
第22章 Unit 8(2)

现在, 一颗卫星可以同时传送100 000 多个电话和几个电视频道的节目。

1 )介词over 构成一个介词短语, 这里的意思是“ 超过, .. 以上”。

Over forty boys and girls came to see me.

有40 名以上的少男少女来看我。

He spoke for over an hour. 他说了一个多钟头了。

2 )as well as 意思为“ 不但..而且, 和..也”表并列, 当主语由它引导时, 动词的人称、数必须与as well as 之前的名词保持一致。

He as well as I is responsible for it. 他和我对这件事都有责任。

He speaks Spanish a s well as French.

他不但会说法语, 也会说西班牙语。

3 )at the same time 意为“ 与此同时, 同时地”, 它是一个介词短语, 在句中作状语。

They began to laugh a t the same time. 他们同时笑了出来。

She hated him, but a t the same time, she pitied him.

她讨厌他, 但同时她又可怜他。

8.Telecommunication can make information from around the world available to use quickly and easily, but some people worry that this

may be a risk to our privacy. 远距离通信可以使来自世界各地的信息迅速而方便地供人们使用, 但有些人担心这有可能对我们的私生活构成威胁。

1 )available 用作形容词, 意思是“ 可获得的, 可用的, 有效的”等, 这里make.available 的意思是“ 使..被获得”。

The book you ordered is not availa ble. 你订的那书没货了。

He used all ava ilable means. 他用了所有可以利用的手段。

2 )辨异: risk, danger, threat, n.


risk 危险。它常指为获得某种好处而采取行动时可能带来的不幸, 因此含有“ 冒风险”的意思。

You have to take a lot of risks in my job.


Don’t run the risk of doing that. 别冒风险干那种事。

danger 危险。它最常用, 可指能带来可怕后果的任何危险, 也可指“威胁”。

Tom’s father was in danger of losing his job.


The patient was out of da nger. 病人脱离了危险。

threat 威胁。它表示对危险的一种警告。

The rising water was a continual threat to the city.

水位不断上涨, 对这座城市的威胁与日俱增。

Good teachers seldom use threats. 优秀教师很少用恐吓的方法。

9.Another worry is that telemmunication systems may isolate people from each other.

另外一个担忧是, 通信系统会把人与人隔离开。

1 )that 引导的从句在这个句子中作表语, 是一个表语从句, 引导表语从句的关联词有三类: 主从连词, 如that, whether , it;连接代词, 如who, what, which 等;连接副词, 如: when, where, why, how 等。

One idea is that fish is the best brain food.


China is not what it used to be. 中国不是过去的样子了。

2 )isolate.from 在这里是“ 隔离”的意思。

The infected girl was isolated from the rest of her family.


Many hospitals isolate new-born babies from their mothers.


Te xt B

What People Don’t Know about Air ?


Study of the Text

1.We would be forced to seek shelter from the sun, as there would be no atmosphere to protect us from the sun’s deadly rays. 我们将不得不设法躲避阳光, 因为没有大气来保护我们免受太阳的致命射线的辐射。

1 )be forced to 强迫, 迫使

He was forced to resign. 他被迫退休。

She wa s forced to borrow money. 她无奈之下只得借债。

2 )seek shelter from 在这里是“ 设法躲避”的意思。

from 后接躲避的对象, 也可用take (或find)shelter from。

We seek shelter from the storm. 我们设法躲避暴风雨。

They took shelter from enemy’s gunfire.


3 )protect.from.保护, 使..免受

I will protect you from danger.我会保护你免受危险。

These tree belts protect farmland from shifting sand.


4 )deadly 在这里用作形容词, 意为“ 致命的”。

That poison is deadly. 那种毒品能使人致死。

Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌症是致命的疾病。

2.The narrow column of air which rests upon our shoulders weighs almost

2 000 pounds. 人的肩膀上所承受的细长空气柱几乎重达

2 000 磅。

1 )rest upon(on)搁置;放置

He rested his chin on (或upon)his hands. 他双手托着下巴。

Her elbows were resting on (或upon)the table.


2 )辨异: weigh, weight, v.


weigh 重, 称重。它既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词。

He weighed himself on the scale. 他用磅秤称自己的重量。

“How much do you weigh?”“ I weigh 120 pounds. ”

“你体重多少?”“120 磅。”

weight 用作动词时, 它的含义为“加重于.., 使..负重”等, 主要用作及物动词。

Don’t weight the boat too heavily. 别把船装得太重。

In capitalist countries the labouring people are weighted down by heavy taxes. 在资本主义国家里, 劳动人民被重税压得喘不过气来。

3.Electrical energy is collected in the atmosphere as water is collected

and stored in a dam. 电能聚集在大气中, 就像水被拦住储存在大坝里一样。

1 )as 作为连词在这里引导一个方式状语。意思是“ 像, 如同”。

Just do as I am doing. 我怎么做, 你就怎么做。

Air is to man a s water is to fish.


An individual is to the revolution as a screw is to a machine.

一个人的作用, 对于革命事业来说, 就如一台机器上的螺丝钉。

2 )辨异: electric, electrical adj.


electric 意思是“ 电的, 导电的, 发电的, 带电的”。例如: an electric current 电流;an electric wire 电线;an electric generator 发电机;an electric light 电灯。electrical 意思是“ 与电有关的, 电气科学的”。例如: electrical engineering 电机工程学;electrical appliances factory 电工器材厂;electrical power equipment 电力机械;electrical equipment 电器。

4.It moves in much the same manner as the electric energy contained in the atmosphere. 电场的移动方式与大气中电能的移动方式相同。

1 )the same.as.和..一样, 像..一般

He is the same a ge as his wife. 他和他妻子同岁。

She uses the same scent a s you. 她用的香水和你的一样。

Our eggs are sold the same day as they come in.


2 )in the manner (of)照..的方式、作风、做法It is a painting in the ma nner of Raphael.


The trouble arose in this manner. 这种做法引起了那种麻烦。

3 )辨异: manner , manners, n.

这两个词一个是单数形式, 一个是复数形式, 但其含义却不尽相同。

manner 用作单数, 意思是“ 方法、方式、做法”,“ 态度、举止”等。

What is the best manner of doing it?做它的最佳方法是什么?

She has a charming manner of speaking. 她说话的方式很迷人。

His manner is offensive. 他的态度令人生厌。

manners 的含义为“ 礼节, 品行”,“ 生活习惯, 风俗”。

He has good manners. 他很有礼貌。

He got accustomed to the ma nners and customs of the country.


5.In the meantime, even those of us who are not scientists have begun

to pay attention to air.

与此同时, 我们这些不是科学家的人也已开始关注空气了。

1 )in the meantime 同时, 在此期间, 其时

He will be back in the mea ntime. 其时他将会回来吧。

In the meantime let us do the things we can.


2 )pay attention to 关心, 关注, 留意

Nobody paid attention to the warning. 没有人理会这一警告。

Please pay attention to these details. 请留意这些细节。

6.We realize that air does not contain the same elements that it contained

years ago. 我们也意识到空气中所含的成分与几年前不同。

1 )the same.that.与..一样, 与..相同

I use the same books that you do.


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