

[40] Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 439, and following pages. Procès verbal of he National Festival of the 10th of August. - Dauban "La Demagogie en 1791." (Extract from the Republican Ritual.)[41] Moniteur, XVII., 366. (Session of Aug. 11. Speech by Lacroix and decree in conformity therewith.)[42] Ibid., 374. "Remember that you are accountable to the nation and the universe for this sacred Ark. Remember that it is your duty to die rather than suffer a sacrilegious hand....."[43] Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 358. It is evident from the context of the speech that Robespierre and the Jacobins were desirous of maintaining the Convention because they foresaw Girondist elections.

[44] Moniteur, XVII., 382. (Session of Aug. 12. Speech by Lacroix).

[45] Ibid., 387. - Cf. Ibid., 410, session of August 16. The delegates return there to insist on a levy, en masse, the levy of the first class not appearing sufficient to them. (levy means mobilization of all men) - Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 464. Delegate Royer, Curé of Chalons-sur-Saone, demands that the aristocrats "chained together in sixes" be put in the front rank in battle "to avoid the risks of sauve qui peut."[46] Decrees of August 14 and 16.

[47] Moniteur, XVII., 375.

[48] Riouffe, "Mémoires," 19: "An entire generation, the real disciples of Jean-Jacques, Voltaire and Diderot, could be, and was annihilated, to a large extent under the pretext of federalism."[49] Moniteur, XVII., 102. (Speech by Cambon, July 11, 1793).

Archives Nationales, AF. II., 46. (Speech of General Wimpffen to the "Société des amis de la Liberté et de l'Egalité," in session at Cherbourg, June 25, 1793). "Sixty-four departments have already revoked the powers conferred on their representatives." Meillan, "Mémoires," 72: "The archives of Bordeaux once contained the acts passed by seventy-two departments, all of which adhered to measures nearly the same as those indicted in our documents."[50] Buchez et Roux, XVIII., 148. -- Meillan, 70, 71. -- Guillon de Montléon, I., 300 (on Lyons) and I., 280 (on Bordeaux). Archives Nationales, AF II., 46. (Deliberations of the Nantes section July 5).

-- Letter of Merlin and Gillet, representatives on mission, Lorient, June 12. Dissatisfaction at the outrages of May 31 and June 2, was so manifest that the representatives on mission Merline, Gillet, Savestre, and Cagaignac print on the 14th of June a resolution authorising one of their body to go to the Convention and protest "in their name" against the weakness shown by it and against the ursurpations of the Paris commune. -- Sauzay, IV., 260. At Besan?on, in a general assembly of all the administrative, judicial and municipal bodies of the department joined to the commissioners of the section, protest "unanimously" on the 15th of June.

[51] Archives Nationales, Ibid .(Letter of Romme and Prieur, Caen, June 10th, to the committee of Public Safety). The insurgents are so evidently in the right that Romme and Prieur approve of their own arrest. "Citizens, our colleagues, this arrest may be of great importance, serve the cause of liberty, maintain the unity of the republic and revive confidence if, as we hasten to demand it of you, you confirm it by a decree which declares us hostages. . . . We have noticed that among the people of Caen, there is a love of liberty, as well as of justice and docility."[52] Archives Nationales, AF. II., 46. (Printed July 5). Result of the deliberations of the Nantes sections. The act is signed by the three administrative bodies of Nantes, by the district rulers of Clisson, Anceries and Machecoul, who had fled to Nantes, and by both the deputies of the districts of Paimb?uf and Chateaubriand, in all, eighty-six signatures.

[53] Archives Nationales, ibid., (letter of General Wimpffen to the "Societé des Amis de l'Egalité et de la Liberté" in session at Cherbourg, June 25, 1793). - Mortimer-Ternaux, VIII., 126. - On the opinion of the departments cf. Paul Thibaud ("Etudes sur l'histoire de Grenoble et du Department de l'Isére"). - Louis Guibert ("Le Parti Girondin dans le Haute Vienne"). - Jarrin, ("Bourg et Bellay pendant la Révolution").

[54] Albert Babeau, II., 83. (Pamphlet by the curé of Cleray).

"Every primary assembly that accepts the Constitution strikes the factions a blow on the head with the club of Hercules."[55] Cf. "The Revolution," Vol. II. Ch. XI.

[56] Buzot. - Archives Nationales, AF. II., 157. Reports by Baudot and Ysabeau to the Convention. The 19th of Aug. At the Hotel de Ville of Bordeaux, they eulogize the 21st of January: "There was then a roar as frightful as it was general. A city official coolly replied to us: What would you have? To oppose anarchy we have been forced to join the aristocrats, and they rule." Another says ironically to Ysabeau: "We did not anticipate that, -- they are our tribunes."[57] Jarrin, "Bourg et Belley pendant la Révolution" ("Annales de la Societé d'Emulation de l'Ain, 1878, Nos. For January, February and March, p. 16).

[58] Louvet, 103, 108. - Guillon de Montléon, I., 305 and following pages. - Buchez et Roux, XXVIII., 151. (Report of the delegates of the district of Andelys). "One of members observed that there would be a good deal of trouble in raising an armed force of one thousand men." - An administrator (a commissioner of Calvados) replied: "We shall have all the aristocrats on our side." The principal military leaders at Caen and at Lyons, Wimpffen, Précy, Puisaye, are Feuillants and form only a provisional alliance with the Girondists properly so called, Hence constant contentions and reciprocal mistrust. Birotteau and Chapet leave Lyons because they do not find the spirit of the place sufficiently republican.

[59] Louvet, 124, 129. - Buchez et Roux, XXVII, 360. (Notice by General Wimpffen), July 7. - Puisaye, "Mémoires" and "L'Insurrection Normande." by et Vaultier et Mancel.

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