
第34章 Unit 12(3)

We didn’t want to go but we had to (go).

我们本不想去, 但我们不得不去(此处to 代替to go)。

You can come here whenever you want to (come).

想来的话, 随时可以来这里。

2 )keep up with 跟上(潮流, 形势等)

I can’t keep up with the changes in fashion. 我跟不上潮流的变化。

I have to keep up with the rest of the class. 我得赶上其余同学。

6.By always reading at your top speed, you challenge your understanding and make it easier for your mind to concentrate on the material.

你总用最快的速度阅读, 向自己的理解力挑战, 使自己的注意力更能轻松地集中在所读的材料上。

1 )at top speed 以最快的速度

This ship moved at top speed. 这船以最快的速度行驶。

We marched in our car at the speed of 1000 miles a day.

我们坐车以每天1000 英里的速度行军。

2 )challenge 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 挑战”, 有时译法比较灵活。

I only like to study something if it really challeges me.


Traditional female roles are constantly being challenged by contemporary feminists.


This is an article that challenges attention even if it fails to command complete assent.

这篇文章尽管不能令人完全同意, 还是值得重视的。

3 )concentrate on (upon)集中精力, 专心致志于

When you begin to work, you will be able to concentra te on the subject. 开始工作时, 你就能够把精力集中在这一科目上。

7.But all these things are built on words.


1 )build on (upon)把..建筑于;依赖, 指望

Don’t build your future on dreams.

不要把未来建立在空想上, 不要好高骛远。

Their hopes are built on (upon)their own effort.


2 )辨异: all, whole a.

这两者都有“全部的, 整个的”意思。

all 须放在冠词, 物主代词或其他限定词前, whole 须放在冠词、物主代词或其他限定词后。如:

He sat there reading all the time.

He sat there reading the whole time.


They lived in the village all their lives.

They lived in the village their whole lives.



whole 一般不能与不可数名词或物质名词连用, 而all 可以。

如: 不可说:

She has spent the whole money.

He drank the whole wine.


She has spent all the money. 她把钱都花光了。

He drank all the wine. 他把酒都喝光了。

8.The more words you are familiar with, the less you are aware of reading words and the more you are aware of content and meaning.

你认识的词愈多, 你愈不会感到你是在读词, 而会更多地觉得你在读内容和意义。

1 )the more., the more 这是个非常有用的句型, 意思是“ 越.., 就越..”。

The earlier , the better. 越早越好。

The more knowledge you have, the more clever you will be.


2 )familiar 是个形容词, 在这里的意思是“ 熟悉的, 精通的”, 后接介词with。此外还有“ 众所周知的, 人人知道的”意思, 后接介词to。试比较:

These are the things familiar to us. 这些是我们熟悉的事物。

The professor is familia r with English. 他通晓英语。

He made himself much too familiar with the girl.


3 )aware 在这里是形容词, 意思是“ 觉察到的, 意识到的”。其后接介词of, 如果接that 从句, 则不要of。

Are you awa re of when he will be back?你知道他何时回来吗?

I am well aware that this is a risky investment.


9.The key to the method is to be alert to new words.


1 )名词key 在这里的意思是“ 要害;关键;秘诀”等。

He told us the key to his great success.


Can you pass me the key to the door?


2 )alert 在这里是形容词, 意思是“警觉的;机灵的”, 其后接介词to 则表示“ 对..警觉(留神、注意)”。

The hostess remained standing, alert to every’s drinking needs.

女主人一直站着, 留神准备给大家斟酒。

They keep themselves alert to every possible danger.


We should be alert to this grammar exercise.



课文A 练习

I. 阅读理解:

1. b 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. c

II. 给出下列单词或短语的同义词:

1. dispute 2. self-assurance 3. supreme 4. peculiar 5. decade 6. quotation 7. represent 8. discard 9. distant 10. authoritative III. 用不定代词填空:

1. Someone 2. a few 3. No one 4. few 5. anyone 6. one 7. anything 8. either 9. neither 10. each IV. 把下列句子译成英语:

1. A good dictionary should be supplemented regularly.

2. The writing of every word in a dictionary is based on a certain rule.

3. The task of writing a dictionary begins with making cards by reading widely.

4. Not every dictionary has its authority.

5. I once got into a dispute with an English man over the pronunciation of a word and offered to look it up in the dictionary.


I. 用所给单词的正确形式填空, 注意词性:

1. a. usage b. use c. Used d. use 2. a. authoritative b. author c. authority 3. a. edition b. edit c. editor 4. a. historical b. historian c. history 5. a. state b. stated c. statement II. 用下列单词的正确形式填空:

1. dispute 2. peculiar 3. reveal 4. illustrates 5. stack 6. statement 7. usages 8. decade 9. literary 10. influence III. 把下列句子译成英语:

1. It is widely believed that languages develop and change constantly.

2. She is regarded as the best doctor in the city.

3. These books are arranged in the libraries according to the order of their authors ’names.

4. These children are deeply influenced by their parents.

5. They got into a dispute with me over the certainty of my conclusion.

6. This child was brought up in a remote village.

7. It is not always necessary to look it up in the dictionary when you meet a new word.

8. It is very hard to get rid of a bad habit once you have got into it.

9. To the best of my knowledge, it is not absurd to have the idea that fish is the

best nourishing food for the brain.

课文B 练习

I. 根据课文判断下列句子正确与否:

1.× 2. √ 3. √ 4.× 5. √ 6.× 7. √ 8. √ 9.× 10. √

II. 根据课文填上所缺内容:

1. quarters 2. life skill 3. stumbling block

4. title, chapter headings, section titles, headlines

5. Maps, charts, graphs , pictures6. ideas, actions, thoughts, feelings

7. content and meaning 8. context clues, the words around it

9. alert 10. comfortable, productive, rewarding


I. 从右边一栏中找出与左边一栏单词相应的定义:

1. a 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. d

II. 用课文B 中的单词或短语填空, 首字母已给出:

1. survival 2. Opportunity 3. concentration 4. challenge 5. impression 6. scanned 7. aware of 8. alert to 9. Emphasis 10. keep up with 语法练习

I. 在下列介词短语下面划线, 并说出其语法功能:

1. with a purpose 定语2. without your help 状语

3. like a man 状语

4. in the United States 定语, of three types 表语

5. in the sales department 定语, for the advertising 状语

6. For centuries 状语7. in better spirits 宾语补足语

8. in the sky 定语, like a mirror 表语

9. to visitors 状语, 10. of any use 表语in random order 主补

11. with a higher proficiency 定语, or words 定语, in meaning 状语

12. In some kinds of work 状语, of speed 定语by the amount of work done 状语,

by the hour 状语

13. due to his careless use of the gun 表语, of the gun 定语

14. as love apples 主语补足语, in love 状语

15. in San Francisco 宾语补足语, instead of Los Angeles 状语

16. in building its nest 状语

17. from carbon 状语, in all living things 状语

18. in what ways 状语, from that of animals 状语, of animals 定语

19. of telecommunication satellites 定语

for transmitting telephone calls 表语

20. in English 定语

to every educated person 状语, at home or in the market place 状语

II. 用适当的介词填空:

1. of 2. to 3. from 4. from 5. for 6. in 7. with 8. of 9. from 10. with 11. at 12. for 13. in 14. by 15. with 16. By, for 17. with 18. to, at 19. to, at 20. in, from III. 选择填空:

1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. A 9. A 10. B

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