We came to the inn,and Ransome led us upthe stairs. In a small room,a tall,dark,serious manwas sitting by a great coal fire. He wore a thick sea- jacket,and a cap over his ears. This was CaptainHoseason.
The captain shook hands with Uncle Ebenezer.
“Your room is ve ry hot,”my uncle said.
“I ha ve c old blood,s ir,”the captain replied.“Iha ve s a ile d to hot countrie s for ma ny ye a rs .”
The two men sat down to examine some papers.
My uncle turned to me.
“Why don ’t you go out for a short time ?”hesaid.
The heat of the room was making me sick.
Outside there was the wouderful sea. I forgot that Iought to watch my uncle and his tricks. I was notvery wise. I went out.
I walked down to the shore and looked at thewaves. The smell of the sea water was very salty.
The Covenant was spreading her sails. The scenemade me imagine far voyages and foreign places.
I looked,too,at the seamen with the skiff.
They were big brown fellows,some in shirts,somewith jackets. All had knives. I spoke to one ofthem,but be used many bad words. So I went backto the inn.
I gave Ransome some beer. We sat at a tablein the front room downstairs.
“Do you know Mr Ra nke illor?”I said to thelandlord of the inn.
“I know him we ll,”he replied.“He ’s a ve ryhone s t ma n. Did you come in with Eb e ne ze r?”
“Ye s ,”I said.
“Are you a re la tion?”the landlord asked.“Youlo ok like Mr Ale xa n de r.”
I did not answer this,but I said.“Ebe ne z e r isnot ve ry popula r ,is he ?”
“No,he is n’t. He ’s a ba d old ma n . A lo t of pe opleha te him,J e nne t Clous ton a nd othe rs . He drovethem out of the ir home s . Ye t he wa s once a fineyoung fe llow. But the re wa s a s tory a bout Mr Ale xa nder ,a nd tha t ha rme d him.”
“是的,名声不好。这个老头子很坏。好多人,比如琼特· 克劳斯顿等,都恨他,因为他把这些人弄得无家可归。不过他年轻的时候是个好小伙子。可是,关于亚历山大先生人们有过一个谣传,这个谣传使名誉扫地。”
“Wha t s tory?”
“Oh,jus t tha t he kille d him.”
“Kille d him?Why?”
“Why?Be ca us e he wa nte d the S haws .”
“Is th a t true ?Wa s my-wa s Ale xa nde r the e lde rs on?”
“Of cours e he wa s ,”the landlord replied. Hewas busy,and went away.
Of course I had guessed it ,but now I knew!
was like the boy in the ballad. I was the heir to theShaws. I was rich. I had a house and land. My headwas filled with pleasant thoughts.
I looked out of the window and saw CaptainHoseason down by the skiff. He was giving orders tothe seamen. Then he came back towards the inn.
He was a fine,tall man,but his face was very serious.
I remembered Ransome’s stories about him.
Perhaps they were not true.
I heard my uncle calling me. I went outsideand found the two men together. The captain spoketo me.
“S ir,”he said,“I like you. Le t us be frie nd s .
Come on boa rd my brig for ha lf a n hour . You sha llha ve a drink with me .”
I told him my uncle and I were going to a lawyer.
“Oh,ye s ,’he a nswe re d,“he told me tha t. Butmy s kiff will ta ke you to the town la te r a nd la nd youne a r ,Mr Ra nke illor’s ho us e .”
Suddenly he bent down and whispered in my ear.
“Wa tc h your uncle - he is a n old fox!Come onboa rd a nd I will te ll you a bout him.”
He took my arm and said:“Wha t gift sha ll Ibring you from Ame ric a ?A. roll of toba cc o?a s kin ofa wild a nima l?a s tone pipe ?a s tra nge bird withbrigh t re d fe a the rs ?”
By this time we had reached the skiff. Thecaptain had said my uncle was a fox. I thought Ihad found a good frieud. So I got into the boat withHoseason. Uncle Ebenezer and Ransome followed.
The seamen pulled hard on the oars,and theskiff was soon moving over the water. It was apleasant little trip,and everything was new to me. Ilooked back at the shore,ahd up at the Covenant.
Every minute the ship seemed bigger and bigger.
We soon reached her side.
The captain said he and I must be the first onboard. Some men dropped a rope over the side andlifted me up to the deck. The captain was waiting
for me there and quickly slipped his arm undermine. I stood there for a short time. The ship rolledand made me dizzy. The captain pointed out theparts of the deck and told me their names and uses.
I was very glad to see all these things.
“But whe re is my unc le ?”I said suddenly.
“Ye s ,”said Hoseason. “Whe re is he ?”Hisvoice was not the voice of a friend now. I pulled awayfrom his arm and ran to the side. The skiff wasmoving towards the town and my uncle was in it . Ishouted.“He lp!He lp!”
When my uncle turned round,his face wascruel.
I saw no more because strong hands pulled meback. I felt a heavy blow on the back of my head. Isaw a great flash of fire,and then I lost my senses.