
第14章 文科类(11)

In general, as expected, the identical tw ins w ere m uch closer toeach other intellectually than were the fraternal tw ins.Previous largescaletesting of tw ins,including am ajor investigation adecade ago byDr.T hom as J.Bouchard Jr.and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota,yielded sim ilar results.

“But whatis so new and surprising about the latest study,”said Dr.

Jared B.Jobe,chief of the Adult Psychological Developm ent Branch ofthe National Institute on Aging,“is that it show s the genetic influenceon cognitive ability to rem ain very strong,even in old age.”

Acknow ledging that som esocial scientists believe that heredityplays virtually no role in the developm ent of intelligence,Mc Clearn said :

“They should look at the data.If you think about it,cognitive functiondepends on neurochem ical(影响神经系统的化学物质) processes in thebrain,which are influenced by enzym es(酶),which are made by genes.It would be dum bfounding for intellectual functioning to be without geneticinfluence.”


Heredity and Hereditarianism

By Barry Mehler

The m odern study of heredity began with the rediscovery in 1900ofthe work of Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) by Hugo D e Vries,Karl Correns,and Erich Tscherm ak.Mendeldiscovered the basic laws of separationand independent assortm ent (分类) of paired alleles (等位基因)which opened the way for the m odern science of genetics.The Am ericangeneticist,Thom as Hunt Morgan (1866-1945) carried on studies of heredityin rosophila (fruit fly) and was aw arded the Nobel prize in 1933for his discoveries relating to the law sand m echanisms of heredity.T hese theoreticaldiscoveries enabled George Shull,operating at the CarnegieInstitution's genetics research facility at Cold Spring Harbor to developthe technology of plant hybridization (杂交).The practical resultw as arevolution in farm ing techniques which vastly increased the w orldsfood production betw een 1920and 1950. T his “Green Revolution”ledm any to believe that the science of genetics would banish (消除) hunger.It also led som e to abelief in the pow er of genetics to explain hum ancharacter traits and solve hum an social and political problems.

Hereditarianism (遗传论) or biological determ inism,as it is alsocalled,is the belief that individualdifferences in hum an beings can be explainedprim arily on the basis of genetics.Further,many hereditariansbelieve that racial or ethnic groups differ,on average,in socially im portanttraits such as intelligence,altruism (利他),and aggression (侵略).

Hereditarians have explained race and class differences as reflectingdifferences in innate ability.

Francis Galton (1822-1911) may be considered the father of m odernhereditarianism. Galton, Charles Darw in's half‐cousin, is bestknow n as the founder of the eugenics (优生学) movem ent. He coinedthe term eugenics in 1883,in his w idely‐read book,Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Developm ent.Galton took the w ord from the Greek“eugenes”,w hich m eans “to be w ell born”.Galton noted that the Negro,Hindu,Arab,Mongol,and Teuton(日耳曼人) all have “their pe‐culiar characters”,which “are transm itted,generation after generation”.

He believed that whites were intellectually superior to blacks and hehoped “inferior”races would gradually becom e extinct.

On the opposite side are the behaviorists or socialdeterm inists.T hefather of behaviorism is John L ocke (1623-1704).L ocke states that them ind was atabula rasa or blank slate (白板) at birth.Behaviorists assume there are no differences before birth.The leading representative ofbehaviorism in the United States was the Am erican psychologist,JohnB.Watson (1878-1958).Watson argued that the environm ent in whichthe child is brought up determ ines intelligence and character.He claim edthat given com plete control over the environm ent of achild he couldguarantee (保证) to train him to becom eany type of specialist-“doctor,law yer,artist”and even “beggar m an and thief”-regardless of the talentsor tendencies of his parents or race.


2004高考全国卷E 篇

If you are arecent social science graduate who has had to listen tojokes about unem ploym ent from your com puter major classm ates,youm ay have had the last laugh.There are many advantages for the socialscience major because this high‐tech “Inform ation Age”dem ands peoplew ho are flexible (灵活的) and who have good com munication skills.

There are many social science majors in large com panies who fillim ‐portant positions.For exam ple,anum ber of research studies found thatsocial science majors had achieved greater managerial success than thosew ho had technical training or pre‐professionalcourses.Studies show thatsocial science majors are m ost suited for change,which is the leadingfeature (特点) of the kind of high speed,high‐pressure,high‐tech worldw enow live in.

Social science m ajors are not only experiencing success in their long‐term com pany jobs,but they are also finding jobs more easily.Astudyshow ed that many com panies had filled alarge percentage of their entrylevelpositions w ith social science graduates.The study also show ed thatthe most sought‐after quality in aperson who was looking for ajob wascom munication skills,noted as “very im portant”by 92percent of thecom panies.Social science m ajors have these skills,often without know ‐ing how im portant they are.It is probably due to these skills that theyhave been offered aw ide variety of positions.

Finally,although som e social science majors may still find it moredifficult than their technically trained classm ates to land the firstjob,recentgraduates report that they don'tregret their choice of study.

72.By saying that “you m ay have had the last laugh”in the firstparagraph,the author means that you may have.

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