
第11章 CHAPTER II(4)

I want you fellows to do this for my sake. I know you will, after you have thought it over. You and I have been through good times and bad together. We have made money and we have seen it go faster than it came. Shad has seen his savings taken away from him, partly because I trusted where he did not, and he never spoke a word of complaint nor found a mite of fault. Zoeth has borne my greatest trouble with me and though his share was far away bigger than mine, he kept me from breaking under it. I have not seen as much of you lately as I used to see, but that was my fault. Not my fault exactly, maybe, but my misfortune. I have not been the man I was and seeing you made me realize it. That is why I have not been to South Harniss and why I acted so queer when you came here. I was sort of ashamed, I guess. You remember when the old Hall and Company firm started business there were four of us who agreed to stick by each other through foul weather and fair till we died. One of that four broke his promise and pretty nigh wrecked us all, as he did wreck the firm. Now I am asking you two to stick by me and mine. I am trusting and believing that you are going to do it as I write this. When you read it I shan't be on hand. But, if I am where I can see and hear I shall still be believing you will do this last favor for your old messmate.


Judge Baxter folded the sheets of foolscap and laid them on the table. Then he took off his spectacles and wiped them with his handkerchief.

"Well, gentlemen?" he said, after a moment.

Captain Gould drew a long breath.

"I don't think it's well," he observed. "I think it's about as sick as it can be, and I cal'late Zoeth feels the same; eh, Zoeth?"

Mr. Hamilton did not answer. He neither spoke nor moved.

"Of course," said the lawyer, "it is not necessary that you make up your minds this instant. You will probably wish a few days to think the matter over in and then you can let me know what you decide.

You have heard the letter and I have explained the situation. Are there any questions you would like to ask?"

Shadrach shook his head.

"No, not far's I'm concerned," he said. "My mind is made up now. I did think there wasn't anything I wouldn't do for Marcellus. And I would have done anything in reason. But this ain't reason--it's what I called it in the beginnin', craziness. Me and Zoeth can't go crazy for anybody."

"Then you decline?"

"Yes, sir; I'm mighty sorry but of course we can't do such a thing.

Me and Zoeth, one of us a bach all his life, and t'other one a--a widower for twenty years, for us to take a child to bring up! My soul and body! Havin' hung on to the heft of our senses so far, course we decline! We can't do nothin' else."

"And you, Mr. Hamilton?"

Zoeth appeared to hesitate. Then he asked:

"What sort of a girl is she?"

"Mary-'Gusta? She's a bright child, and a well-behaved one, generally speaking. Rather old for her years, and a little--well, peculiar. That isn't strange, considering the life she has led since her mother's death. But she is a good girl and a pretty little thing. I like her; so does my wife."

"That was her at the cemetery, wasn't it? She was with that Hobbs woman?"


"I thought so. Shadrach and I met her when we was over here two years ago. I thought the one at the graveyard was her. Poor little critter! Where is she now; at the house--at Marcellus's?"

"Yes; that is, I suppose she is."

"Do you--do you cal'late we could see her if we went there now?"

"Yes, I am sure you could."

Zoeth rose.

"Come on, Shadrach," he said, "let's go."

The Captain stared at him.

"Go?" he repeated. "Where? Home, do you mean?"

"No, not yet. I mean over to Marcellus's to see that little girl."

"Zoeth Hamilton! Do you mean to tell me-- What do you want to see her for? Do you want to make it harder for her and for us and for all hands? What good is seein' her goin' to do? Ain't it twice as easy to say no now and be done with it?"

"I suppose likely 'twould be, but it wouldn't be right Marcellus asked us to do this thing for him and--"

"Jumpin' Judas! ASKED us! Do you mean to say you're thinkin' of doin' what he asked? Are you loony, too? Are you--"

"Shh, Shadrach! He asked us, as a last favor, to take charge of his girl. I feel as you do that we can't do it, 'tain't sensible nor possible for us to do it, but--"

"There ain't any buts."

"But the very least we can do is go and see her and talk to her."

"What for? So we'll feel meaner and more sneaky when we HAVE to say no? I shan't go to see her."

"All right. Then I shall. You can wait here for me till I come back."

"Hold on, Zoeth! Hold on! Don't--"

But Mr. Hamilton was at the door and did not turn back. Judge Baxter, who was following him, spoke.

"Sit right here, Captain," he said. "Make yourself as comfortable as you can. We shan't be long."

For an instant Shadrach remained where he was. Then he, too, sprang to his feet. He overtook the lawyer just as the latter reached the side door.

"Hello, Captain," exclaimed Baxter, "changed your mind?"

"Changed nothin'. Zoeth's makin' a fool of himself and I know it, but he ain't goin' to be a fool ALL by himself. I've seen him try it afore and 'tain't safe."

"What do you mean?"

The Captain grunted scornfully.

"I mean there's safety in numbers, whether it's the number of fools or anything else," he said. "One idiot's a risky proposition, but two or three in a bunch can watch each other. Come on, Judge, and be the third."

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