We left the cave at once,and travelled allnight . Early in the morning we stopped. We hadcome to the end of a long mountain chain. In frontthere was a piece of open,empty moorland. The sunwas rising and we sat down to eat and to makeplans.
“This is the d ifficult bit,Da vid ,”Alan said.
“S ha ll we lie h e re till nigh t,or sha ll we try the ope nmoorla nd to the e a s t?If the re d - coa ts come ,the yc a n s e e us a long wa y from he re .”
“Ala n,”I replied,“we ca nnot go ba ck we s t toAppin . We ha ve not e nough mone y or foo d. Le t us ge tawa y now.”
My words pleased him,and he agreed. 他听了我的话很高兴,同意马上走。
Birds were crying above us,and far away somedeers were moving. Red heather grew in places onthe moorland. Fires had burnt some of it. Therewere also wide spaces of bog and water. All around
us there were the tops of the mountains.
We moved in thee hollow parts of the moor.
Sometimes these turned away from the east,and thenwe had to cross the flat,open parts. We walked withbent bodies or moved on our stomachs. Slowly wecrept from one heather bush to the next. It was a clearday again,and the sun was terribly hot.
About noon we lay down in a thick bush tosleep. Alan took the first watch,and I the sec ond.
We had no clock. So Alan put a stick of heather inthe ground. He made a mark in the earth to theeast.
He told me to wake him when the shadow ofthe heather reached the mark. Suddenly I openedmy eyes. The sun had moved a long way. I looked atthe stick of heather. I was filled with shame andfear. I had slept during my watch. We were in danger!
Red - coats vere moving towards us from thesouth - east. They were riding their horses throughthe deep parts of the heather.
我 突然醒来,睁开了眼睛。太阳已经移动了一大截子。我看了看树枝,感到既内疚,又害怕。我在担任警戒时竟然睡着了。我们的处境很危险!红外套从东南方向朝我们包抄过来,他们骑着马,从灌木丛深处蜂拥而来。
I woke Alan. He looked at the soldiers,andthen at the sun’s position. His face was sharp andanxious,but he said no words of blame.
“We mus t run ,”he said.“Le t us go towa rdsBe n Ald e r. ”He pointed to a mountain in the north
east.“It is a wild ,empty mounta in with hills a nd hollows. If we ca n g e t the re be fore morning ,we ma y bes a fe .”
“But Ala n ,”I cried,“tha t will le a d us a cros s thepa th of the soldie rs !”
“I know tha t,”he said.“But if we turn ba ck toAppin ,we sha ll be two de a d me n . Now,Da vid ,hurry!”
He moved quickly forward on his hands andknees. We wound in and out of the moorland hollows.
Our faces were covered with dust,and ourbodies ached. Now and again there was a sound ofwings. A bird was rising out of the heather. We haddisturbed it. We lay still.