

"There is no need for you to know it.I think you know my surname.What more do you want? And why do you always keep on asking how I am? You see that I am still in the land of the living!""Of course!" Paklin exclaimed, his face twitching nervously."If you had been elsewhere, your humble servant would not have had the pleasure of seeing you here, and of talking to you! My curiosity is due to a bad, old-fashioned habit.But with regard to your name, it is awkward, somehow, simply to say Mashurina.Iknow that even in letters you only sign yourself Bonaparte! I beg pardon, Mashurina, but in conversation, however--""And who asks you to talk to me, pray?"

Paklin gave a nervous, gulpy laugh.

"Well, never mind, my dear.Give me your hand.Don't be cross.Iknow you mean well, and so do I...Well?

Paklin extended his hand, Mashurina looked at him severely and extended her own.

"If you really want to know my name," she said with the same expression of severity on her face, "I am called Fiekla.""And I, Pemien," Ostrodumov added in his bass voice.

"How very instructive! Then tell me, 0h Fiekla! and you, Oh Pemien!

why you are so unfriendly, so persistently unfriendly to me when I--""Mashurina thinks," Ostrodumov interrupted him, "and not only Mashurina, that you are not to be depended upon, because you always laugh at everything."Paklin turned round on his heels.

"That is the usual mistake people make about me, my dear Pemien!

In the first place, I am not always laughing, and even if I were, that is no reason why you should not trust me.In the second, Ihave been flattered with your confidence on more than one occasion before now, a convincing proof of my trustworthiness.Iam an honest man, my dear Pemien."

Ostrodumov muttered something between his teeth, but Paklin continued without the slightest trace of a smile on his face.

"No, I am not always laughing! I am not at all a cheerful person.

You have only to look at me!"

Ostrodumov looked at him.And really, when Paklin was not laughing, when he was silent, his face assumed a dejected, almost scared expression; it became funny and rather sarcastic only when he opened his lips.Ostrodumov did not say anything, however, and Paklin turned to Mashurina again.

"Well? And how are your studies getting on? Have you made any progress in your truly philanthropical art? Is it very hard to help an inexperienced citizen on his first appearance in this world?

"It is not at all hard if he happens to be no bigger than you are!" Mashurina retorted with a self-satisfied smile.(She had quite recently passed her examination as a midwife.Coming from a poor aristocratic family, she had left her home in the south of Russia about two years before, and with about twelve shillings in her pocket had arrived in Moscow, where she had entered a lying-in institution and had worked very hard to gain the necessary certificate.She was unmarried and very chaste."No wonder!" some sceptics may say ( bearing in mind the description of her personal appearance; but we will permit ourselves to say that it was wonderful and rare).

Paklin laughed at her retort.

"Well done, my dear! I feel quite crushed! But it serves me right for being such a dwarf! I wonder where our host has got to?"Paklin purposely changed the subject of conversation, which was rather a sore one to him.He could never resign himself to his small stature, nor indeed to the whole of his unprepossessing figure.He felt it all the more because he was passionately fond of women and would have given anything to be attractive to them.The consciousness of his pitiful appearance was a much sorer point with him than his low origin and unenviable position in society.

His father, a member of the lower middle class, had, through all sorts of dishonest means, attained the rank of titular councillor.He had been fairly successful as an intermediary in legal matters, and managed estates and house property.He had made a moderate fortune, but had taken to drink towards the end of his life and had left nothing after his death.

Young Paklin, he was called Sila--Sila Samsonitch, [Meaning strength, son of Samson] and always regarded this name as a joke against himself, was educated in a commercial school, where he had acquired a good knowledge of German.After a great many difficulties he had entered an office, where he received a salary of five hundred roubles a year, out of which he had to keep himself, an invalid aunt, and a humpbacked sister.At the time of our story Paklin was twenty-eight years old.He had a great many acquaintances among students and young people, who liked him for his cynical wit, his harmless, though biting, self-confident speeches, his one-sided, unpedantic, though genuine, learning, but occasionally they sat on him severely.Once, on arriving late at a political meeting, he hastily began excusing himself."Paklin was afraid!"some one sang out from a corner of the room, and everyone laughed.Paklin laughed with them, although it was like a stab in his heart."He is right, the blackguard!" he thought to himself.

Nejdanov he had come across in a little Greek restaurant, where he was in the habit of taking his dinner, and where he sat airing his rather free and audacious views.He assured everyone that the main cause of his democratic turn of mind was the bad Greek cooking, which upset his liver.

"I wonder where our host has got to? " he repeated."He has been out of sorts lately.Heaven forbid that he should be in love!

Mashurina scowled.

"He has gone to the library for books.As for falling in love, he has neither the time nor the opportunity.""Why not with you?" almost escaped Paklin's lips.

"I should like to see him, because I have an important matter to talk over with him," he said aloud.

"What about?" Ostrodumov asked."Our affairs?""Perhaps yours; that is, our common affairs."Ostrodumov hummed.He did not believe him."Who knows? He's such a busy body," he thought.

"There he is at last!" Mashurina exclaimed suddenly, and her small unattractive eyes, fixed on the door, brightened, as if lit up by an inner ray, ****** them soft and warm and tender.

The door opened, and this time a young man of twenty-three, with a cap on his head and a bundle of books under his arm, entered the room.It was Nejdanov himself.

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