
第28章 Unit 10(3)

5.If, however, observations cannot be made or the predictions are unreliable, then the hypothesis will probably be given up or at least modified. 如果观察后不能得出结论或预测不可靠的话, 那么这些假说就很有可能被放弃或至少被更改。

1 )make observations 观察

After making observations for a week, I covered my major points.

在作了一周的观察之后, 我总结了要点。

By ma king careful observa tions I understand what he said to me finally.

经过观察, 我终于明白了他对我说的话。

2 )give up 放弃

He finally gave up the plan after he thought it over for a long time.

考虑了很长一段时间后, 他终于放弃了那个计划。

Considering that you are weak in health, you must give up smoking.

鉴于你身体虚弱, 你必须戒烟。

3 )modify 在这里是个及物动词, 意思是“ 修改”。

They modified their views in the light of new evidence.

由于新的证据, 他们改变了观点。

The design has been modified to improve fuel consumption.

修改了设计, 目的是为了改进油耗。


课文A 练习

I. 阅读理解:

1. d 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. a

II. 找出下列单词或短语的同义词:

1. curious 2. take apart 3. stimulate 4. relationship 5. previously 6. pleasant 7. solution 8. proper 9. determine 10. sprouting III. 用下列短语完成句子:

1. regardless of 2. at night 3. in the light of 4. at least 5. am willing to 6. carry out 7. in advance 8. adapt.to 9. lay.aside 10. combine.with IV. 把下列形容词变成副词:

1. frequently 2. perfectly 3. scientifically 4. completely 5. relatively 6. exactly 7. absolutely 8. entirely 9. rapidly 10. extremely V. 把下列句子译成英语:

1. The principle of“ cause-and-effect”relationship helps to solve some scientific problems.

2. The rapid developments in science stimulate many enterprises to seek new ways out.

3. Respect for the views of others is also a scientific attitude.

4. Open-mindedness means an ability to accept new and even disagreeable ideas sometimes.

5. Young children are curious about everything.


I. 用所给单词的正确形式填空, 注意词性:

1. a. known b. unknown c. know 2. a. regard b. regarded c. regardless 3. a. acceptable b. acceptability c. accepted 4. a. frequently b. frequent c. frequency II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. Failure 2. relationship 3. environment 4. imagination 5. evidence 6. evidence 7. phenomenon 8. curiosity 9. attitude 10. solution III. 把下列句子译成英语:

1. Man used to wondered why birds flied, while man didn’t.

2. The child took apart the toy, but he didn’t know how to put it together.

3. Regardless of what will happen, they will carry out this experiment.

4. Though she was very tired, she was willing to help others.

5. We shouldn’t laugh at those who have made mistakes.

6. We are determined to seek the answers to these questions.

7. In the light of what is known at this time, this finding may be regarded as acceptable.

8. You should adapt yourself to the new environment.

课文B 练习

I. 根据课文判断下列句子正确与否:

1. √ 2. √ 3.× 4. √ 5.× 6. √ 7.× 8.× 9. √ 10.×

II. 根据课文填上所缺的内容:

1. Curiosity 2. reading, laboratory experiments

3. nuclear physics, biological engineering, microelectronics

4. searching the literature 5. foundations

6. clues 7. logical classification, mathematical analysis

8.“ best”guess 9. which has different values under different conditions

10. recognizing the problems, collecting information, organizing the information,

making a hypothesis, making experiments


I. 从右边一栏中找出与左边一栏单词相应的定义:

1. e 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d

II. 用课文B 中的单词填空。首字母已给出:

1. procedures 2. background 3. account 4. confidence 5. made 6. obtain 7. indicated 8. variables 9. resulted from10. turns out 语法练习

I. 划出下列句子中的动名词, 并说出其语法功能:

1. having a family 主语;having children 宾语

2. transmitting and receiving 介宾

3. learning a language 主语

4. taking the material, relating it to something we remember accurately 介宾

5. being paid a smaller amount of money 介宾doing the same work as others 介宾

6. hurting others 介宾

7. taking the back way 介宾, being seen 宾语

8. building their houses 介宾

9. having come through the battle of life safely 介宾

10. finding 表语;building 定语

II. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:

1. to say 2. leading 3. to say 4. eating 5. to learn, experienced 6. belonging 7. banking, leaving 8. doing 9. finished 10. smoking, eating 11. driving 12. buying, washing, to make 13. going 14. happening, controlling 15. to bring 16. to be done, to move 17. being discovered 18. meeting 19. being, to help 20. knowing, learning III. 选择填空:

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. A

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