
第16章 斯图尔特人和坎贝尔人

The wind rose,and we sailed for Alan’s country.

The sun shone in the morning and we passedmany islands. Alan and I sat in the round - house,and smoked a pipe of the captain’s fine tobacco.


When I told him the story of my troubles,helistened like a good friend. But when I spoke of MrCampbell the minister,Alan was angry.



“Why,Ala n,”I said,“Why don ’t you like theCampbe lls ?”


“We ll,”he replied,“you know I am a S tewa rtfrom App in. The Campbe lls ha ve be e n our e ne mie sfor ma n y ye a rs . The y ha ve a tta cke d us a nd s tole nfrom us . The y ha ve ta ke n our la nds ,but ne ve r by thes word !ne ve r in fa ir fight!”he cried loudly,“only bytric ks a nd fa ls e words !The y cla im the y got them byla w. The y lie !a c urs e on them a ll!”





I could not believe every word of this,but Idid not tell him. I knew that the Highlanders werealways fighting and quarrelling among themselves.


“Te ll me your own s tory,”I said. “给我讲讲你自己的身世吧。”


“My fa the r wa s a s oldie r in the Bla ck Wa tc h,”hesaid.“He wa s famous a t the a rt of the sword . Heta ugh t it to me . He ne ve r s a ve d a ny mone y,a nd a fte rhis de a th,I joine d the re d - coa ts .”


“Wha t!”I said,“we re you in the Englis h a rmy?”


“I wa s ,”Alan said,“but I de s e rte d . I cha n ge d tothe Highla nd s ide .”


I knew that deserting was against the law. Ithought it was a very serious fault in a soldier. I didnot say so because I did not want a quarrel with myfriend.


“But Ala n ,”I said,“for a de s e rte r,the punishment is de a th .”


“Ye s ,”he said,“I am a n outlaw,If the y ma keme priso ne r,the y will ha ng me .”


“Good he a ve ns ,ma n,”I cried,“you a re a de -s e rte r a nd a re be l a nd a n outlaw a nd a s e rva nt of theKing of Fra nc e . Wh y do you come ba ck to this country?”


“We ll,you s e e ,I mis s my frie nds a nd my


c ountry. Fra nce is a fin e pla c e ,but I mis s the he a the ra nd the de e r . And I ha ve some bus ine s s in the Highland s . S ome time s I find a fe w young me n the re tos e rve in the Fre nch a rmy. But the mos t importa ntthing is the bus ine s s of Ards hie l. He is the chie f of myc la n.”


“Whe n the Englis h de fe a te d a ll the cla ns of theHighla nd s ,”he continued,“Ards hie l e s c a pe d toFra nc e . The gove rnme nt s e ize d a ll his la nds in Appina nd cla ime d th e re nts from the te na nts . The Re d Foxa curs e on him!- ga the rs the mone y from the te nants for th e gove rnme nt.”


“Who is the Re d Fox?”Iasked. “红狐狸是谁?”我问。

“He is a Campbe ll - a ma n with re d ha ir ,ColinRoy of Gle nure . Oh ,if I ca n kill him!”His look wasfierce,and he showed his teeth.“The me n of Appin- the S tewa rts a nd the Ma cc olls a nd the Ma crobs -a re poor,but th e y a re fa ithful to the ir chie f. The y pa ythe ir re nts to the gove rnme nt; but e ve ry ye a r the y pa ya s e cond re n t to the ir chie f. I curry tha t mone y toFra nc e .”

他 满脸杀气,咬牙切齿地说:


“Wha t!do the y pa y two re nts ?”I cried.


“Ye s ,Da vid. J ame s S tewa rt o f the Gle ns ga the rsthe mo ne y in the Highla nds . He is my re la tion ,a nd hewa s my fa the r’s frie nd .”


“I think it is n oble ,”I cried.“I’m a Whig ,a ndfa ithful to King Ge orge ,but I a dmire them. The y a rege ne rous .”


“Ye s ,”he said,“you ’re a Whig,but you ’re age ntlema n - not like the Campbe lls !- not like theRe d Fox!”His face was dark and angry.“Now ColinCampbe ll ha s he a rd tha t the te na nts pa y a s e condre nt to the ir c hie f. He ha s got pa pe rs a nd lawye rs a ndre d - coa ts . He is coming to Appin to drive them outof the ir home s . One da y I will hunt him down a nds hoot him!”



“Ala n ,”I said,“this is not ve ry wis e . You a rewa s tin g your bre a th. All the s e a ng ry wo rds do noha rm to the Re d Fox. And you oug ht to le a ve his punishme nt to God .”


“Ah ,”he said,“I ca n s e e tha t a Campbe ll wa syour te a c he r!”


“Be s ide s this ,”I added,“if this Campbe ll c ome swith lawye rs a nd soldie rs ,it mus t be the gove rnme nt’

s orde rs . It is not his fa ult. And if you kill him,a nothe rma n will ta ke his pla ce .”



“You a re a good ma n in a fight,”Alan said,“but you ha ve Wh ig bloo d in you .”


His voice was kind,but angry,too. I said no


more about the Red Fox.


“How do you come a nd go a ll the time ?”Iasked.“The re a re troo ps in the Highla nds .”


“We ll,the troops c a n ’t be e ve rywhe re ,”he replied.“If I s e e a soldie r on the ro a d,I g o a nothe rwa y. I hide in the he a the r,or in some frie nd ’shous e .”


I learnt other things about my friend. He wasfamous in the Highlands for his music and his poetry.

He could read both French and English. He wasan expert with the short sword and the long sword.

He was also an expert with a gun. I already knewhis faults. He was vain of himself and his clothes.

He quarreled easily,and like a child. That was hisworst habit . But he remembered the battle in theround - house,and was not often angry with me.

Was this because he respected my courage?Orwas it because I had seen his own brave deeds?Idid not know. He liked courage in anybody,but headmired it most in Alan Breck!

我 还了解到我的其他一些情况。他擅长音乐,又能作诗,在高地一带很出名。他既懂法文又懂英文。他刀法娴熟,无论长刀短刀都十分精通。他还是个神枪手。我也知道他的缺点。他对自己、对自己的衣服都很自负; 动不动就跟人吵架,象个小孩子一件,这是他最坏的毛病。不过,他没有忘记后甲板定那次战斗,在我面前倒不常发脾气。


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