves the damaged condition and the reason why they are unsaleable.

A:We should make it clear whether the damage was caused in transit or during the unloading process,or by other reasons.

B:I hope it isn't due to the improper packing.As you know.if that being the case.you wi ll be held liable for the loss sustained.

A:No.it's impossible.The goods were carefully packed and shipped here in excellent condition.I inspected them myself.

B:Then the damage must be caused at somewhere along the line where the goods weren't handled properly.

A:If so,the insurance company or the shipping company should be held responsible and as you know,the claim concerning insurance or transportation should be referred to the insurance company or the shipping company.

B:I know.But so far we haven't got the detailed information yet.

A:So,we have to wait for the surveyor's report and at the same time,we have to check the documents carefully.Only after receiving the detailed report,can we work out the way to handle the problem.What do you say?

B:I agree with you.I think it won't be long before we get the information.I'll advise you the result upon the conclusion of the investigation.

A:That's fine.






















claim n.索赔;赔偿;赔偿金

compensate v.赔偿,补偿

to make a (one's) claim提出索赔

to register a (one's) claim提出索赔

to file a (one's) claim提出索赔

to lodge a (one's) claim提出索赔

to raise a (one's) claim提出索赔

to put in a (one's) claim提出索赔

to bring up a (one's) claim提出索赔

to make a claim with (against) sb.向某方提出索赔

to make a claim for (on)sth.就某事提出索赔

claims n.索赔;债权

to settle a claim解决索赔(问题)

to withdraw a claim撤销(某项)索赔

to waive a claim放弃索赔(要求)

claim on the goods对某(批)货索赔

claim on you向某人(方)提出索赔

claim for trade dispute贸易纠纷(引起的)索赔

claim for indemnity要求索赔

claim for compensation要求补偿

on my way home顺路

in settlement of解决


Sales Confirmation销售确认书

to make an investigation调查研究

inability n.无能力

lodge v.提出,申请

surveyor n.鉴定人

indicate v.指出

inadequate a.不够格的,不充分的

wrap v.裹,包,捆

percentage n.百分率,百分比

inspection n.检查,视察

amicable a.友好的,和睦的

arbitrate v.仲裁,公断

remittance n.汇款,汇款额

investigate v.调查,研究

A Good Boy

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. “What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?”“I gave it to a poor old woman,” he answered.“You're a good boy,” said the mother proudly. “Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?”“She is the one who sells the candy.”


小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”“她是个卖糖果的。”


I'm very sorry that you are ill.你生病了我感到很难过。

I'm so sorry to bother you.很抱歉,给你添麻烦了。

We're worrying about you.我们真为你担心。

Thank you, I'm OK now.谢谢,我现在好多了。

How do you feel?你感觉怎么样?

I'm feeling rather tired at present.我现在感到浑身乏力。

Mr. Brown complains of a severe stomachache and feels rather tired. 布朗先生说他肚子疼得厉害并且感到浑身乏力。

Has he any other symptoms?还有其他症状吗?

Can you think of anything you ate yesterday that might have caused it?你想想是不是昨天吃的什么东西诱发了这些症状呢?

I'm afraid it was the fish I had last night.恐怕是昨天晚上吃的鱼引起的。

That could explain why you are so run down. You've got a slight case of food poisoning.这可能是你浑身乏力的原因了。你有轻微的食物中毒。

I guess I'm not really in very good shape.我想我的身体不太结实。

I do recommend that you should cut down on the smoking and try to get more exercise.我倒建议你少抽烟,多锻炼。

OK,I will.好的,我会的。

What shall I do with the medicines? 这药怎么服用?

The doctor said you should try to avoid greasy food and have a bland diet these two days.医生说这两天你最好不要吃油腻的东西,吃一些清淡的食物。

It'll clear up in a day or two.你的病没有什么要紧的,一两天就好了。

I really appreciate your help.我真的非常感谢你的帮助。

John, are you sure you haven't seen the missing file?约翰,你有没有看见那个不见了的文件?

Oh, Mary. I've got much worse troubles than a lost file.哦,玛丽。我有比不见的文档更糟糕的麻烦。

Mary, please, something much worse has just happened.玛丽,刚刚发生了更糟糕的事情。

Why, what's the matter?是什么事情?

Good Morning, Mr. Williams. We've got a bit of a crisis on in Mr. Parker's office, and I was wondering if you could help us.早上好,威廉先生。贝克先生的办公室出现了一点麻烦,我们想你是否能帮我们。

I certainly will if I can. What's up? 当然,如果我帮得上的话。什么事?


What is your hurry?什么事让您这么着急呢?

What on earth has happened to trouble you so?到底发生了什么事让您如此发愁?

What do you want us to do?您看怎么办好?

Mr.Brown complains of a severe stomachache and feels rather tired.布朗先生说他肚子疼得厉害并且感到浑身乏力。

You're got a slight case of food poisoning.你有轻微的食物中毒。


It's a bit too hard.这太难了吧。

It sounds like a reasonable solution.这个解决办法还比较合理。

Is there any way you could bring it in to be looked at?您有没有办法把它带过来,让我们看一看?

