It was early when I left Alan next morning. Iwalked into the main street of Queensferry. Peoplewere lighting their fires and opening their. windowsand coming out of their houses. It was a fine littletown,and I was ashamed of my rough,dirty oldclothes.
I walked up and down. The town people intheir neat dress looked at me. What could I do?
Now I was here at last,but my hopes. fell .
I load no real proof of my claim to the Shaws.
I could not even prove I was David Balfour. I neededtime,and I had no time. I had only three shillingsin my pocket,and I had to help an outlaw toleave the country quickly.
I saw people pointing at me and smiling. I hadnot enough courage to ask for Mr Rankeillor ’shouse. I went throught the street and down to theharbour. I wandered back again. By nine o’clock I我看见人们指着我笑。我没有足够的勇气去询问兰基勒先生住在哪里。我穿过那条街道,来到渡口,接着又转了回去。到九点钟时,我
was tired and my spirits were very low.
I stopped by a very good house with beautifulwindows,A fine,big man was coming out. His facewas clever and there were spectacles on his nose. Isaw he was an important person.
He noticed me at once,and spoke to me.
“Do you wa nt a nything?”he asked.
His words gave me courage.
“Ca n you dire ct me to the hous e o f Mr Ra nke illo rthe lawye r?”I said.
“Why,”he said,“I ha ve jus t c ome out of hishous e . I am Mr Ra nke illor.”
“S ir,”I said.“will yo u le t me s pe a k to you?”
“I do no t know your name ,”he said.“or yon rfa c e .”
“My name is Da vid Ba lfour,”I said. My wordssurprised him.“Da vid Ba lfour?”he repeated in ahigh voice.“And whe re ha ve you come from,Mr Da -vid Ba lfour?”
“我叫大卫· 巴尔福。”我说,我的话使他吃了一惊。他高声重复着说;“大卫·巴尔福?你是打哪儿来的,大卫·巴尔福先生。”
He looked at me sharply through his spectacles.
“I ha ve come from ma ny s tra nge pla ce s . s ir,”Isaid,“I could te ll you more if we we re not in a p ublicpla ce ,”
He stood and thought for a moment.
“Ye s ,”he said,“tha t will h e be s t.”“是的,那再好不过了。”
He led me into his house. We went into a littleroom full of books and papers. He sat down,and offeredme a chair. He looked sadly from his cleanchair to my dirty clothes.
“Now,”he said,“if you ha ve a ny bus ine s s ,ple a s e te ll me quic kly.”
The blood came to my face,but I said,“I be -lie ve I ha ve some cla im to the la nds of S haws .”
我 的脸涨红了,不过,我还是说:“我想我对肖府的财产有继承权。”
He took a note - book from a drawer and put iton his desk.“We ll?”be said.
I could not go on. What could I say?
“Come ,c ome ,Mr Ba lfour,”he said,“you mus tc ontinue . Whe re we re you born ?”
他 说;“讲吧,讲吧,巴尔福先生。你必须讲下去。你是在哪里出生的?”
“Iu Es s e nde a n ,s ir ,”I said.“In the ye a r 1733,the twe lfth of ma rch .”
He looked at his notes.
“Your fa the r a nd mothe r?”he said.
I told him their names.
“Ha ve you a ny pa pe rs ?Ca n you prove you a reDa vid Da lfour?”Mr Rankeillor asked.
“I ha ve no pa pe rs ,s ir,”I replied,“but MrCampbe ll the minis te r ha s them a t Es s e nde a n . He willre c ognis e me . I think my uncle will do so ,too .”
“Mr Ebe ne ze r Ba lfour?”he said.
“是埃比尼泽· 巴尔福先生吗?”他说。
“The s ame ,”I answered.
“Ha ve you s e e n h im?”he said.
“He re ce ive d me into his own hous e ,”I said.
“Did you e ve r me e t Ca pta in Hos e a son?”thelawyer asked.
“I did,inde e d ,s ir,”Isaid.“My unc le pa id him tokidna p me ne a r this town. I wa s coming to your hous ewhe n the c a pta in invite d me to his brig,On de ck,I re -c e ive d a crue l blow on the he a d. He put me b e lowde c k a nd s a ile d out to s e a . He wa s ta king me to Americ a in ord e r to s e ll me in the s la ve ma rke t. But thebrig we nt down. By the he lp of God I ha ve e s ca pe dtha t e vil.”
“Whe re did the brig go down ?”Mr Raukeillorasked.
“Off the south e n d of the is la nd of Mull,”I said.
“I came a shore on the is la n d of Ea rra id .”
He looked again at his note - book.