

Late one afternoon a party of them mounted on horseback came suddenly in sight from behind some clumps of bushes that lined the bank of the stream, leading with them a mule, on whose back was a wretched negro, only sustained in his seat by the high pommel and cantle of the Indian saddle.His cheeks were withered and shrunken in the hollow of his jaws; his eyes were unnaturally dilated, and his lips seemed shriveled and drawn back from his teeth like those of a corpse.When they brought him up before our tent, and lifted him from the saddle, he could not walk or stand, but he crawled a short distance, and with a look of utter misery sat down on the grass.All the children and women came pouring out of the lodges round us, and with screams and cries made a close circle about him, while he sat supporting himself with his hands, and looking from side to side with a vacant stare.

The wretch was starving to death! For thirty-three days he had wandered alone on the prairie, without weapon of any kind; without shoes, moccasins, or any other clothing than an old jacket and pantaloons; without intelligence and skill to guide his course, or any knowledge of the productions of the prairie.All this time he had subsisted on crickets and lizards, wild onions, and three eggs which he found in the nest of a prairie dove.He had not seen a human being.Utterly bewildered in the boundless, hopeless desert that stretched around him, offering to his inexperienced eye no mark by which to direct his course, he had walked on in despair till he could walk no longer, and then crawled on his knees until the bone was laid bare.He chose the night for his traveling, lying down by day to sleep in the glaring sun, always dreaming, as he said, of the broth and corn cake he used to eat under his old master's shed in Missouri.Every man in the camp, both white and red, was astonished at his wonderful escape not only from starvation but from the grizzly bears which abound in that neighborhood, and the wolves which howled around him every night.

Reynal recognized him the moment the Indians brought him in.He had run away from his master about a year before and joined the party of M.Richard, who was then leaving the frontier for the mountains.He had lived with Richard ever since, until in the end of May he with Reynal and several other men went out in search of some stray horses, when he got separated from the rest in a storm, and had never been heard of up to this time.Knowing his inexperience and helplessness, no one dreamed that he could still be living.The Indians had found him lying exhausted on the ground.

As he sat there with the Indians gazing silently on him, his haggard face and glazed eye were disgusting to look upon.Delorier made him a bowl of gruel, but he suffered it to remain untasted before him.

At length he languidly raised the spoon to his lips; again he did so, and again; and then his appetite seemed suddenly inflamed into madness, for he seized the bowl, swallowed all its contents in a few seconds, and eagerly demanded meat.This we refused, telling him to wait until morning, but he begged so eagerly that we gave him a small piece, which he devoured, tearing it like a dog.He said he must have more.We told him that his life was in danger if he ate so immoderately at first.He assented, and said he knew he was a fool to do so, but he must have meat.This we absolutely refused, to the great indignation of the senseless squaws, who, when we were not watching him, would slyly bring dried meat and POMMES BLANCHES, and place them on the ground by his side.Still this was not enough for him.When it grew dark he contrived to creep away between the legs of the horses and crawl over to the Indian village, about a furlong down the stream.Here he fed to his heart's content, and was brought back again in the morning, when Jean Gras, the trapper, put him on horseback and carried him to the fort.He managed to survive the effects of his insane greediness, and though slightly deranged when we left this part of the country, he was otherwise in tolerable health, and expressed his firm conviction that nothing could ever kill him.

When the sun was yet an hour high, it was a gay scene in the village.

  • 近思录集注


  • 鳳城瑣錄


  • Volume One

    Volume One

  • 三观义


  • 太上洞玄灵宝三元玉京玄都大献经


  • 人界散仙


  • 令风云


  • 和谐文化建设的探索与实践


  • 天行


  • 空有一身内力


  • 异世乱苍穹


  • 重生之我的军旅生活


  • 绝命勘探


  • 邪傲龙君:驯宠雪貂女


  • 证券投资学(修订本)

