How the Captain acquitted himself of his embassy before the King.
"Sire!the Ydallcao,my master,sends me to thee;and by my mouth he begs thee that thou wouldest be pleased to do justice.He bids me say that he bears very good will towards thee[568]as towards the most true and powerful prince in all the world,and one possessed,of most justice and truth;that thou without reason hast broken the friendship and peace which thou hast had towards him,and not only so but a peace which was made so many years ago and maintained by all the kings so truthfully;that he does not know why thou hast left thy kingdom and made such war on him;that he was without suspicion when they brought him the news how thou hadst besieged the city of Rachol,and hadst robbed and destroyed the country round about,which news caused him to move and come to its rescue;that then all the members of his court were slain by thee,and his camp all plundered and destroyed,thou thyself being good witness of what was done,and that he begs thee to make amends therefor,and to send back to him his artillery and tents,his horses and elephants,with the rest that was taken from him,and also to restore his city of Rachol;that if thou wilt give him the satisfaction for which he prays as to this property and all other things thou wilt have him always for a loyal friend;but if not,thy action will be evil,even though pleasing to thyself."Thus he ended,without saying more.The King said that he might retire and repose,and that next day he would give him leave to depart,and the King gave him a robe of silk and the cloths that are customary.