
第3章 阿拉巴马州(3)

The common flicker is the State Bird of Alabama.Alabama has been known as the “Yellowhammer State”since the Civil War.The yellowhammer nickname was applied to the Confederate soldiers from Alabama when a company of young cavalry soldiers from Huntsville,under the command of Rev.D.C.Kelly,arrived at Hopkinsville,KY,where Gen.Forrests troops were stationed.The officers and men of the Huntsville company wore fine,new uniforms,whereas the soldiers who had long been on the battlefields were dressed in faded,worn uniforms.On the sleeves,collars and coattails(燕尾)of the new calvary troop were bits of brilliant yellow cloth.As the company rode past Company A ,Will Arnett cried out in greeting “Yellowhammer,Yellowhammer,flicker,flicker!”The greeting brought a roar(吼叫,怒号)of laughter from the men and from that moment the Huntsville soldiers were spoken of as the “yellowhammer company.”The term quickly spread throughout the Confederate Army and all Alabama troops were referred to unofficially as the “Yellowhammers.”

When the Confederate Veterans in Alabama were organized,they took pride in being referred to as the “Yellowhammers”and wore a yellowhammer feather in their caps or lapels(翻领)during reunions.

State Flower州花


On February 18,1893,Alabama adopted the goldenrod([植]秋麒麟草属植物)as the official flower of the United States!On September 6,1927,it was adopted as Alabamavs state flower.The yellowhammer was adopted as the state bird on the same day.

In 1927,the goldenrod was designated as state flower,but was replaced by the camellia,an exotic(外来的,奇异的)flower,possibly due to the erroneous(错误的,不正确的)idea that goldenrod pollen(花粉)was annoying to those who are allergyprone (actually,the goldenrod is falsely blamed for reactions caused by ragweed([植]豚草属)).Camellia colors include white,pink,red,and mixtures.Some have suggested that red and redandwhite camellias represent the state,matching(匹配)the red and white of the Alabama flag.

Alabamas state flower is the only symbol not native to Alabama.Its from Asia.Camellias are named for G.J.Kamel,a Jesuit priest who traveled in Asia in the seventeenth century.The introduction of Camellia japonica L.in Italy is dated about 1760,but only during the XIXth century this species became popular.Many Italian nurserymen started growing Camellias at that time and soon this business became of remarkable importance.In two areas,the Lucchesia (Tuscany)and the lake Maggiore zone,camellia production was famous,due to the local nurserymen,breeders,and collectors.In these areas camellias were grown in a great number of gardens and still today it is possible to find old specimens.

Camillias are evergreen shrubs(灌木,灌木丛),bloom in autumn and winter,and very popular because of their great beauty because of their flowers,form and also foliage(树叶,植物).They grow in a habit form,have glossy(平滑的,有光泽的)leaves and exquisite(优美的,高雅的)form.Most Camellias at first were imported from Europe but now are grown in gardens from southeastern Virginia thru (经过,通过)the Carolinas to Florida an along the Gulf Coast and even along the Pacific coast.They can also be grown in the house or outside.

They belong to the Tea family of plants.There are a number of varieties also and because of duplications(副本,复制)in the plants there really isnt an actual count.The classifications are divided into three catagories:

Simple:All stamens(雄蕊,雄性花蕊)central,single,with 5to 7petals(花瓣),semidouble,with more than 7petals.

Double:All stamens converted to petaloids,imbricated((使)边缘重叠成瓦状),petals overlapped((与……交迭)and Incomplete Imbricated,same as Imbricated but with a large unopened center.Also included are Tiered,petals arranged in tiers,and Irregular,petals in a compact(契约,合同)mass without order.

Incomplete Double:Petaloids mixed with stamens,Petaloids small,Petaloids large and Petaloids small and large,mixed.

Camillias like a cool winter season,but if you live in an area with high summer temperatures with lots of rainfall and winter with light frosts you can grow Camellias.These plants do best when the thermometer(温度计,体温计)doesnt go below l5or 20degrees.

Camellias need an acid soil(酸性土壤)with organic material and plant nutrients and the soil should be well drained and friable.

State Flag州旗


Adopted on February 16,1895.

No state flag existed from 1819—1861.On January 11,1861,the Secession Convention passed a resolution designating a flag designed by a group of Montgomery women as their official flag.This flag has often been referred to as the Republic of Alabama Flag.One side of the flag displayed the Goddess of Liberty holding in her right hand an unsheathed(抽出鞘,拔出)sword;in the left a small flag with one star.In an arch(拱门,拱形)above this figure were the words “Independent Now and Forever.”On the other side of the flag was a cotton plant with a coiled rattlesnake(〈美〉[动]响尾蛇).Beneath the cotton plant are the Latin words:“Noli Me Tangere,”(Touch Me Not).This flag was flown until February 10,1861,when it was removed to the Governors Office after it was damaged by severe weather.It was never flown again.

From March 4,1861until General James H.Wilsons occupation of Montgomery in April 1865,a Confederate National Flag was flown,either the First National Flag or the Second National Flag.After the end of the Civil War,the United States Flag was used for all official occasions.

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