

"Most serious consequences have resulted in cases implying libelous assertions which have been made rashly," added Mr.Grimby."As Mr.

Temple Barholm intimated to you, a man of almost unlimited means has command of resources which it might not be easy to contend with if he had reason to feel himself injured."The fact that Captain Palliser had in a bitterly frustrated moment allowed himself to be goaded into losing his temper, and "giving away"to Tembarom the discovery on which he had felt that he could rely as a lever, did not argue that a like weakness would lead him into more dangerous indiscretion.He had always regarded himself as a careful man whose defenses were well built about him at such crises in his career as rendered entrenchment necessary.There would, of course, be some pleasure in following the matter up and getting more than even with a man who had been insolent to him; but a more practical feature of the case was that if, through his alert observation and shrewd aid, Jem Temple Barholm was restored to his much-to-be-envied place in the world, a far from unnatural result would be that he might feel suitable gratitude and indebted-ness to the man who, not from actual personal liking but from a mere sense of justice, had rescued him.As for the fears of Messrs.Palford & Grimby, he had put himself on record with Burrill by commanding him to hold his tongue and stating clearly that proof was both necessary and lacking.No man could be regarded as taking risks whose attitude was so wholly conservative and non-accusing.Servants will gossip.A superior who reproves such gossip holds an unattackable position.In the private room of Palford & Grimby, however, he could confidently express his opinions without risk.

"The recognition of a man lost sight of for years, and seen only for a moment through a window, is not substantial evidence," Mr.Grimby had proceeded."The incident was startling, but not greatly to be relied upon.""I knew him." Palliser was slightly grim in his air of finality."He was a man most men either liked or hated.I didn't like him.Idetested a trick he had of staring at you under his drooping lids.By the way, do you remember the portrait of Miles Hugo which was so like him?"Mr.Palford remembered having heard that there was a certain portrait in the gallery which Mr.James Temple Barholm had been said to resemble.He had no distinct recollection of the ancestor it represented.

"It was a certain youngster who was a page in the court of Charles the Second and who died young.Miles Hugo Charles James was his name.He is my strongest clue.The American seemed rather keen the first time we talked together.He was equally keen about Jem Temple Barholm.He wanted to know what he looked like, and whether it was true that he was like the portrait.""Indeed!" exclaimed Palford and Grimby, simultaneously.

"It struck me that there was something more than mere curiosity in his manner," Palliser enlarged."I couldn't make him out then.Later, Ibegan to see that he was remarkably anxious to keep every one from Strangeways.It was a sort of Man in the Iron Mask affair.Strangeways was apparently not only too excitable to be looked at or spoken to, but too excitable to be spoken of.He wouldn't talk about him.""That is exceedingly curious," remarked Mr.Palford, but it was not in response to Palliser.A few moments before he had suddenly looked thoughtful.He wore now the aspect of a man trying to recall something as Palliser continued.

"One day, after I had been to look at a sunset through a particular window in the wing where Strangeways was kept, I passed the door of his sitting-room, and heard the American arguing with him.He was evidently telling him he was to be taken elsewhere, and the poor devil was terrified.I heard him beg him for God's sake not to send him away.There was panic in his voice.In connection with the fact that he has got him away secretly--at midnight-it's an ugly thing to recall.""It would seem to have significance." Grimby said it uneasily.

"It set me thinking and looking into things," Palliser went on.

"Pearson was secretive, but the head man, Burrill, made casual enlightening remarks.I gathered some curious details, which might or might not have meant a good deal.When Strangeways suddenly appeared at his window one evening a number of things fitted themselves together.My theory is that the American--Tembarom, as he used to call himself --may not have been certain of the identity at first, but he wouldn't have brought Strangeways with him if he had not had some reason to suspect who he was.He daren't lose sight of him, and he wanted time to make sure and to lay his plans.The portrait of Miles Hugo was a clue which alarmed him, and no doubt he has been following it.If he found it led to nothing, he could easily turn Strangeways over to the public charge and let him be put into a lunatic asylum.If he found it led to a revelation which would make him a pauper again, it would be easy to dispose of him.""Come! Come! Captain Palliser! We mustn't go too far!" ejaculated Mr.

Grimby, alarmedly.It shocked him to think of the firm being dragged into a case dealing with capital crime and possible hangmen! That was not its line of the profession.

Captain Palliser's slight laugh contained no hint of being shocked by any possibilities whatever.

  • 快穿之万千世界挚爱


  • 圣源之光


  • 天行


  • 武神欲天


  • 现实是过去的未来


  • 我家老公超疼我的


  • 明日方舟的新博士


  • 御戒


  • 世子爷宠妻日常


  • 我让神话复苏

