

"I shall cut them out of the frames," she said."Listen! What's that?"It was the sound of whistling, which stopped beneath the window.The girls, clasping each other's hands, dropped on their knees.

"Hallo!" cried a voice.

Greta crept to the window, and, placing her face level with the floor, peered over.

"It is only Dr.Edmund; he doesn't know, then," she whispered; "Ishall call him; he is going away!" cried Christian catching her sister's"Don't!" cried Christian catching her sister's dress.

"He would help us," Greta said reproachfully, "and it would not be so dark if he were here."Christian's cheeks were burning.

"I don't choose," she said, and began handling the pictures, feeling their edges with her knife.

"Chris! Suppose anybody came?"

"The door is screwed," Christian answered absently.

"O Chris! We screwed it unscrewed; anybody who wishes shall come!"Christian, leaning her chin in her hands, gazed at her thoughtfully.

"It will take a long time to cut these pictures out carefully; or, perhaps I can get them out without cutting.You must screw me up and go home.In the morning you must come early, when the gate is open, unscrew me again, and help carry the pictures."Greta did not answer at once.At last she shook her head violently.

"I am afraid," she gasped.

"We can't both stay here all night," said Christian; "if any one comes to our room there will be nobody to answer.We can't lift these pictures over the gate.One of us must go back; you can climb over the gate--there is nothing to be afraid of"Greta pressed her hands together.

"Do you want the pictures badly, Chris?"

Christian nodded.

"Very badly?"


Greta remained sitting where she was, shivering violently, as a little animal shivers when it scents danger.At last she rose.

"I am going," she said in a despairing voice.At the doorway she turned.

"If Miss Naylor shall ask me where you are, Chris, I shall be telling her a story."Christian started.

"I forgot that -O Greta, I am sorry! I will go instead."Greta took another step--a quick one.

"I shall die if I stay here alone," she said; "I can tell her that you are in bed; you must go to bed here, Chris, so it shall be true after all."Christian threw her arms about her.

"I am so sorry, darling; I wish I could go instead.But if you have to tell a lie, I would tell a straight one.""Would you?" said Greta doubtfully.


"I think," said Greta to herself, beginning to descend the stairs, "Ithink I will tell it in my way." She shuddered and went on groping in the darkness.

Christian listened for the sound of the screws.It came slowly, threatening her with danger and solitude.

Sinking on her knees she began to work at freeing the canvas of a picture.Her heart throbbed distressfully; at the stir of wind-breath or any distant note of clamour she stopped, and held her breathing.No sounds came near.She toiled on, trying only to think that she was at the very spot where last night his arms had been round her.How long ago it seemed! She was full of vague terror, overmastered by the darkness, dreadfully alone.The new glow of resolution seemed suddenly to have died down in her heart, and left her cold.

She would never be fit to be his wife, if at the first test her courage failed! She set her teeth; and suddenly she felt a kind of exultation, as if she too were entering into life, were knowing something within herself that she had never known before.Her fingers hurt, and the pain even gave pleasure; her cheeks were burning; her breath came fast.They could not stop her now! This feverish task in darkness was her baptism into life.She finished;and rolling the pictures very carefully, tied them with cord.She had done something for him! Nobody could take that from her! She had a part of him! This night had made him hers! They might do their worst! She lay down on his mattress and soon fell asleep....

She was awakened by Scruff's tongue against her face.Greta was standing by her side.

"Wake up, Chris! The gate is open!"

In the cold early light the child seemed to glow with warmth and colour; her eyes were dancing.

"I am not afraid now; Scruff and I sat up all night, to catch the morning--I--think it was fun; and O Chris!" she ended with a rueful gleam in her eyes, "I told it."Christian hugged her.

"Come--quick! There is nobody about.Are those the pictures?"Each supporting an end, the girls carried the bundle downstairs, and set out with their corpse-like burden along the wall-path between the river and the vines.


Hidden by the shade of rose-bushes Greta lay stretched at length, cheek on arm, sleeping the sleep of the unrighteous.Through the flowers the sun flicked her parted lips with kisses, and spilled the withered petals on her.In a denser islet of shade, Scruff lay snapping at a fly.His head lolled drowsily in the middle of a snap, and snapped in the middle of a loll.

At three o'clock Miss Naylor too came out, carrying a basket and pair of scissors.Lifting her skirts to avoid the lakes of water left by the garden hose, she stopped in front of a rose-bush, and began to snip off the shrivelled flowers.The little lady's silvered head and thin, brown face sustained the shower of sunlight unprotected, and had a gentle dignity in their *******.

Presently, as the scissors flittered in and out of the leaves, she, began talking to herself.

"If girls were more like what they used to be, this would not have happened.Perhaps we don't understand; it's very easy to forget."Burying her nose and lips in a rose, she sniffed."Poor dear girl!

It's such a pity his father is--a--"

"A farmer," said a sleepy voice behind the rosebush.

Miss Naylor leaped."Greta! How you startled me! A farmer--that is--an--an agriculturalist!"

"A farmer with vineyards--he told us, and he is not ashamed.Why is it a pity, Miss Naylor?"Miss Naylor's lips looked very thin.

  • 江山我为聘


  • 佛系殿主不杀生


  • 忘愁仙尊


  • 从黎明到悲伤


  • 嫡女有毒,王爷乖乖就寝


  • 大集譬喻王经


  • 路上捡到失忆男神


  • 道路运输业节能减排的研究与实践


  • 天行


  • 神棍在上:妖妃不好惹

