Alan came back quickly. There were threedead men in the round - house and another manwas dying at the door. Alan and I had conqueredthe enemy,and we were not hurt.
He came up to me with open arms.
“Da vid ,”he said,“I love you like a brothe r . Andoh !ma n,don’t I fight we ll?”
He turned and passed his sword through thefour enemies. Then he pushed the bodies out of thedoor.
He sat down on the table but his sword wasstill in his hand. His face was bright and happy. Hesang a few notes and stopped. Then he began again.
He tried the tune several times. He was makinga song,both words and,music,about the fight.
At last the tune was clear in his mind,and besang. He sang his song loudly in Gaelic ,the languageof the Highlands. It was a very popular
Gaelic song after this,and I heard it again and again.
I cannot translate the poetry,but I have translatedthe words into simple English:
This is the song of the sword of Alan,The smith made it,The fire set it;Now it shines in the hand of Alan Breck.
Their eyes were many and bright ,Quickly they came,Many hands they guided:
The sword was alone.
The brown deer pass over the hill,They are many,the hill is one;The brown deer have gone for ever,The hill remains.
Come,eagles,from the hills,From the islands of the sea,O distant eagles,look,Here is your meat.
Alan’s song was not quite fair to me becausehe had not been alone. I had killed two men,andwounded the captain. But poetry is difficult,andperhaps the words did not fit. In later times,he alwaysgave me generous praise for my help.
I did not understand the words when he was
singing. I did not know any Gaelic,and it did notinterest me. After the long wait and the two fiercefights,I was tired and weak. I dropped into a seat.
My chest was tight and I could not breathe. I rememberedI had shot two men. The thought mademe sick.
Suddenly I was crying like a child.
Alan touched my shoulder. He said I was abrave boy. I needed sleep.
“I will wa tc h firs t,”he said.“You ha ve donewe ll,Da vid . You a re ve ry de a r to me .”
I lay down. Alan sat with his sword and Pistolby his side. After three hours he woke me and Iwatched.
Nothing happened and the men did not attackagain. When morning came,the sea was smooth.
The fog had gone,but it was raining. Birds,werecrying round the ship. I knew we must be nearland . When I looked out of the round - house. I sawit On the right hand I saw the great stone hills ofSkye. A Little behind there was the strange little islandof Rhum.