“It will be ha rd,”he said.“We s ha ll ofte n betire d a nd hungry. We sha ll ha ve little she lte r. We sha lls le e p in the he a the r. We sha ll be hunte d like thede e r . I know the life we ll,a nd I am us e d to it. The re isno othe r ch a nce . You mus t hide in the he a th e r withme ,o r ha ng.”
We looked out between the birch trees. At thefar end of the mountain the red - coats were movingabout. They were still looking for us.
Alan smiled.
“The y will be tire d whe n he ha ve finish e d,”hesaid.“We c a n s it he re a nd e a t; we ca n drink a nd re s ta little ,Da vid. The n we ’ll go to Auc ha rn,the hous e ofJ ame s S tewa rt,my re la tion. The re I will ge t myc lothe s a nd my we a pons a nd some mone y. The n wec a n go on our wa y.”
We ate and drank and watched the sunset . Idescribed my troubles on the island,and Alan toldme of his last adventures on the brig.
“等他们搜索完毕,一定会很累的。咱们可以坐在这儿,吃点东西,喝点水,休息一会儿,大卫。然后咱们上奥查恩,到我亲戚詹姆斯· 斯图尔特的府上去。我到那里取我的衣服和武器,再拿点钱,再然后咱们就可以上路了。”
He saw the big wave wash me into the sea.
Then he ran to the side. He saw me going down andcoming up several times,and then holding on to thespar. He hoped I could reach land. For this reasonbe left messages for me later on.
Meanwhile the seamen on the deck had got theskiff into the water. They were getting into it ,whena second great wave came. Everyone on deckjumped into the little boat. The water was pouringinto the scuttle of the forecastle. The wounded menthere cried out,but nobody could do anything for
他 看见我被那个大浪冲进海里,立即跑到船边,看到我沉下去又浮上来好几次,以后就抓住那根帆柱。他估计我能游到岸上,所以后来才给我留下口信。
them. The seamen pulled hard on the oars,and theskiff moved away from the brig. A third terriblewave came. The ship went down,with the woundedmen inside her. They were drowned with the ship’srats.
The men pulled ashore. They were filled withhorror,and they were silent. Then they landed,andHoseason came to his senses.
“Ge t tha t ma n!”he cried,and pointed at Alan.
The seamen were afraid and did not move.
“He is a lone !”Hoseason shouted.“He ’s gotmone y on him. We ’ve los t the brig ,a nd you r c ompanions in the fore ca s tle . It’s his fa ult.”
The seamen spread out and came behind Alan.
They were seven against him. Then Riach criedthat they were wrong. They stopped.
“I think he wa s not a ve ry ba d ma n ,”Alan said.
“He wa s sorry a bout the brig ,a nd the wo unde d me n.
He shoute d to me tha t I mus t run. S o I ra n. The y we rea ll a rguing a nd fighting whe n I le ft. I did not like le a vinghim,but I h a d to go. And I cou ld not s ta y to lookfor you . I wa s in the la n d of the Campbe lls . The y a renot my frie nds .”