In the morning,we were tired and hungry. Wecame to a little village by the water-side. Thetown of Queensferry stood on the far shot . Smokewas rising from the town and from many villagesand farms. Men were gathering the harvest in thefields. Two ships lay in harbour and boats werecoming and going. I looked and looked at the pleasantgreen hills and the busy people. It was mycountry. and I was glad.
Yet Mr Rankeillor’s house was on the southshore,and I was on the north. I was still poor. I hada price on my life,and an outlaw for my companion.
“Oh,Ala n !”I cried,“Ove r the re ,e ve rything iswa iting for me !The b irds go ove r,the boa ts go ove r- a ll c a n go ,e xc e pt me !”
At ten o’clock we went into a small inn. Webought some bread and cheese from a pretty servant
girl. We turned towards a wood by the seashore toeat. Alan was thinking hard. He stopped suddenly.
“Did you notice th e girl?”he said. “你注意到那位姑娘了吗?”
“Ye s ,”I said,“S he wa s ve ry pre tty,wa s n ’ts he ?”
“You th ink so. Tha t’s a good thing”.
he said. “你认为她长得漂亮吗?这就好了。”他说。
“Why?”I asked.
Alan smiled.
“We ll,”he said,“I’m hoping it will g e t us aboa t. You mus t ma ke the girl like you a little ,Da vid.
And you mus t ma ke h e r s orry for you . Le t me s e e ,”
He looked at me.“you ha ve a s a d ,s ic k,we a k loo k.
Tha t will he lp us . Come ,we mus t turn ba c k to the innfor tha t boa t.”
I laughed,and followed.
“Da vid Ba lfour ,”he said,“you ’re a s tra ngege ntlema n,a nd this ma y amus e you. If you re spe ctmy life a nd your own,you mus t b e s e rious . Now Is ha ll a ct a little ,a nd yo u mus t he lp me .”
他说:“大卫· 巴尔福,你这个人有点怪,所以这件事会使你感到好笑。如果你要救我的命,也想救你自己的命的话,你就应该认真对待这件事。等一会儿我要做一点戏,你得配合我。”
“We ll,we ll,”I said,“I will do so.”
我 说;“好吧,好吧,我听你的。”
When we came near the little village,he mademe take his arm. he opened the inn door,and half
carried me in.
The girl was surprised at our return. Alan putme into a chair. He called for a glass of brandy.
Slowly he gave me the drink. Then he fed me withlittle bits of bread and cheese,His face was anxious.
那 位姑娘看见我们又回到客店,大出意外。艾伦把我放到一把椅子上,叫了一杯白兰地,侍候我小口喝了下去。然后,他给我一点一点地喂着面包和奶酪,面带焦急的神色。
The girl came near and watched.
“Wha t’s the ma tte r with him?”she said at last.
“Wha t’s the ma tte r!”Alan cried sadly,“He ’swa lke d hundre ds of mile s ,the poor boy!He ’s s le pta ll the time in we t he a the r.”
“He ’s young for tha t,”the girl said.
“Too young ,”Alan replied.
“He ought to ride ,”she said.
“Whe re ca n I ge t a hors e ?”Alan cried sadly,Must I steal one?”
“I s e e you a re ge ntleme n. ”she said.
“We ll,”he answered,“we ma y be ,but we ha veno mone y.”
All this time I was half laughing,half - ashamed.
I did not like lies. I told Alan he muststop. I was better already,Shame made my voicethick and rough. The girl thought I was ill.
“Ha s he no frie nds ?”she asked.
“He ha s ,”Alan replied,“if we c ould re a ch them- rich frie nds ,a nd comforta ble be ds ,a nd good food,a nd doctors . But ove r he re he mus t wa lk a nd wa lk,a nd lie in the he a the r .”
“Why?”she asked.
“My de a r,”Alan answered,“I ca n’t te ll you. It’
s not s a fe . But I’ll whis tle to you .”
He very softly whistled a Jacobite tune.
“Quie t!”she said,and looked over her shoulder.
“Tha t’s it!”Alan said.
“And he is so young !”the girl cried.