

The moth hesitated at the first light,then slowly,easily it came toward the second,as if following a path of air.It touched a leaf near the lantern and settled.

As Mrs.Comstock reached for it a thin yellow spray wet her hand and the surrounding leaves.When its wings raised above its back,her fingers came together.

She held the moth to the light.It was nearer brown than yellow,and she remembered having seen some like it in the boxes that afternoon.It was not the one needed to complete the collection,but Elnora might want it,so Mrs.Comstock held on.Then the Almighty was kind,or nature was sufficient,as you look at it,for following the law of its being when disturbed,the moth again threw the spray by which some suppose it attracts its kind,and liberally sprinkled Mrs.Comstock's dress front and arms.From that instant,she became the best moth bait ever invented.Every Polyphemus in range hastened to her,and other fluttering creatures of night followed.

The influx came her way.She snatched wildly here and there until she had one in each hand and no place to put them.She could see more coming,and her aching heart,swollen with the strain of long excitement,hurt pitifully.She prayed in broken exclamations that did not always sound reverent,but never was human soul in more intense earnest.

Moths were coming.She had one in each hand.

They were not yellow,and she did not know what to do.

She glanced around to try to discover some way to keep what she had,and her throbbing heart stopped and every muscle stiffened.There was the dim outline of a crouching figure not two yards away,and a pair of eyes their owner thought hidden,caught the light in a cold stream.Her first impulse was to scream and fly for life.Before her lips could open a big moth alighted on her breast while she felt another walking over her hair.

All sense of caution deserted her.She did not care to live if she could not replace the yellow moth she had killed.

She turned her eyes to those among the leaves.

"Here,you!"she cried hoarsely."I need you!Get yourself out here,and help me.These critters are going to get away from me.Hustle!"Pete Corson parted the bushes and stepped into the light.

"Oh,it's you!"said Mrs.Comstock."I might have known!

But you gave me a start.Here,hold these until I make some sort of bag for them.Go easy!If you break them I don't guarantee what will happen to you!""Pretty fierce,ain't you!"laughed Pete,but he advanced and held out his hands."For Elnora,I s'pose?""Yes,"said Mrs.Comstock."In a mad fit,I trampled one this morning,and by the luck of the old boy himself it was the last moth she needed to complete a collection.

I got to get another one or die."

"Then I guess it's your funeral,"said Pete."There ain't a chance in a dozen the right one will come.What colour was it?""Yellow,and big as a bird."

"The Emperor,likely,"said Pete."You dig for that kind,and they are not numerous,so's 'at you can smash 'em for fun.""Well,I can try to get one,anyway,"said Mrs.Comstock.

"I forgot all about bringing anything to put them in.

You take a pinch on their wings until I make a poke."Mrs.Comstock removed her apron,tearing off the strings.

She unfastened and stepped from the skirt of her calico dress.With one apron string she tied shut the band and placket.She pulled a wire pin from her hair,stuck it through the other string,and using it as a bodkin ran it around the hem of her skirt,so shortly she had a large bag.She put several branches inside to which the moths could cling,closed the mouth partially and held it toward Pete.

"Put your hand well down and let the things go!"she ordered.

"But be careful,man!Don't run into the twigs!Easy!

That's one.Now the other.Is the one on my head gone?

There was one on my dress,but I guess it flew.Here comes a kind of a gray-looking one."Pete slipped several more moths into the bag.

"Now,that's five,Mrs.Comstock,"he said."I'm sorry,but you'll have to make that do.You must get out of here lively.Your lights will be taken for hurry calls,and inside the next hour a couple of men will ride here like fury.They won't be nice Sunday-school men,and they won't hold bags and catch moths for you.

You must go quick!"

Mrs.Comstock laid down the bag and pulled one of the lanterns lower.

"I won't budge a step,"she said."This land doesn't belong to you.You have no right to order me off it.

Here I stay until I get a Yellow Emperor,and no little petering thieves of this neighbourhood can scare me away.""You don't understand,"said Pete."I'm willing to help Elnora,and I'd take care of you,if I could,but there will be too many for me,and they will be mad at being called out for nothing.""Well,who's calling them out?"demanded Mrs.Comstock.

"I'm catching moths.If a lot of good-for-nothings get fooled into losing some sleep,why let them,they can't hurt me,or stop my work.""They can,and they'll do both."

"Well,I'll see them do it!"said Mrs.Comstock."I've got Robert's revolver in my dress,and I can shoot as straight as any man,if I'm mad enough.Any one who interferes with me to-night will find me mad a-plenty.There goes another!"She stepped into the light and waited until a big brown moth settled on her and was easily taken.Then in light,airy flight came a delicate pale green thing,and Mrs.

Comstock started in pursuit.But the scent was not right.

The moth fluttered high,then dropped lower,still lower,and sailed away.With outstretched hands Mrs.Comstock pursued it.She hurried one way and another,then ran over an object which tripped her and she fell.

She regained her feet in an instant,but she had lost sight of the moth.With livid face she turned to the crouching man.

"You nasty,sneaking son of Satan!"she cried."Why are you hiding there?You made me lose the one I wanted most of any I've had a chance at yet.Get out of here!

  • 宗玄先生文集


  • 前七国志


  • 续词余丛话


  • 医案精华


  • 上清九丹上化胎精中记经


  • 天行


  • 迫降


  • 民国爱情


  • 天才丹药召唤师


  • 重生之女权倾天下


  • 天行


  • 我本妖孽:异世虞姬惊天下


  • 特种教师


  • 梦中见君往如故


  • 创新型人才素质教育

