

Shortly after the attempted migration to the warm rivers, in which he had taken part with the rest, Dron was made village elder and overseer of Bogutcharovo, and had filled those positions irreproachably for twenty-three years. The peasants were more afraid of him than of their master. The old prince and the young one and the steward respected him, and called him in joke the minister. Dron had never once been drunk or ill since he had been appointed elder; he had never after sleepless nights or severe labour shown the slightest signs of fatigue; and though he could not read or write, he never forgot an account of the pounds of flour in the huge waggon-loads he sold, and of the money paid for them, nor missed a sheaf of wheat on an acre of the Bogutcharovo fields.

This peasant Dron it was for whom Alpatitch sent on coming from the plundered estate at Bleak Hills. He ordered him to get ready twelve horses for the princess’s carriages, and eighteen conveyances for the move which was to be made from Bogutcharovo. Though the peasants paid rent instead of working as serfs, Alpatitch expected to meet no difficulty on their part in carrying out this order, since there were two hundred and thirty efficient families in Bogutcharovo, and the peasants were well-to-do. But Dron, on receiving the order, dropped his eyes and made no reply. Alpatitch mentioned the names of peasants from whom he told him to take the carts.

Dron replied that the horses belonging to those peasants were away on hire. Alpatitch mentioned the names of other peasants. They too, according to Dron, had no horses available: some were employed in government transport, others had gone lame, and others had died through the shortness of forage. In Dron’s opinion, there was no hope of getting horses enough for the princess’s carriages, not to speak of the transport of baggage.

Alpatitch looked intently at Dron and scowled. Dron was a model village elder, but Alpatitch had not been twenty years managing the prince’s estates for nothing, and he too was a model steward. He possessed in the highest degree the faculty of divining the needs and instincts of the peasants, with whom he had to deal, and was consequently an excellent steward. Glancing at Dron, he saw at once that his answers were not the expression of his own ideas, but the expression of the general drift of opinion in the Bogutcharovo village, by which the elder had already been carried away. At the same time, he knew that Dron, who had saved money and was detested by the village, must be hesitating between two camps—the master’s and the peasants’. He detected the hesitation in his eyes, and so frowning he came closer to Dron.

“Now, Dronushka,” he said, “you listen to me! Don’t you talk nonsense to me. His excellency, Prince Andrey Nikolaevitch, himself gave me orders to move the folk away, and not leave them with the enemy, and the Tsar has issued a decree that it is to be so. Any one that stays is a traitor to the Tsar. Do you hear?”

“I hear,” answered Dron, not raising his eyes.

Alpatitch was not satisfied with his reply.

“Ay, Dron, there’ll be trouble!” said Alpatitch, shaking his head.

“It’s for you to command!” said Dron dejectedly.

“Ay, Dron, drop it!” repeated Alpatitch, taking his hand out of the bosom of his coat, and pointing with a solemn gesture to the ground under Dron’s feet. “I can see right through you; and more than that, I can see three yards into the earth under you,” he said, looking at the ground under Dron’s feet.

Dron was disconcerted; he looked furtively at Alpatitch, and dropped his eyes again.

“You drop this nonsense, and tell the folks to pack up to leave their homes and go to Moscow, and to get ready carts to-morrow morning for the princess’s luggage; and don’t you go to the meeting. Do you hear?”

All at once Dron threw himself at his feet.

“Yakov Alpatitch, discharge me! Take the keys from me; discharge me, for Christ’s sake!”

“Stop that!” said Alpatitch sternly. “I can see through you three yards into the earth,” he repeated, knowing that his skill in beekeeping, his knowledge of the right day to sow the oats, and his success in pleasing the old prince for twenty years had long ago gained him the reputation of a wizard, and that the power of seeing for three yards under a man is ascribed to wizards.

Dron got up, and would have said something, but Alpatitch interrupted him.

“What’s this you’ve all got in your head? Eh? … What are you thinking about? Eh?”

“What am I to do with the people?” said Dron. “They’re all in a ferment. I do tell them …”

“Oh, I dare say you do,” said Alpatitch. “Are they drinking?” he asked briefly.

“They’re all in a ferment, Yakov Alpatitch; they have got hold of another barrel.”

“Then you listen to me. I’ll go to the police-captain and you tell them so, and tell them to drop all this and get the carts ready.”

“Certainly,” answered Dron.

Yakov Alpatitch did not insist further. He had much experience in managing the peasants, and knew that the chief means for securing obedience was not to show the slightest suspicion that they could do anything but obey. Having wrung from Dron a submissive “certainly,” Yakov Alpatitch rested content with it, though he had more than doubts—he had a conviction—that the carts would not be provided without the intervention of the military authorities.

And as a fact when evening came, the carts had not been provided. There had been again a village meeting at the tavern, and at the meeting it had been resolved to drive the horses out into the forest and not to provide the conveyances. Without saying a word of all this to the princess, Alpatitch ordered his own baggage to be unloaded from the waggons that had come from Bleak Hills and the horses to be taken from them for the princess’s carriage, while he rode off himself to the police authorities.

  • 连任系统的第九千九百九十次宿主


  • 幻者档案


  • 浔你


  • 天行


  • 别总奇奇怪怪


  • 四世同堂(全集)


    翻开完整版《四世同堂》,这些熬过艰苦岁月的不屈灵魂,一定会给你力量!自英文版The Yellow Storm中补译遗失的后13章,呈现足本全三部原貌。本版《四世同堂》从英译本中补全被毁的后13章,完整呈现足本《四世同堂》原貌。小说以抗日战争时期北平一个普通的小羊圈胡同作为故事背景,通过祁瑞宣等众多小人物的生活经历,反映了从北平刚刚沦陷直至抗战结束这一过程中北平市民的惶惑、偷生、苟安、又终于获得光明的心路历程。
  • 那杯温水要加糖


  • 呆萌小甜心恶魔少爷吻上瘾


  • 当我们成为神祗


  • 勒二爷的朱砂痣


    傅婉柒不是人,在遇见勒斯言之前没有勒斯言的世界是冷漠的,没有生息的。 但遇见勒斯言之后,大魔王就变成了日常撒娇卖萌的小可爱大魔王的手下表示很懵逼:??? 老大你还记得你当初是个一棍子打死一群人的小魔王吗?为什么现在只会嘤嘤嘤了? 勒斯言:“傅婉柒,听话。”傅婉柒:“不可以哦,阿言,你是我的男人,也只能是我的男人!你要是敢多看别的女人一眼,我就杀了她们,生不如死。”勒斯言:“……好,乖,先下来。”傅婉柒:“先亲我一口!”勒斯言:“……好”从此,京都的人都知道,勒斯言在第二次见面就被傅婉柒宣誓主权,并且日后成功进阶为宠妻狂魔“阿言,我要亲亲~”勒斯言看着搂着他脖子在他怀里撒娇的傅婉柒,无奈的揉了揉头,低头在少女唇际落下一个吻。【1V1狂宠,全程撒糖!!!不虐,超爽,女主有点病娇,好了就一点点】