
第36章 Numerous Warriors Die...(5)

Led by Kokcho,a total of 50,000 Kazak warriors went into battle. In the meantime, a total of 80,000 soldiers led by a brutal general called Shiakuer came to grips with them immediately. As a valiant general, Shiakuer was

Numerous Warriors Die in Battlefield and Manas Khan Passes Away


summoned for the decisive fight by Konurbai in the name of Esen Khan.

The courage of the troops of Kokcho mounted as the battle proceeded. On the contrary, the morale of the soldiers of Shiakuer kept sinking lower as more than half of them lost their lives. Shiakuer was seen burning with a frenzy of rage and risking his life in resistance. As a brave general, Kokcho vigorously thrust his spear at Shiakuer for a total of sixteen times. Shiakuer could not sustain the blows and had to run away. However, Kokcho followed up the victory with hot pursuit. They kept on fighting all the way without a stop by holding each other’s clothes in a tight grip and hitting each other’s shoulders by iron hammers. Both persons’ ears were torn open and their robe armors turned red because of the blood flowing down from the injuries. At such a critical momnent, Konurbai burst upon their sight. Konurbai ordered his bully-boys to besiege Kokcho and snare him into an iron trap. However, the fearless fighter was not scared at all and still fought the enemies in the iron trap. Serhaq, son of Jakip Khan, came back to the battlefield from his inspection mission at the critical moment. He came into unavoidable confrontation with the Qalmaq enemies. He rushed to the horse of Konurbai, flinging him from the horseback. Then he succeeded in releasing Kokcho from the iron trap. Having seen Shiakuer, who were ready to run away from the battlefield, Kokcho chanted the slogan of “Manas” repeatedly and dashed to him quickly. He lifted up Shiakuer from the horseback with his long spear and then flung him onto the ground. Finally, Kokcho cut off the evil enemy’s head with his sharp sword. Immediately after that, he moved towards other enemies without hesistation. The blood of those enemies killed by him dyed his axe, sword and long spear in red. Out of the blankest dread, other enemies fled in all directions just like the frightened flies which were out of their bearings. A total of 80,000 soldiers were annihilated overnight. Konurbai was so frightened that he dropped his haughty airs and fled away in a fluster. Kokcho ordered his troops to return back first while he stayed in the battlefield to trace the enemies. At the daybreak, Kokcho was spotted by Konurbai and his bully-boys. “This guy is so brave and tought that we had better cautch him alive. As you know, what we do can restrain their arrogance which has been inflated by their triumph,” Konurbai said in a low voice. Unfortunately, Kokcho did not learn that he had already been closed in on by the enemies. Those fierce villains chanted the slogans while coming at him all of a sudden. Kokcho was

Legend of Manas

not confounded at the enemies charging towards him in groups. He used his spear to fling Konurbai on the ground. Several ferocious generals of Konurbai jumped on the valiant warrior at the same time in order to catch him alive. At that moment, Kokcho realized that his life was coming to an end in an instant. However, the hero was not scared by the danger simply because he had left life and death out of consideration. The test of life and death led him to hold on the fighting to the end whatever difficulties he might run into. Thus, he raised his sword and cut off a leg of Muradil. But the horse of Konurbai jumped high and then swooped down on Kokcho almost at the same time. The hero was knocked down to the ground and then tied tightly by the warlord’s bully-boys. Such a terrible view burst upon the sight of Almambet. The Khitan prince’s resentment blinded his good sense. He charged at the enemies while letting out the cries. But the loud cries flabbergasted Konurbai, who was determined to gain the upper hand by acting first. He drew out the knife from his scabbard and cut off the head of Kokcho. Then, the savage warlord tied the hero’s head to his horse saddle and ran away quickly.

Almambet ran over to the incomplete remains of Kokcho. Holding the remains in arms tightly, Almambet said: “You lost your life because of my misconduct. We haven’t got rid of the hang-ups in our minds yet. How can you die so early? Can you hear me? I have never betrayed you before. I have been faithful to you ever since, as always happens. Just trust me please. Not accepting my advice, Manas erected the barracks on the hillslope. All our warriors will die of such an incorrect decision. Manas’ health is getting weaker and weaker as his wound took a turn for the worse. Maybe, only Bakai can muster the remnants of the defeated army and bring the discomfited soldiers back home. We would likely bid farewell to our family members.”

Almambet still felt extremely sorry for the death of Kokcho in the wake of burying his remains. Inflicted with a sense of guilt for a long time, the Khitan prince blamed himself repeatedly. In this opinion, his blunder during the fighting got Kokcho to be decapitated by the enemy. He could not compose himself any more and burst out crying in despair. Manas was also deeply grieved at the dealth of his dear companion. Manas knew for sure that Almambet was a prophet who could foretell everyone’s fate.

The distant roll of war drums and crisp fire shots took Manas and all the other warriors aback suddenly. The deafening tumult taking place in the

Numerous Warriors Die in Battlefield and Manas Khan Passes Away


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