“My fa the r wa s a n old ma n,”Robin answered.
“The fight wa s not e qua l. You a nd I will ma ke a be tte rpa ir,s ir.”
“I wa s thinking th e s ame thing ,”Alan said.
I was getting out of bed,and Duncan wasstanding by them. We were both watching to preventa fight. Now it was coming. Duncan,with awhite face,pushed between them.
“Ge ntle me n. ”he said,“I ha ve be e n thinking ofs ome thing e ls e . He re a re my pipe s . You a re both fa -mous pipe rs . But who is the be tte r pip e r of the two?
Le t us judge now.”
“Why s ir ,”Alan said,and he still looked atRobin,“ca n you pla y?Are you a pipe r?”
“I am a n e xpe rt pipe r!”answered Robin.
“Tha t is a ve ry bold word!”Alan said.
“I ha ve prove d it be fore n ow,”Robin said,“a nda ga ins t be tte r me n tha n you.”
“We will try tha t,”Alan said.
Duncan quickly brought out his bagpipes,andoffered the two men food and drink. The two enemiessat down with polite words. They ate anddrank a little. They were still on the edge of a
quarrel. Then Robin took the pipes and played agay little dance tune.
“Ye s ,you ca n blow,”Alan said. He took the instrumentand played the same music. Then he repeatedthe tune in various ways,and decorated itwith light little notes.
Robin’s playing had pleased me,but Alan’swas even better.
“Tha t’s no t ve ry ba d ,Mr Stewa rt,”said Robin,“but I don ’t think much o f a ll thos e e xtra little note s .
The y did n’t ma ke th e tune sound much be tte r.”
The blood rushed to Alan’s face.
“You a re lying,s ir. ”He bold the handle ofsword.
“He re I win you a t the pipe s ,”saidRobin.“Ma s tyou c ha nge them for the sword?”
“We ll,Mr Ma e gre gor ,”Alan said,“I will ta ke sba c k the lie ,for the pre s e nt. Dunc a n will judge be -twe e n us .”
“Dunc a n will not judge ,”Robin said.“You a re abe tte r judge yours e lf. It is true . you a re a good pipe r,for a S tewa rt. Give me th e pipe s .”
Alan did so. Robin then repeated Alan ’smusic. and corrected some parts of it. Then he beganagain. He used the same tune,but decorated it
in a very neat clever way. I was astonished at hisart.
Alau s face was dark and hot. He sat and bithis fingers.
艾 伦的脸色显得阴沉,激动。
“Enough!”be said. You can play the pipes.
Now we’ll try something else. He got up to fight.
Robin held out his hand and asked for silence.
He began again. This time he played a slowtune. It was a tine noble piece of music,and heplayed it well. Now,it was a special tune of the Appinstewart and a chief favourite with Alan.
罗 宾伸出手,示意艾伦安静。
When he heard the first notes,his facechanged. When Robin repeated the tune morequickly,Alan moved with the music. When Robinhad finished playing,Alan could not be angry. Hethought only of the music.
“Robin Oig ,”he said,“you a re a gre a t pipe r!
You a re much be tte r tha n I. I think I am be tte r withthe sword tha n you . But if we fought,I could not kill agood pipe r like you !”
The quarrel had now ended. All night theyplayed and ate and drank. It was late in the morningwhen Robin went home.