

She led him to the place she mentioned, and they sat down on the trunk of a birch that had been blown down in a storm.

"Now begin!" she said, and added directly afterwards, "I am so glad to see you again! I thought these two days would never come to an end! Do you know, I'm convinced that Valentina Mihailovna listened to us.""She wrote to Markelov about it," Nejdanov remarked.

"Did she?"

Mariana was silent for a while.She blushed all over, not from shame, but from another, deeper feeling.

"She is a wicked, spiteful woman!" she said slowly and quietly.

"She had no right to do such a thing! But it doesn't matter.Now tell me your news."Nejdanov began talking and Mariana listened to him with a sort of stony attention, only stopping him when she thought he was hurrying over things, not giving her sufficient details.However, not all the details of his visit were of equal interest to her;she laughed over Fomishka and Fimishka, but they did not interest her.Their life was too remote from hers.

"It's just like hearing about Nebuchadnezzar," she remarked.

But she was very keen to know what Markelov had said, what Golushkin had thought (though she soon realised what sort of a bird he was), and above all wanted to know Solomin's opinion and what sort of a man he was.These were the things that interested her."But when? when?" was a question constantly in her mind and on her lips the whole time Nejdanov was talking, while he, on the other hand, seemed to try and avoid everything that might give a definite answer to that question.He began to notice himself that he laid special stress on those details that were of least interest to Mariana.He pulled himself up, but returned to them again involuntarily.Humorous descriptions made her impatient, a sceptic or dejected tone hurt her.It was necessary to keep strictly to everything concerning the "cause," and however much he said on the subject did not seem to weary her.It brought back to Nejdanov's mind how once, before he had entered the university, when he was staying with some friends of his in the country one summer, he had undertaken to tell the children some stories; they had also paid no attention to descriptions, personal expressions, personal sensations, they had also demanded nothing but facts and figures.Mariana was not a child, but she was like a child in the directness and simplicity of her feelings.

Nejdanov was sincerely enthusiastic in his praise of Markelov, and expressed himself with particular warmth about Solomin.While uttering the most enthusiastic expressions about him, he kept asking himself continually why he had such a high opinion of this man.He had not said anything very brilliant and, in fact, some of his words were in direct opposition to his (Nejdanov's) own convictions."His head is screwed on the right way," he thought.

"A cool, steady man, as Fimishka said; a powerful man, of calm, firm strength.He knows what he wants, has confidence in himself, and arouses confidence in others.He has no anxieties and is well-balanced! That is the main thing; he has balance, just what is lacking in me!" Nejdanov ceased speaking and became lost in meditation.Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Alexai! What is the matter with you?" Mariana asked.

He took her tiny, strong hand from his shoulder and kissed it for the first time.Mariana laughed softly, surprised that such a thing should have occurred to him.She in her turn became pensive.

"Did Markelov show you Valentina Mihailovna's letter?" she asked at last.

"Yes, he did."

"Well, and how is he?"

"Markelov? He is the most honourable, most unselfish man in existence! He--"Nejdanov wanted to tell Mariana about the portrait, but pulled himself up and added, "He is the soul of honour!""Oh yes, I know."

Mariana became pensive again.She suddenly turned to Nejdanov on the trunk they were both sitting on and asked quickly:

"Well? What have you decided on?"

Nejdanov shrugged his shoulders.

"I've already told you, dear, that we've decided nothing as yet;we must wait a little longer."

"But why?"

"Those were our last instructions." ("I'm lying," Nejdanov thought to himself.)"From whom?"

"Why, you know...from Vassily Nikolaevitch.And then we must wait until Ostrodumov comes back."Mariana looked questioningly at Nejdanov."But tell me, have you ever seen this Vassily Nikolaevitch?

"Yes.I've seen him twice...for a minute or two.''

  • Cowley's Essays

    Cowley's Essays

  • 太极拳学笔记


  • 乙酉笔记


  • 说疑


  • The Flirt

    The Flirt

  • 乔冬冬奇趣幻想系列——拯救狼族特别行动


  • 天域传


  • TFboys:怀念我们的青春


  • 丢掉负情绪,好好爱自己


  • 寒江不依旧


  • 凡人意识


  • 天行


  • 盛装出席只为错过你


  • 没事别惹前男友


  • 天行

