

"Ah! my dear, you are asking me a riddle? Well, then--Society, men of birth, men of recognised position, men above eccentricity, in a word, of reputation."Harz looked at him fixedly."Men who haven't the courage of their own ideas, not even the courage to smell of India-rubber; men who have no desires, and so can spend all their time ****** themselves flat!"Herr Paul drew out a red silk handkerchief and wiped his beard."Iassure you, my dear," he said, "it is easier to be flat; it is more respectable to be flat.Himmel! why not, then, be flat?""Like any common fellow?"

"Certes; like any common fellow--like me, par exemple!" Herr Paul waved his hand.When he exercised unusual tact, he always made use of a French expression.

Harz flushed.Herr Paul followed up his victory."Come, come!" he said."Pass me my men of repute! que diable! we are not anarchists.""Are you sure?" said Harz.

Herr Paul twisted his moustache."I beg your pardon," he said slowly.But at this moment the door was opened; a rumbling voice remarked: "Morning, Paul.Who's your visitor?" Harz saw a tall, bulky figure in the doorway.

"Come in,"' called out Herr Paul."Let me present to you a new acquaintance, an artist: Herr Harz--Mr.Nicholas Treffry.Psumm bumm! All this introducing is dry work." And going to the sideboard he poured out three glasses of a light, foaming beer.

Mr.Treffry waved it from him: "Not for me," he said: "Wish I could!

They won't let me look at it." And walking over, to the window with a heavy tread, which trembled like his voice, he sat down.There was something in his gait like the movements of an elephant's hind legs.

He was very tall (it was said, with the customary exaggeration of family tradition, that there never had been a male Treffry under six feet in height), but now he stooped, and had grown stout.There was something at once vast and unobtrusive about his personality.

He wore a loose brown velvet jacket, and waistcoat, cut to show a soft frilled shirt and narrow black ribbon tie; a thin gold chain was looped round his neck and fastened to his fob.His heavy cheeks had folds in them like those in a bloodhound's face.He wore big, drooping, yellow-grey moustaches, which he had a habit of sucking, and a goatee beard.He had long loose ears that might almost have been said to gap.On his head there was a soft black hat, large in the brim and low in the crown.His grey eyes, heavy-lidded, twinkled under their bushy brows with a queer, kind cynicism.As a young man he had sown many a wild oat; but he had also worked and made money in business; he had, in fact, burned the candle at both ends; but he had never been unready to do his fellows a good turn.He had a passion for driving, and his reckless method of pursuing this art had caused him to be nicknamed: "The notorious Treffry."Once, when he was driving tandem down a hill with a loose rein, the friend beside him had said: "For all the good you're doing with those reins, Treffry, you might as well throw them on the horses' necks.""Just so," Treffry had answered.At the bottom of the hill they had gone over a wall into a potato patch.Treffry had broken several ribs; his friend had gone unharmed.

He was a great sufferer now, but, constitutionally averse to being pitied, he had a disconcerting way of humming, and this, together with the shake in his voice, and his frequent use of peculiar phrases, made the understanding of his speech depend at times on intuition rather than intelligence.

The clock began to strike eleven.Harz muttered an excuse, shook hands with his host, and bowing to his new acquaintance, went away.

He caught a glimpse of Greta's face against the window, and waved his hand to her.In the road he came on Dawney, who was turning in between the poplars, with thumbs as usual hooked in the armholes of his waistcoat.

"Hallo!" the latter said.

"Doctor!" Harz answered slyly; "the Fates outwitted me, it seems.""Serve you right," said Dawney, "for your confounded egoism! Wait here till I come out, I shan't be many minutes."But Harz went on his way.A cart drawn by cream-coloured oxen was passing slowly towards the bridge.In front of the brushwood piled on it two peasant girls were sitting with their feet on a mat of grass--the picture of contentment.

"I'm wasting my time!" he thought."I've done next to nothing in two months.Better get back to London! That girl will never make a painter!" She would never make a painter, but there was something in her that he could not dismiss so rapidly.She was not exactly beautiful, but she was sympathetic.The brow was pleasing, with dark-brown hair softly turned back, and eyes so straight and shining.

The two sisters were very different! The little one was innocent, yet mysterious; the elder seemed as clear as crystal!

He had entered the town, where the arcaded streets exuded their peculiar pungent smell of cows and leather, wood-smoke, wine-casks, and drains.The sound of rapid wheels over the stones made him turn his head.A carriage drawn by red-roan horses was passing at a great pace.People stared at it, standing still, and looking alarmed.It swung from side to side and vanished round a corner.Harz saw Mr.

Nicholas Treffry in a long, whitish dust-coat; his Italian servant, perched behind, was holding to the seat-rail, with a nervous grin on his dark face.

'Certainly,' Harz thought, 'there's no getting away from these people this morning--they are everywhere.'

In his studio he began to sort his sketches, wash his brushes, and drag out things he had accumulated during his two months' stay.He even began to fold his blanket door.But suddenly he stopped.Those two girls! Why not try? What a picture! The two heads, the sky, and leaves! Begin to-morrow! Against that window--no, better at the Villa! Call the picture--Spring...!


  • Tempest




  • 要行舍身经


  • 此山诗集


  • 受箓次第法信仪


  • 武道仙路


  • 天行


  • 红楼之别样黛玉


  • 谢谢你惊艳了时光又温柔了岁月


  • 探秘者


  • 倾听野人诉说


  • 晨曦若玺


  • 我瘦不胖要修仙啊


  • 小太阳巫主的追夫日常


  • 被青梅抓住后

