
第15章 亚利桑那州(3)

The fragrant(芬芳的,香的),waxy white saguaro blossom is one of the most unique State flowers.In May and June,the Cactus bears creamy white flowers with yellow centers that measured about three inches.The Saguaro Cactus flower can be found on the end of the branches.The flower only opens on cooler nights and is closed during the heat of midday.However,its not easy to see the beautiful,creamy white,trumpet(喇叭)shaped flowers inasmuch as(由于;因为)they open only at night and last only about 18hours.The flowers are sweetly scented(有香味的)and attract bees and flies through its blooming season of May and June.By July,the flowers become redfleshed fruits that feed doves migrating from Mexico.

The saguaro cactus has been described as the monarch(君主)of the Sonoran Desert,as a prickly(多刺的)horror,as the supreme symbol of the American Southwest,and as a plant with personality.nto the Rincon and West Tucson(图森[美国亚利桑那州南部城市])mountains

The Saguaro is renowned for the variety of odd,alltoohuman shapes it assumes,shapes that inspire wild and fanciful(爱空想的,想像的)imaginings.

Saguaro are found only in the Sonoran desert.The giant saguaro is the king of cacti ([植]仙人掌).A fullgrown saguaro is usually more than 35feet in height and is at least 75years old,sometimes reaching a height of 50feet and life span of 200years.Some have arms but all are green and have a waxlike skin that helps prevent water loss.Rare and endangered this extraordinary giant cactus has been protected within Saguaro National Park since 1933.

The saguaro fruit has long been used by the Papago and Pima Indians who harvest the fruits and make syrup(糖浆,果汁).

Saguaro seeds contain the psychoactive(作用于精神的,影响(或改变)心理状态的)alkaloids([化]生物碱,植物碱基)Carnegine and Arizonine.The Saguaro is a relatively fast growing cactus Also known,as Saguaro is the most famous giant cactus of the world.Can grow up to 12M in height.Saguaro wine is used for rain rituals.The pulp((水果的)果肉)can be boiled down or fermented[(使)发酵],which gives you sweet,brown syrup.This can be mixed with water or alcohol,which gives you Saguaro beer or wine.

〖MZ(3H〗State Flag州旗〖MZ)〗


The flag was designed by Colonel Charles W.Harris,Adjutant General(师级以上之副官,(美国各洲的)民兵指挥官)of Arizona (1912—1918and 1923—928).According to Colonel(陆军上校,团长)Harris,the suggestion that the state adopt a flag came originally from the members of the 1910Arizona Rifle Team in attendance at the National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry.All of the other teams at Camp Perry flew a distinctive flag,while Arizona was without an emblem of any kind.The first flag was sewn by Nan D.Hayden.

In designing the flag,the first consideration was historical value;the second was colors.Blue and gold were the Arizona colors,and red and gold were the colors carried by the Spanish Conquistadores,headed by Coronado,in the expedition of 1540to the Seven Cities of Cibola.From these circumstances,and from the blue of the Union Flag,were derived the blue,the red,and the gold (or yellow as the law names it)of the Arizona Flag.Since Arizona was the largest producer of copper(铜)in the nation,and the star an emblem which might be easily distinguished,the copper star found its place on the blue field.As a western state,it was thought the effect of the rays of the setting sun would be appropriate to(适于,合乎)the Arizona Flag,and in these rays the red and gold (or yellow)of the old Spanish colors of Coronado were used.

〖MZ(3H〗State Song州歌〖MZ)〗


Come to this land of sunshine

To this land where life is young.

Where the wide,wide world is waiting,

The songs that will now be sung.

Where the golden sun is flaming(火红的)

Into warm,white shining day,

And the sons of men are blazing

Their priceless right of way.


Come stand beside the rivers

Within our valley broad.

Stand here with heads uncovered,

In the presence of our God!

While all around,about us

The brave,unconquered(未被征服(或击败、攻取)的,未克服的)band,

As guardians and landmarks

The giant mountains stand.


Not alone for gold and silver

Is Arizona great.

But with graves of heroes sleeping,

All the land is consecrate(神圣的)!

O,come and live beside us

However far ye roam(漫游,闲逛,徜徉)

Come and help us build up temples

And name those temples “home”.


Sing the song thats in your hearts

Sing of the great Southwest,

Thank God,for Arizona

In splendid sunshine dressed.

For thy beauty and thy grandeur(庄严,伟大),

For thy regal robes(长袍)so sheen(闪光,发出光彩)

We hail thee Arizona

Our Goddess and our queen.

〖MZ(3H〗Facts and Trivia相关资料〖MZ)〗

1.Arizona is a righttowork state.The law states no person shall be denied the opportunity to obtain or retain employment because of nonmembership in a labor organization.

2.The Arizona trout([鱼]鲑,鲑鱼)is found only in the Arizona.

3.The saguaro cactus blossom is the official state flower.The white flower blooms on the tips of the saguaro cactus during May and June.The saguaro is the largest American cactus.

4.Arizona leads the nation in copper production.

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