If not,our repairman can come to you.要不然,我们的维修人员可以上您那里去。

Let me do some research on this and get back with you tomorrow.请让我查查看,明天再给您答复。

Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.请通知营销部的全体职工。

A: Good Morning, Mr. Williams. We've got a bit of a crisis on in Mr. Parker's office, and I was wondering if you could help us.

B: I certainly will if I can. What's up?

A: Mr. Parker is due back from Beijing this morning, and his secretary has just telephoned to say that she's ill. She thinks she's got flu.

B: I'm sorry to hear that.

A: Mr. Parker will need someone to help him. The other two girls in the Sales Office can't do shorthand, so could you possibly spare a girl from your department?

B: Oh dear! Well, I suppose I could let him have Mary.

A: What's her shorthand like?

B: Reasonable. She sets her letters out well, although I wouldn't say she was the world's fastest worker.

A: Oh, I expect she'll manage. Thanks for your help.

(In the Mr. Parker's Office)

A: Here's today's post, Mary.

C: Thank you.

A: It was sorted and stamped with today's date, as you know, in the General office. In this “in” ray are all the letters and memos which have come in while Mr. Parker has been away. You'll see that Sally has written a note with each one to show whether she has taken any action or not. By the way, Sally keeps all the stationery in this drawer here, letter heads, envelopes, flimsy and so on. Mr. Parker will probably be in any minute now. if you need help you can come into my office down the corridor. Do you think you'll be able to manage?

C: OK, I think it'll be fun to have a change.

A: Yes, well, you'll be very busy. The work here is rather different from the work in the General Office, you know. I must leave you now.

C: Thank you, Miss Li.

















A:John, are you sure you haven't seen the missing file? I could have brought it into this office with some other files. Please have a look everywhere. It's marked ”confidential”and it has a limited circulation.

B: Oh, Mary. Do go away. I've got much worse troubles than a lost file.

A:But it's serious. The file's got all the details of the new desk range.

Mr. Parker says if anyone copied our designs, it could put the work on the new desks back at least a year! And we're supposed to be launching them at the International Office Equipment Exhibition.

B: Mary, please, something much worse has just happened.

A:Why, what's the matter?

B: I've got the Security Office coming up in a minute. It's just a matter of a loss of$ 300 in cash.

A:Oh, no! When did that happen, and how?

B: Somebody came in this morning, bought three hundred dollars worth of office furniture and paid in cash.

A:How odd. Don't most people pay by cheque?

B: Yes, usually, well, there was no one in the Accounts Department, so I went to get the key of the safe. When I got back...the money had gone.

A:HoW terrible, John. Is it your responsibility? Will they expect you to replace the money?

B: Well, I haven't got$30, let alone $300... Oh, here's the Security Officer now. Good morning, Mr. Baker.

C: Good morning. Miss Mary. This is a very unfortunate affair. Now, John, I'll have to ask you some questions about the money that's missing.

B: Oh, Mr. Baker, before you start, I'm afraid I have to report the loss of an important file. It's a very serious matter.















crisis n.危机

flu n.流感

shorthand n.速记

stationery n.文具

letterhead n.印有名称的信纸

flimsy n.薄纸

corridor n.走廊

confidential a.机密的

circulation n.流传

launch v.投入;开始

responsibility n.责任

unfortunate a.不幸的


stomachache n.胃痛,腹痛

symptom n.症状,征兆

poison n.毒药,毒物

appreciate v.感激,感谢

stamp v.在……压印,压制

stationery n.文具

exhibition n.展览会

furniture n.家具

I Have His Ear in My PocketIvan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, “What happened?”“A kid bit me,” replied Ivan.“Would you recognize him if you saw him again?” asked his mother.“I'd know him any where,” said Ivan. “I have his ear in my pocket.”



I'm calling to ask you to attend a press conference at 3 o'clock this afternoon.我打电话来是通知你去参加今天下午3点的一个新闻发布会。


Where will it be held? 新闻发布会在哪儿举行?

It'll be held in the conference room of our company.发布会将在我们公司的会议室举行。

Should I prepare any materials or data? 我要准备一些材料或资料吗?

Please prepare some necessary materials and data on the quality of our products.请准备一些必要的有关我们产品质量的材料和数据。

The manager asked me to let you know that the meeting planned for this morning has been put off till this afternoon.经理让我告诉你原定今天上午召开的会议推迟到今天下午了。

Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.请通知营销部的全体职工。

I'm sorry to say a rather pressing matter has come up which demands Mr. Brown's attention.我很抱歉地告诉你因发生一个紧急事情要求布朗先生解决。

So he won't be able to keep his appointment with Mr. Nathan this afternoon.所以他今天下午不能赴和内森先生商定的约会。

Mr. Wood is tied up all day on Thursday. 伍德先生星期四整天都很忙。

Mr. Nathan is off for a whole day.内森先生整天都有空。

Could you please convey our apologies to Mr. Nathan?请把我们的歉意转达给内森先生,好吗?

