

How a number of people left the city,and the King did much kindness to them.

Many people left the city,and to many who had nothing wherewith to depart the king commanded to give all that was required for their journey.Here the King stayed some days,after having made all the arrangements that were necessary for the government of the city;and after repairing the walls he left behind him sufficient troops to guard the place,and took the road to the city of Bisnaga,where he was received with great triumphs,and great feasts were made and he bestowed bountiful rewards on his troops.

As soon as the festivals were ended he went to the new city;and,being there,they told him how there was entered an ambassador of the Ydallcao.Already he knew that an ambassador had come but he pretended that he did not know,since it is not customary for the King to send out to receive any ambassador (on his arrival).Since this ambassador was in the city of Bisnaga,knowing that the King was in the new city,which is two leagues from Bisnaga,he betook himself thither;and close to the city bade the people pitch his tent,which was the best and most beautiful and rich that up to that time had ever been seen in those parts.This ambassador was called Matucotam;he brought with him one hundred and fifty horse and much people to serve him and many pack animals,among which were certain camels.He brought also two of the scribes of the chamber of the Ydallcao,so that indeed you would believe that he had brought all the power of the Ydallcao "pera segumdo elle ficou desbaratado."[566]

As soon as he had thus settled himself the ambassador sent to inform the King of his arrival,and begged that His Highness would grant him an audience and despatch him without delay.The King replied that he would see him,[567]but told him that he should not be impatient since he himself had but now arrived,and that he would give him leave to depart as soon as the time had arrived.And with this the ambassador stayed there a month without the King having sought to see him,nor having asked to know why he had come;he went every day to the palace,and seeing the way in which the King acted towards him he determined to speak no more but to wait till the King summoned him.Still he never ceased to go every day to the palace and to speak with the nobles.One day the King sent to tell the ambassador that the following day was an auspicious day,and that he wished to hear him and learn wherefore he had come,and the ambassador made ready as it behoved him to present himself before so great a lord.As was fitting,considering his mission and the request he had to make,he was accompanied by many Moors whom the city contained,and had with him all his people with their trumpets and drums as was customary;and so he went to the palace,where he was received very honourably by the nobles and officers of the household.They seated themselves inside the first gate,awaiting there a message from the King giving permission to enter where he was,and there was no long delay before the command to admit him was given.His obeisance to the King having been made according to his mode and custom,the men of the council standing by the King's side,he was bidden to announce the terms of his embassy,the King being ready graciously to listen;and the ambassador,seeing that the King so commanded,delivered himself of his message in manner following,with the awed demeanour assumed by such envoys when they find themselves in presence of such great kings.

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