

[156] Berryat Saint-Prix, 390. -Ibid., 404. (On Soubrié, executioner at Marseilles, letter of Lazare Giraud, public prosecutor): "I put him in the dungeon for having shed tears on the scaffold, in executing the anti-revolutionists we sent to be executed."[157] Moniteur, XVIII., 413. (Session of the Convention, letter of Lequinio and Laignelot, Rochefort, Brumaire 17, year II.) "We have appointed the patriot Anse guilloteneur and we have invited him, in dining with us, to come and assume his prescribed powers, and water them with a libation in honor of the Republic. - Paris, II., 72.

[158] Marcelin Boudet, 270. (Testimony of Bardanèche de Bayonne.)[159] Guil1on, "Histoire de la ville de Lyons pendant la Revolution,"II., 427, 431, 433.

[160] "Mémoire du Citoyen Fréron," (in the Barrière collection,)p.357. (Testimony of a survivor.)[161] Paris, II., 32

[162] Delandine, "Tableaux des prisons de Lyons," p.14.

[163] Camille Boursier, "Essai sur la Terreur en Anjou," 164. (Letter of Boniface, ex-Benedictine, president of the Revolutionary committee, to Representative Richard, Brumaire 3, year II.) "We send you the said Henri Verdier, called de la Saurinière. . . . It will not be long before you will see that we make the guillotine a present. . . .

The Committee begs you to send him sacram sanctam guillotinam, and the republican minister of his worship. . . Not an hour of the day passes that new members do not come to us whom we desire to initiate in its mysteries, (sic)."[164] Thibaudeau, "Histoire du Terrorisme dans le départment de la Vienne," 34, 48. - Berryat Saint-Prix, 239.

[165] Archives Nationales F.7, 4435. (Letter of Lebon, Floréal 23, year II.) - Paris, I. 241.

[166] Buchez et Roux, XXXIV., 184, 200. (Depositions of Chaux, Monneron and Villemain.)[167] Register of the Revolutionary Tribunal of Nantes, copied by M.

Chevrier. (M. Chevrier has kindly sent me his manuscript copy.) -Berryat Saint-Prix, 94. - Archives Nationales, F7. 4591. (Extract from the acts of the Legislative Committee, session of Floréal 3, year III. Restitution of the confiscated property of Alexander Long to his son.) Dartigoyte, at Auch, did what Carrier did at Nantes. "It follows from the above abstract duly signed that on the 27th Germinal, year II., between eight and nine o'clock in the evening, Alexandre Long, Sr., was put to death on the public square of the commune of Auch by the executioner of criminal sentences, without any judgment having been rendered against the said Long." - In many places an execution becomes a spectacle for the Jacobins of the town and a party of pleasure. For instance, at Arras, on the square devoted to executions, a gallery was erected for spectators with a room for the sale of refreshments, and, during the execution of M. de Montgon, the "?a ira" is played on the bass drum. (Paris, II., 158, and I., 159.)A certain facetious representative has rehearsals of the performance in his own house. "Lejeune, to feed his bloodthirsty imagination, had a small guillotine put up, on which he cut off the heads of all the poultry consumed at his table. . . . Often, in the middle of the repast, he had it brought in and set to work for the amusement of his guests." (Moniteur, XXIV., 607, session of June I, 1795, letter from the district of Besan?on, and with the letter, the confirmatory document.) "This guillotine, says the reporter, is deposited with the Committee of Legislation."

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