OK, I'll tell him.好的,我会告诉他的。

I need you to arrange a news conference for tomorrow at 2: 30 to introduce our latest product.请你在明天下午2点30分安排一个记者招待会,介绍我们的最新产品。

OK. I'll call my contacts at the papers, magazines, radio and TV stations and inform them of the conference.我会给报纸、杂志、广播和电视台的联络人打电话,通知他们这个招待会的消息。

Is the stage set up like I asked?展台按我的要求摆好了吗?

I think we are ready.我想我们一切都已经准备就绪了。

Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.请将这个通知市场部的所有员工。

All right. I'll inform them immediately.好的,我马上就通知他们。


I'm calling to ask you to attend a press conference at 3 o'clock this afternoon.我打电话来是通知你去参加今天下午三点钟的一个新闻发布会。

Where will it be held?新闻发布会在哪儿举行?

It'll be held in the conference room of our company.发布会将在我们公司的会议室举行。

The manager asked me to let you know that the meeting planned for this morning has been put off till this afternoon.经理让我告诉你原定今天上午召开的会议推迟到今天下午了。

Please inform all the staff of Marketing Department.请通知营销部的全体职工。

I'm sorry to say a rather pressing matter has come up which demands Mr. Wood's attention.我很抱歉地告诉你因发生一个紧急事情要求伍德先生解决。

Something completely unforeseen has arisen.一件根本预料不到的事情突然发生了。


Should I prepare any materials or data?我要准备一些材料或资料吗?

Please prepare some necessary materials and data on the quality of our products.请准备一些必要的有关我们产品质量的材料和数据。

So he won't be able to keep his appointment with Mr. Nathan this afternoon.所以他今天下午不能赴和内森先生商定的约会。

If you wouldn't mind.如果你不介意的话。

Mr. Brown is tied up all day on Friday.布朗先生星期五整天都很忙。

Other than that he's got a fairly clear week though.除了那天之外整个一周都很空。

A: Hello. This is Li Ying of the manager's office. I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith.

B: This is Smith speaking.

A: I'm calling to ask you to attend a press conference at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

B:Where will it be held?

A: It'll be held in the conference room of our company.

B: OK. Should I prepare any materials or data?

A: Yes, please prepare some necessary materials and data on the quality of our products. It's important.

B: Well. I'll.









A: Good morning. This is Mr. Wood's secretary at Beijing speaking.

B: I'm Miss Claudia, Mr. Nathan's secretary. Can I help you?

A: Yes, I'm sorry to say a rather pressing matter has come up which demands Mr. Wood's is attention. So he won't be able to keep his appointment with Mr. Nathan this afternoon.

B: Then, we should change it to another time, should we?

A: Yes, please, if you wouldn't mind. When would be a convenient time for Mr. Nathan?

B: I wonder if Mr. Wood can come on Thursday morning.

A: Unfortunately, Mr. Wood is tied up all day on Thursday. Other than that he's got a fairly clear week though.

B: Well, how about next Tuesday? Mr. Nathan is off for a whole day.

A: Yes, Mr. Wood is free then?

B: At what particular time will Mr. Wood come to see Mr. Nathan?

A: We'll make it next Tuesday at 2∶30 p. m. then.

B: OK. Let's fix it then.

A: And could you please convey our apologies to Mr. Nathan?Something completely unforeseen has arisen. Good bye and thank you.













press n.新闻

data n.数据

emergent a. 紧急的;突然出现的

emergency n.紧急情况;突然事件

announcement n.通告,布告

staff n.全体员工

inform v.通知

pressing a.紧急的

particular a.特别的

convey v.传达,转达

apology n.道歉,赔礼

unforeseen a.无法预料到的

material n.物质,材料

apology n.道歉

appointment n.约会

unforeseen a.意外的,偶然的

He Won

Tommy: How is your little brother, Johnny? Johnny: He is ill in bed. He hurt himself.Tommy: That's too bad. How did that happen?Johnny: We played who could lean furthest out of the window, and he won.



department n.部门;部分

marital a.婚姻的

position n.职位

membership n.会籍,党籍,团籍

diploma n.毕业文凭;学位证书

reference v.证明人,介绍人

A man was hit by a cab in the street. He was brought to the hospital. His wife who was standing up by his bed, said to the doctor: “I think that he is very ill.” “I am afraid that he is dead.”said the doctor. Hearing this, the man moved his head and said: “I'm not dead. I'm still alive.” “Be quiet, ”said the wife. “the doctor knows better than you!”


award n.奖,奖品

publication n.出版物,发表

certificate n.熟练,精通

achievement n.成就,成绩

A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: “God, what is a million dollars to you?” and God says: “A penny”, then the man says: “God, what is a million years to you?” and God says: “a second”, then the man says: “God, can I have a penny?” and God says “In a second”

一男子进入教堂和上帝对话.他问:“主啊, 一百万美元对你意味着多少?”上帝回答:“一便士.”男子又问:“那一百万年呢?”上帝说:“一秒钟.”最后男子请求道:“上帝,我能得到一便士吗?”上帝回答:“过一秒钟.”

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